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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 10 hours ago, trst said:

    Or players could just test builds in-game instead of requiring a testing environment. It's how everyone got by and even how the wiki was made before the Simulacrum was added.

    Can’t change my build mid game though, that is what I like about simulacrum. 

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

    If you actually want DE to do something, you'll want to put this in the Feedback section; devs generally don't read General Discussion.

    This is already in the feedback section, so I thought I’ll put it in the most active part of the forum to gain attention. (Not this post specifically btw)

  3. 1 minute ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    The reason Mario will (legally) be limited to the switch, is because they are not just selling Mario, but the switch. This is the same with Sackboy, as it is with the current state of streaming services. They are consolidating content in order to get people to come to their platform or storefront.

    Mmmm, that makes sense. I guess the same could be made for some exclusives. They want you to buy a switch to get the switch items (same with Xbox and PlayStation) it’s not exactly geared to just linking. This is the same with Amazon Prime. They want you to have Amazon Prime in order to get the exclusives. 


    3 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    or the idea of being able to market off of the diffrent consoles (jesus christ this poltergeist will haunt warframe forever), it may be another selling point in of itself for people to try the playstation with a completionist mindset.

    I do hope Warframe releases content for all platforms going forward due to cross save, 


    4 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    I may have sounded rushed; I have to go for the time being.

    A shame, I thought this was a productive conversation. Brainstorming what can or can’t work and whatnot

  4. 2 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    With CP slowly rolling out (albeit a mountain of bugs with it), you now have people with console-exclusive skins on other platforms, especially PC

    Most of those have their separate contracts as stupid as it is (F Founders). I believe DE would’ve made those exclusives available if they could. Only reason they didn’t is because they can’t.


    4 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    The idea of making them tradable would benefit playstation in that people would actually consider linking accounts there just to buy the skins and packs, in order to port them to other consoles and accounts.

    It would seem like it, but companies don’t think things through. For example, Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when being too restrictive with their platinum. Now, no one wants to buy platinum on switch. They certainly weren’t thinking smartly, only greedily.(Eugh that sentence sounds off) 


    6 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    They are still categorically an exclusive even if they are made tradable, as the only players on PC that would have them in stock are ones who linked accounts from playstation, or someone who traded for a skin.

    That would seem to make sense, but I guarantee if they ever implemented this idea, it would still be locked only to PlayStation (as the obsidian skins are platform locked). 


    9 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    As for what is being sold, it would be individual skins, which would be lucrative for the sheer fact that oftentimes, players buy the pack wanting a particular thing, and are willing to resell the other unwanted things for a sizable pile of plat based on its FOMO. Some will be diamond hands with their skins, but enough will like the prospect of trading them out for plat.

    I’m almost certain that outside of Paladins, that’s not how money bundles work. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    Check the steam community marketplace by searching up "warframe"... There is an obscure existence which is a set of skins that players can buy and sell for steam store monies. They are called the Phased collection.

    As for tennogen, since it is a contract between a bunch of individual devs and warframe in a cookie-cutter contract before they even publish to workshop, it would be a logistical nightmare to change terms for workshop items... So no, I agree that would be a bad idea, and that's not what I meant (plus those skins are pretty much available till beyond the foreseeable future, so theres no point).

    Woah, that’s new info. I learn something every day, thanks for the clarification


    6 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    Pride? this is Corposium! Pride is a distant second to profit, and the prospect of Sony banking on the same thing twice and potentially drawing players to playstation would be worth a rewritten contract. And this is the same for all other consoles. It would almost be an addition to the contract once each of the involved parties would get their sizable slice of the refurbished digital pie.


    You know how it goes, it’s the same reason you can’t play Sackboy on Switch, or Mario on PC. Companies love their exclusives. 

  6. Just now, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    What I am proposing is the idea to allow a lot of those skins to be made tradable. I am not proposing for the skins to be re-released in a package, as that would be a bit of a dropkick on the people who bought the packs already on the premise of colossal FOMO timegating. Instead, the current owners of the skin would be given the option to sell the skins for plat to other players. and because the skins would be limited in supply far below demand, they would of course be at very high plat numbers (which would benefit both the people willing to sell and DE because of course).

