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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. Just now, Qorvex99 said:

    I Don't even have the energy for that tbh he's just petty

    Dang it, blocking exists

    You guys can block each other, just saying

    In regards to the post… I’m fine with the augment considering it’s optional, but your idea could also work. Instead of a “press interact to go on Merulina” I would rather it be a “hold ability to jump on Merulina.” The reason being is I don’t want to try to interact with a console just to hop on Merulina. It would be nice to still ve able to still board Merulina with the augment, just so I can pick and choose for tilesets (lower tilesets, better to not use Merulina etc.).

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Merkranire said:

    They got rid of the “tossing enemies around” thing from his sandstorm?

    Great, another gathering ability

    Don’t forget they added corrosive procs

    I swear… they’re adding corrosive everywhere now…

    Edit: Guess he always had them, 

    • Like 1
  3. On 2024-02-22 at 10:13 AM, ReddyDisco said:

    Multi million slash proc khora whipcalw begs to differ, haven't found a  regular melee weapon that comes close

    Aside from it being a pseudo exalted… take the melee away and what kind of damage can it do?

    It’s not the whipclaw that’s doing the brunt of the damage, I can tell you that. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

    Not really in SP since it’s nonsense, but elsewhere I do because I like building my gear for roles (whether that’s to take advantage of damage types or status effects), and trying to overpower damage resistances can end up more costly in terms of free slots and capacity compared to spreading damage types across the loadout

    Pretty much this, yea

    If something has a heavy resistance, I'm just going to cave in and use their weakness (such as a very specific elemental combo). Most of the time I'm just too lazy to swap.

    • Like 3
  5. 13 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    New Tennokai mod idea:

    Container's Reach

    Enables Tennokai. Tennokai chance increased by 100%, range increased by 10m, but the activation window is delayed until there are no enemies within 20m.

    Soooo… a normal Tennokai mod then?

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, Thorham said:

    There's nothing subtle about it. It's both clearly visible and audible. Even with large numbers of enemies I can clearly see and hear the indicator and never miss a tennokai opportunity. Your buddy needs to step up his game.

    Agreed, that noise is so satisfying to hear when proccing, it, and the symbol is so large and annoying when you keep it hovering there. Nothing subtle about it

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Nira said:

    Uhh you know you can "pick up" Volt shields and carry them with you? Go up to it and use context action, it'll stay hovering in front of you as a personal shield.

    I may or may not have completely forgot about that. 
    I will keep the post unedited to show how creative minds can still be dumbasses. 
    In reference to the information I neglected… treating that as Garuda’s shield on my build will be so much better for survivability. 
    Edit: Also thanks for the correction 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Qorvex99 said:

    I didn't leave any room for survivability other than capacitance so I invested in azure shards to give my volt prime health and armor. (to elaborate I have shields. but I'm still scared of toxin damage and procs, that's why I never run a shield frame without some health/armor investment.)

    Yea the only actual survivability outside of the augment is adaptation for extra shield tanking (and maybe slightly more milliseconds alive without shields, but barely)

    The key is a lot of range+decent strength with a little duration.

    I feel you with the armor shards, the amount of times I died to a random toxic cloud before those archon shards is… embarrassing. 

    1 hour ago, Qorvex99 said:

    my question I guess was, if I don't want to use shock trooper or a damage buff subsume, how good is electric shield as a damage buffing ability on it's own? 2x CD and stacking electric damage seems very powerful.

    Oh it is powerful as a buffing, the only reason I don’t use it is because it requires me to be stationary. You could dance around the shield though. I would say mix and match the build to fit your preference. (I also use his 1 to proc archon stretch for extra energy during the “early game”)

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:


    Update. My weird speed run Volt build. (Put it on overframe because Companion app build looks weird UI wise)

    You will be confused seeing this

    This is actually my funny build I used Pre-Gyre, then when she released I just left my poor Volt. (Used to have Protea helminth, but nourish makes it so much easier)

    Hear me out, this is a speed spamming, shield tanking thing. I used this for CC, shield tanking, and speed, lots of speed. 
    I also use shards, two amber for casting speed, two crimson for duration, and one azure for extra shields. 
    The key is to constantly use your abilities (for I love spamming abilities, it’s a thing) to CC enemies, while also getting a ton of overshields from the augment in large groups. 
    Standing still kills you, (shields aren’t as tanky even with adaptation). Single target can also kill you (less overshields generated) to fix this I swap adaptation with rolling guard for bosses.

    In large groups it grants a you a few seconds of breathing room with discharge, more breathing room with overshields+adaptation, along with a temporary stun.

    As you know, electricity isn’t good without armor strip in Steel Path, so I decided to go for the CC part of it. 
    Questions? I’m not sure if I missed anything. 

    Edit: I knew I forgot something. I used Zenurik for the jump on energy early game, but then it’s unneeded once the build “ramps up”

  10. 2 minutes ago, (NSW)RELLGAMESOOOBAD said:

    It can do insane DMG with good missing good DPS and give. Great cc

    Understandable, with those points you’re completely right. I barely used Excalibur (a week total in my life?) but Thorham pointed out how strong it can be. I’ll take both of your words for it. 
    I should try Excalibur more, see what this sword slashing dopamine spree is all about. 

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