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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 7 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

    I know why i choose revenant. 

    To keep other tenno alive especially during SP/netracells. Where tenno who are -not- aware of what they are doing and i am to tired to run across the map playing rez bot. 

    I will simply press 2. And solve that problem for a time. 


    Is it lazy? ABSOLUTELY.

    Does it give peace of mind? For 5 stacks it does.

    Does it csrry tenno through missions? OH YES. 

    Revenant is the carry bot. Just like having a good wisp is. 

    Based, rare thing seeing someone who uses the augment 

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    It's not that I believed them, it's more that I know they're inconsistent. I knew the wording implied the allowance to release them later, but how do you know? You really don't, so if you're like me where exclusives are nice to have (especially some of the nicer cosmetics like the Ambassador Skin, color pickers, etc.), you're going to be buying a bundle that you know is designed to possibly burn you later. Until said item rereleases, you don't really have grounds for the correct feedback about their words being disingenuous or fleecing (you can only go off implications).

    It’s like Prime Access. All of this (to me personally) sounds like Prime Access. You buy in game items that can return at a later date, but you don’t know when it would return. 
    It’s just a marketing strat, taking advantage of the id (the “I want it now!” part of your brain). 
    You chose to get it knowing it can return… and it did. They never said it couldn’t return. 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    I know, it's the best thing I could think of, it's already happened to me twice when a garuda in defense didn't know she could deactivate the blood altar, one of those times it was me haha.

    I too am guilty of completely forgetting cancelling blood altars exists.

    I only remember during Defense when the last target is just some grineer on the altar, and the other Tenno just turn around and look at me like “You serious?” 

    • Like 1
  4. On 2024-02-22 at 12:27 PM, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    garuda blocking defense missions (I still don't understand why enemies controlled by Revenant don't block defense missions but Garuda's altar does.)

    Which even then is a terrible excuse considering you can cancel her blood altar. (Look at targeted victim, then click ability)

    Edit: Dang I just realized I bumped a two week thread just to add some more proof the claim was bs…

    My bad all

  5. 13 minutes ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

    I dont mind when my thralls get killed? I don't cry about it? So other people shouldn't worry and cry about killing Revs thralls.

    People ignore the fire pillars from dead thralls but, a large number of pillars closely grouped with overlapping AoEs actually does Alot Of Damage and can effectively lock down a corridor.

    So don't feel bad about slaughtering the thralls, it is neither unfortunate to cast or kill them.

    I just feel so dang guilty murdering the thrall. The Rev put so much work into breaking it’s overguard without killing it, then wasting energy for something that didn’t last 2 seconds.

    I’m also sad for the thrall, it’s probably like “Dude I’m enslaved to work for your side, why are you killing me?” 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

    I'm going to call horsepucky on number 2. Go into a high-level mission like Steel Path/Archon Hunt/Netracells with him and go afk for an extended time and get back to me how long it takes Rev to be downed, mesmur skin is not that good in high levels, most of the time all they'd be doing is recasting it or trying to keep it up with thralls but that still takes movement to do.


    Precisely, Nezha would take a lot longer to down if you start his third while being targeted. Rev just… dies while AFK. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    I'm not saying he's disrupting gameplay (but I do say that he can be irritating to play with, because his thralls both are unfortunate to kill and unfortunate to be cast in the first place, it's an irritating mechanic. I wouldn't call it disruptive, but it is sand paper)

    Mmm true true, I’ll give you that. I always feel bad killing an Eximus and realizing it was just a poor thrall. 


    3 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Some people definitely do "afk" with him (in quotes because people's definition varies), because you just have to press mesmer and then you can tab out while you let your team handle things.

    Very odd, at that point it wouldn’t be Mesmer skin doing anything, but the enemies simply not targeting him. If he were to afk in high level steel path… most likely wouldn’t even last 2 minutes. 


    4 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Immortality is problematic anyway you look at it, I don't like it, I think it's bad design, but I'm prepared to live with it IF he had other things to do besides that. He doesn't though, he's just immortal. (this isn't exactly true, there are things he can do with reave and stuff, but 99% of revenant players don't use those tools)

    Unfortunately, I agree, but that’s only because I don’t like immortality. It’s fine for Rev because he’s not the only one, just the easiest. Plenty of are similar to Rev, where you just click one button (with an actual setup for that) and forget you can get hit for some time, such as Nezha and Rhino. They aren’t full immortality, but they do have a gate mechanic (not sure about Rhino, but I think so) that prevents them from being one shot. It’s the same deal with Revenant.