    Ahhh, but that’s the thing. If they’re tradable would they only be tradable in the platform in which they were available? If you traded it so someone else would it still only be available in the same platform as it was bought? Does DE allow payed content to be directly traded outside of platinum? No, you can’t outright trade skins, only platinum for it. Plus, didn’t it come in a bundle? What would it’s market priced be considered? Inflation is guaranteed. 
    The shot important question though, is does this benefit Sony? If not, what’s the point of Sony doing it? There not making money, if anything they’re losing out on a platform exclusive. They’d be livid after agreeing for an exclusive, just for DE to suggest otherwise. 
    Anyway, that’s my two cents on it. It would be great, but these are probably the reason why

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    The Oberon Obsidian skin. An alarming amount of time-limited skins from non-pc platforms wink out of existence.

    4 hours ago, Aruquae said:

    Dang, I feel you. I personally want the Ivara Obsidian skin, but I don’t have a PlayStation. 


    1 minute ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    Contracts can be rewritten.

    While this is true, it takes time. Plus pride plays a part in it. If Sony didn’t let Warframe do it originally, they’re probably going to be stubborn for a few years. Also, not sure DE could bring back exclusives if they specified it. Some people could’ve gotten it specifically for FOMO. The legal ties go with DE, Sony, and the purchasers all wrapped into terms created, a contract. Apologies, I went Zhongli on you for a second. 


    4 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    We already have an obscure precedent in the form of the phased skins, but that was most likely easier because it was probably already in the contract with steam.

    Are you referring to Tennogen? If so, then ye it was a part of the contract. This is a good example with the legal bindings. DE would’ve had to get permission from Steam (because that’s the platform Tennogen is made on) along with the creator of Tennogen (both have to agree for it to work). 
    Unless there are other “phased skins” that I got no clue about, which is completely possible. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    I can't play anything else 😅I have 90% usage on Excalibur + Excalibur Umbra



    5 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    That's the real issue. It's like exalted weapons are being gimped on purpose by not adding the features that regular weapons get.

    That is exactly what I was trying to point out, as i’ve said before “What is the point of having a “strong melee” to take up an ability if they’re constantly shafted whenever melee gets content?” 


    6 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    Sure, if you want max damage, look elsewhere. I just enjoy the way it plays, so that's why I stick with it.

    Not looking for max damage (damage cap is overrated), I’m just looking for enough damage to suffice that doesn’t involve me building exclusively for one ability. 


    7 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    I like using Exalted Blade exclusively with a regular melee weapon as a backup. However, if you don't, then it should be possible to make some kind of sane build for using both, yes.

    I’m just going to mark this as me not typing clear enough, because I agree. That is exactly what I was trying to say. I want to be able to use my normal melee, and my exalted melee. Not sacrificing normal melee to boost what should’ve been a (seemingly) more powerful version of a melee. OR Using a normal melee, but not an exalted just because it’s worthless outside of a very specific loadout. I like being able to switch exalted normal on the fly, you know?

  9. 1 minute ago, Thorham said:

    Aren't Desert Wind's stats better?

    Ehhhh, pure impact with high crit. Still impact though, which has seen better days. 


    1 minute ago, Thorham said:

    Same for Exalted Blade. The blade has to hit enemies to gain combo.

    Um… I think one of us misread it. Doesn’t exalted blade already hit enemies in order to deal the brunt of it’s damage? I meant Baruuk’s Desert Wind’s waves don’t count for combo. 


    2 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    However, you should be able to do better than having trouble against a 115 corrupted butcher with a more basic build.

    Really, without the augment+stat stick+strength, Desert Wind is just underwhelming. I can’t say much on Exalted Blade (as I never use Excalibur), but I think you can agree it would be nice to use an actual melee, and an exalted weapon, instead of choosing one or the other. 

    2 minutes ago, Raikh said:

    As someone who lived and breathed Exalted Blade Excal for a considerable amount of time: No, they are not worth using nowdays compared to a regular Melee if you can build your regular Melee to its full extend purely from a dmg potential angle. The dmg just doesn't scale nearly as high with them lacking partialy access to Melee Combo Multipliers, Acolyte Mods, Rivens and now also Arcanes and they potentially also need to make some modding sacrifices for Tennokai where regular Melees just eat 1-2 more Formas they didnt need previously.

    Why would I dedicate my entire build to using an Exalted, when I could instead run a Melee Weapon with someone like Kullervo? Its not like its a fair comparison to measure an entire build/loadout to just one sharp stick. Baruuk's Desert Wind is still the best out of the bunch and feels respectable, but it still starts seeing problems earlier than a well built regular Melee with an appropriate Warframe behind it.

    Exalted Weapons can be "forced" to do enough, but it feels like playing with a handicap more often than not, which is steadily sapping away the novelty of them and its getting worse rather than better with time as more melee features are added and they keep being exlcuded from them.
    I was once excited when I heard a new Exalted Frame is coming because I love these Weapons conceptually, nowadays I dread the fate of a new Warframe coming with one.


    THANK YOU, you put my entire perspective on exalted weapons into words. @Thorham, this is what I was referring to.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    What Warframes need a rework? which heavily implies that you think his kit is weak or dysfunctional (which couldn't be farther from the truth).

    Agreed, it seems OP confused usage with dysfunctionality. I can see their reasoning with underwhelming frames such as Caliban, but again, Caliban is both unpopular and dysfunctional.

    Edit: In other words, is it Unpopular because it’s dysfunctional, or is it unpopular because it’s underwhelming (such as old Grendel)

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    I always take the Default Mods option.

    Ahhh well. Three things could’ve happened

    1. The default mods were put on a sucky weapon, or just a sucky combo for a weapon (such as high crit on a status weapon). So your damage was screwed that run

    2. You didn’t get good decrees prior. Decrees are everything in this mode, they turn a Stug into a Laetum. 
    3. DE recognized how OP you were, and had to try their best to nerf you. 

    • Like 2
  12. 14 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    Just tried a simple Exalted Blade crit build with no strength, no augment, no arcanes and no archon shards. Level 115 void SP is doable.

    Doable? How long does it take? I guess your forma-ing payed off. Also, comparing exalted blade to desert wind isn’t a good idea for two reasons.

    1. Different stats (really negligible though)

    2. Exalted blade can deal better combo damage compared to desert wind. The waves for desert wind don’t count for combo. 


    15 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    But how much damage do you really need? You only really need yellow crits on regular SP missions.

    Enough damage to kill an enemy… shouldn’t strong weapons be actually strong? This isn’t so much about “I want big pp damage” it’s more about why I have to sacrifice pretty much an entire loadout just to make ONE ability strong. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    I am not on Steel Path, I don't even have Steel Path unlocked.

    I've done like 10 runs of DE whilst solo, 4 of them yesterday trying to do the Nightwave thing for the Puzzles. The two this morning were significantly harder both open world and undercroft for some weird reason. Like 3x the difficulty, easy.

    Could also be your modded weapons/frame versus unmodded weapons/frame.  

    • Like 2
  14. 14 hours ago, PoppyPrince said:

    i am tired of repeating it, but still, most of my questions come not from "this frame is weak" but from "well, as you see, nobody/extremelly little % of players uses it, what's their problem is they are so cool?"

    What Tiltskillet said, along with of course they’re going to have low usage stats if they’re new. When Lavos released in (2020 was it?) he had the lowest usage rate of all the warframes. That wasn’t because he was unpopular, but because he was only available for the last week of the year (plus people were still farming him).

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Thorham said:

    What do you mean by 'by themselves'?

    Without stat sticks+strength+augment+anything else I forgot. I just want them to at least be on par with normal melee (because they can function by themselves without sacrificing anything)


    2 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    You shouldn't have to. One strength mod + Helminth Empower should be plenty.