    7 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    He's a crutch because a very low level player can take him into very high content, THAT is why he is a crutch - and yes they aren't dying, but they aren't contributing either because they are under-leveled, and that's the thing I'm starting to get pretty irritated by. They're using Revenant to tag along for free (leech) because otherwise they wouldn't be able to get through the content. He's a free ticket any SP mission you want to play as long as your team does all the work for you. You don't have to mod properly, you don't have to have good weapons, you don't have to contribute at all, you just have to show up and press mesmer, and this really isn't healthy and it's rather rude to the team too.

    Anyone can watch a YouTube video, get the “best” weapons with the mods in the video and just go into a random team and still suck. Those are meta players who don’t know how to mod… it is a crutch, but Rev is just one of those frames popular for being easy to use. Not downright broken, but not hard to master. This is why they use him.  
    Plus, I’m sure they also bring Rev just so they aren’t an annoyance in the team (such as my friend) for dying 24/7, at least Revenant can keep you from having to stop to revive them every single time. This statement also got me wondering if you would want a kick button…


    10 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    And yes... a Revenant with good weapons can contribute a lot. He's a weapons platform, that's basically what he is. So how much you contribute really depends on your weapons.

    Ah, I pretty much just said that before reading this part of it.

  8. 1 minute ago, Enxchiol said:

    randomized loadouts is unfortunately one of the very few ways DE can introduce any sort of challenge nowadays.

    I agree, but it’s worth noting it’s not the only ways

    They can launch more content that pushes you to aim at specific weak points in a game mode (or maybe against certain enemies). They could glow a faint orange to show you’re supposed to hit them. They could also take advantage of the mechanics they already have, such as parkour, and implement that into the game. 
    While it’s true there are few ways… it’s not the only way. It’s just the easy way out

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  9. He’s not even disrupting gameplay or promoting any sort of afk anything…if “immortality” is considered a crutch by Revenant, then go into a mission and test that immortality.

    Yes, I’m just asking you to go into a mission, cast Mesmer skin, and afk just to see how much of a crutch it truly is. 

    Sure it requires the bare minimum of investment and regulation… but not all frames need to be complicated in order to be tanky. He also requires a specific setup too, and toxin screws him a lot more than you think. 
    I don’t see the problem with him tbh

    • Like 6
  10. 16 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

    But Valkyr Prime is unvaulted permanently though? So that means it should never be released from the Vault?

    What they should do is swap out those frames in RJ with something like Ember Prime and Frost Prime so that Valkyr Prime and Nyx Prime can be put into that prime resurgence rotation.

    There’s a reason people don’t like railjack… adding other primes to it won’t change that. 
    Also, in regards to your question 


    56 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

    While Valkyr Prime is permanently unvaulted, both she and Nyx have been in the Prime Vault rotation before, and will most likely come back into rotation at a later date.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

    Also here we see the duality of the forums. On one hand, the camp that complain about things only offered for real money and not platinum (read: heirloom collection) and the other camp who complain when things initially thought to be obtainable only for real money are then made available for platinum.

    Just casually pointing out our hypocrisy 

    • Like 9
  12. 1 minute ago, Skoomaseller said:

    sometimes I forget not everyone has an R5 energize 🤦🏽 if energy is a concern you might wanna invest in a little efficiency, or Spellbound Harvest, but idk the effectiveness of that augment since I've never used it. 

    Could also do shards. Some shards give your frame a built in equilibrium if you’re low on mod space. 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, schilds said:



    In any case, DE can release things separately if they choose to, so I assume it will be available if/when DE choose.

    While Valkyr Prime is permanently unvaulted, both she and Nyx have been in the Prime Vault rotation before, and will most likely come back into rotation at a later date.

    • Like 1
  14. Hmmm, I use my classic build of “Quick thinking Garuda” because of I love going berserker. Doesn’t have much range, but enough power strength for a big concentrated boom from her period ball. 
    No melee for obvious reasons, but for the primary, I enjoy the Scourge Prime because I love spearguns. It also pushes me to hit headshots with all of my “on headshot mods.” I also use Nataruk… but I got no clue what’s meta so I wasn’t sure if I should include it. Nataruk is probably my favorite though, I added high fire rate to make it harder to hit the “perfect shot,” but it also makes the bow smoother to use. 
    For secondary I love the Knell Prime. Nothing competes

  15. 7 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    I’m not sure what you mean by regulating who gets to attack the target, though I do like shotguns because they’re a big oomph of damage on one enemy, particularly in the face, so I’ll often have mine built to take out a priority target and use other parts of my kit to either enhance it or to take out the less-tough ones. I’ve been meaning to play around with really big spread to turn shotguns into AoE, that seems like fun.