    True, augment also plays a big role… which is fine because it opens up  new playstyle, but at the same time… that is the brunt of his damage. Also, that’s the thing why do I need to much strength just for it to be decent? (Also use pillage for the sweet shield tanking, so can’t do empower). 


    3 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    Does it really need that?

    Shockingly, yes. The difference is amazing, red crits are so satisfying. 


    4 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    Ha ha ha, one forma, I think I have nine or ten on my Excalibur Umbra (including Exalted Blade) 🤣

    Fr, my Baruuk probably already hit the double digits, let alone his desert wind. 

  16. 6 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Once again , you are free to your opinions.

    Agreed, I’m fine with weapons having a “gimmick” to boost whatever they do. Shedu leaves a bomb when at an empty mag, which pushes me to empty the mag. Sirocco gets extra reload speed+damage on a perfectly timed reload… which is satisfying. Sirocco should be a Warframe gun. Got off topic

    I’m fine with adding gimmicks to guns, just not so much if it feels punishing (unless it just makes sense, such as that Cycron idea) I like the idea of overheating. Maybe the Warframe can do an “Ow, hot” animation 

    Edit: But of course, we are all entitled to our opinion

    • Like 1
  17. Just now, Thorham said:

    You really need a proper setup, yes. Desert Wind is supposed to be stronger than Exalted Blade and my Exalted Umbra Blade Build rips through SP missions unless it's hours long endurance runs, and my build isn't anything special.

    Yea, I was just making that post to highlight how dependent one of the “strongest exalteds” are by themselves. I don’t want to sacrifice all of those mods slots on Baruuk (purely for strength, when I would like some efficiency+duration for 1 and 2), along with wasting a melee for a gladiator stat stick because that thing is… sucky with combo to say the least. 
    A simple “1 or more forma” wouldn’t work in this situation, as it needs more than forma. 
    Did that make sense? I kind of rambled

  18. 3 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    Strange... which level?

    Hepit on Void, so a simple level 115. I know with a proper setup it can do it’s fair share of damage, but alone… it’s not even worth it. I tried doing a viral-heat combo (before I had augment) along with Umbral mods and crit (but no combo mods). 

    Edit: Eugh, I said “A simple level 115” ignore that, I was just putting that in perspective to some of the other void nodes on SP. 

  19. 15 hours ago, Uhtan said:

    yea i know that . im clearly implying that i cant stop them from moving at all . more then 50% of demos i tried to lockdown lately kept moving while tethered even on the first cast 

    Try a high fire rate cold secondary. Applying a ton of cold stacks on the demolyst is better than CC abilities. They can’t nullify it. TADA

    I use cold Kuva Nukor, but anything with high fire rate+status works 

  20. 9 hours ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    Just today, I realized there was an Oberon skin that was in a purchasable pack that has already long past it's availability on a platform I have never played Warframe on, that I would have tried to buy in a heartbeat if I could. A big problem with items being sold in limited-time deals, especially on other platforms, is that it is difficult to even realize they are being sold, or that they have a limited time; by the time this is internalized, those items are gone and gone for good for anyone but a small group of people who bought them.

    You know the specific name of the skin? It might’ve been an exclusive. And if it’s an exclusive (like the Heirloom) then it’s probably not coming back unless said otherwise. 


    9 hours ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    Similar to aura helmets, could time exclusive Warframe/Weapon skins be made tradable? This shouldn't step on the toes of anyone who already has the skin/s in question, and rather it could be helpful as a means of allowing players to trade unwanted skins for potentially enormous amounts of plat.

    Aura helmets were never truly a part of the “PC” only content. They just happened to be on only PC until DE’s like “You know, these items shouldn’t exist.”

    9 hours ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

    I am wearing it on my sleeve: I really Really REALLY want that Oberon skin in question. I am sure there is enough players out there that also feel this strongly for one skin or another.

    While I agree others probably want the same thing, legal ties don’t let things slide just because we want it. 

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