    Ah, I was referring to a “choke point” obviously more common in shooters or pvp, but it’s in Warframe too. Basically certain tilesets alllow enemies to come from a certain direction moreso than another direction. You can use that as a choke point to regulate where they’re coming from to make it easier to pick them off. It’s kind of like disruption (as that’s the only node I can think of that really highlights choke point importance).

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  16. 1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

    I like single target because it’s satisfying to pop critical spots, and I’ll often tune my snipers to really reward headshots while not really doing much on a body shot, but I use stuff like AoE to soften up a group of bad guys for picking off or taking advantage of their weakened state through abilities like Nekros (one of the better incarnations of the concept of “Collect and use your enemies against each other” necromancer; usually games give necros generi-skeletons or ghoul with nothing of the original enemy) and potentially kill weaker enemies in the group, though obviously I can just load up on damage as an option.

    I do almost completely that too, single target usually, but occasionally a period ball to go boom after ramping up enough damage. I especially love bows with argon scope or something (On headshot procs are satisfying). CC with Nekros to cause chaos? I see.


    3 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    I’d get behind that, though I’m guessing it’d be like a “Here’s how it’s meant to be played, but there’s ways around that”. Stealth is one of those things where you gotta be willing to slow down, though knowing this game there’ll be options to not have to be so sneaky (I think that’s not necessarily a problem, mind you), partly because of how tedious it might become to always have to super stealth, and partly because of the complaining I’d expect would happen

    True, I’m thinking this can happen in a Fortuna setting. Where you have to quote out enemies without triggering the alarms before getting to some switch or something idk. Triggering alarms turns the entire section into a minefield of traps (add some parkour skills needed), less so extra enemies to hit. Resetting the alarms and killing the remainder enemies could bring you back to the “normal” part of the mission. Could also add an incentive to keep on doing stealth kills, such as higher multiplier for stealth… OR ENEMIES BEING IMMUNE TO THINGS THAT AREN’T FINISHERS. Idk just some rocky brainstorming. 

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  17. 26 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    I guess you could try the Argonak build I referenced earlier in this topic; it’s nothing fancy, but it’s not meant to be either. Straightforward Serration and 90/90 Radiation, accessible without needing to potato the gun due to innate polarity, no conditional frills, does a job with its damage types and status effects and performs accordingly against different enemies and their different weaknesses/resistances, and you can do whatever you want with the remaining capacity. Personally I’d take it to like the first few rounds of Arbitration to preserve that slot and capacity build freedom, knowing full well that’s pushing it, but you could try shooting some level 50 enemies with it and you may find it more your speed in that content (or lower, obviously)

    I see, I wonder what would happen if I push more towards “on headshot” mods such as argon scope. No multishot, just straight up headshots… hmm something to try out later. 


    29 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    Oh for sure, though I’m not entirely sure what constitutes a niche meme build. One of the things this game lets me do is stupid builds that other games would frown upon because they’re so tight with their balance, and not only does this game let me do it, it rewards me with even more stuff to use in potentially more stupid ways.


    Hear me out, low duration Chroma. Instead of getting buffs then never looking at his abilities, you can push towards what stats you’d rather have at the moment. This is specifically good for elemental ward, considering you can’t change it during the duration. You can choose to have higher armor for a few seconds for quick tanking, or higher health, or you can choose the QoL reload speed when you need it (I’m talking real low duration). His vex armor could be used moreso as a high panic burst of power. When pressured you can activate it (when losing health to fulfill an actual “panic button”) to get a buff to take out an Eximus. With low duration you’re most likely going to have high efficiency, so the fourth can be used as a little companion to help you out.

    It’s not a niche idea, but it is considered undesirable. A true niche idea could be an Ivara with Loki subsume. She can fire an arrow at the decoy drawing everyone’s attention to it, but confusing them (no Decoy). Then you can just chill and stealth kill with sleep arrow as a panic (but you wouldn’t need it through a bamboozle combination of her noise arrow+decoy). Wait… I’m going to try that. 
    I’ve tried the max range Vauban, there’s just something about ragdolling enemies in his vortex that’s so… satisfying. 
    Another thing I want to do is max range Grendel for bowling. I want to be able to eat enemies, then spit them out on a group and watch them fly. 

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