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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 2 minutes ago, MarsInAres said:

    Mmmm forbidden seafood.


    Also even more evidence, Natah LITERALLY has lobster/crab pinchers

    Nooooo! Now I’m wondering what Natah would be. Does she taste like crab, or lobster? 
    Dang it now it’s extending to Caliban, does he taste like seafood? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Turritopsis_Dohrnii said:

    I thought it would help clarify what "need" was since I play Warframe rather differently but still haven't really ran into problems after my many years in playing.

    Ohhh I see I see, thanks for the clarification 

    • Like 1
  3. Got some ideas

    We could go the Fortnite route where platinum is kept on the console/PC you got it form originally, or we could go the route where plat will be shared among all consoles/PC. I’m leaning more so towards the second because they confirmed they’re trying to add cross platform trading. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, -Krism- said:

    Stropha has infinite enemy punch-through, I suggest you at least try it once; aim right at center mass, & heavy attack (With a radiation, heavy attack build of course)

    Radiation? I’ll try that, thanks

    Nira also spawns clouds on the actual frame when she spots them. Doesn’t matter where she is, it’s quite annoying. 


    1 minute ago, -Krism- said:

    My I.Toxocyst deals plenty of damage, even if not fully built yet, sometimes he just decides to get invincible when I just entered the room, like dude, chill for a sec, I'm not even close to you :/

  5. 1 minute ago, Famecans said:

    try again, write that the boss is bugging spheres inside the wall.



    2 minutes ago, Famecans said:

    everyone is talking about damage and ways to kill

    And yea, that’s really the only solution to the spamming invulnerability phases. You have to kill fast to mitigate the spam. Which is why I recommended Phenmor. 

    1 hour ago, Malikili said:

    A small AOE secondary to destroy the pyramid helps too.

    AOE secondary to bypass the walls. I use it for those terrible times it clips.
    Dang it people, read and connect responses to a post

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

    You didn't read my post

    My problem is him using his invincibility abilities every 3 seconds, even multiple at the same time, them getting bugged through walls, & me getting stuck in the terrain because of his vortex

    I read the post, and I was referring to this


    1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

    The way the vortex always manages to lock me into a corner & getting stuck unable to move, even bullet jumping or void dashing with the Operator doesn't work, my frame is still stuck in the terrain, with the camera freaking out inside it, rendering me completely blind

    Invis frame will make sure the vortex never targets you. The tank frame is optional depending on if you die when getting locked in place. I also previously responded saying an AOE secondary is ideal for those glitch in terrain pyramids. I also recommended Phenmor because of the strong, fast consistent damage that can stop Boreal from spamming too much. 
    I did read the post, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. The spamming invulnerability is the only thing you can’t control but you can regulate by, as stated above, using something that can quickly deal with Boreal. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

    As for my weapons, I already said I had the Stropha for the birds, which one-shots their canisters, & as shown in the picture, the Incarnon Toxocyst, still building it

    Then it’s simply a matter of not getting hit, or being tanky enough to get hit.

    Invis frame if you don’t have a reliable tank frame is ideal 

  8. 10 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    The process I described was the process to obtain a Lich to hunt, not to clear the Lich. The process to obtain a Lich is not exactly an accidental "trip and fall and spawn a Lich" ... there are many steps.

    So anyone complaining about having a Lich should not have literally gone out of their way to spawn it. And spawning it also means you can defeat it since you killed enough enemies in 60 seconds. 

    That's the point of that hurdle. If your frame and weapons were too weak it would be impossible to get enough kills to spawn.

    Ahhh yea got it. Agreed it is quite simple when you realize it. DE just needs to actually tell players about that. 

  9. The worst part for me is the summons. The fact that you have to hit a certain spot that takes up too much ammo is exhausting. Especially when they’re arms block more than half the shots. I solved it with Stropha, which made everything else a breeze. May I ask what weapons you’re using? I recommend Phenmor. A small AOE secondary to destroy the pyramid helps too. If you have Loki, he makes everything a breeze (based on distant observation). 

    1 minute ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    Amar is very annoying with his multi-clone jutsu

    Codex scanners highlight the actual one


    1 minute ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    Nira is very annoying with her invisibility and healing

    I agree her healing sucks 

    • Like 1
  10. On 2023-11-05 at 8:13 AM, SDGDen said:

    have a way to "report" players for unplayable ping, with multiple reports they should automatically be opted out of hosting (i dont mean to ban them obviously. often times bad ping is beyond their control) 

    No, this can’t work. This is just shaming people on whatever platform they’re on. The last thing I need is realizing I can’t host with my other switch buddies simply because I’ve been reported for giving others trash connection. That would suck 


    On 2023-11-05 at 8:13 AM, SDGDen said:


  11. 6 hours ago, Turritopsis_Dohrnii said:

    I'm an MR 6 Pre-Quills Hydroid only player that can function in level 150+ enemy Defense, Survival, Railjack, Disruption, Steel Path (When I had access to that) ect. content with no access to Rivens, Shards, Focus abilities, and other caveats Pre and Post Hydroid rework. We really don't need an augment slot.

    Genuine question

    Why all the information before the claim?

  12. On 2023-11-05 at 8:53 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    The player has to... (1) spawn a thrall with enough kills in a minute (2) defeat the thrall, then (3) go up to it and do a finisher.

    If you can kill enough in 60 seconds to spawn and defeat and actively finish your thrall, what are you complaining about?

    Got spectres?

    You’re forgetting the sheer amount of relics you need to crack and the guessing you have to do in order to get the correct order (dang order order).

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

    An in-game Wiki sounds kinda dumb tbh. But we could sure use some god damn tutorials for literally anything.

    Anything to explain anything 

    The amount of new players that come to the game not knowing anything because the game simply doesn’t say anything. Not to mention some high MR that also don’t know some things because they never explain said things is sad. 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Waeleto said:

    That would involve them removing all the augment mods no ? a lot of people bought them with plat so idk how they'd feel

    No, just the smaller augments like energy transfer

    The game changing ones like Nekros would stay, the band-aids would go
    Or better yet just fix the ones that are band-aids

  15. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Why would DE do it themselves, when the community does it for them without even having to ask?

    Same logic for why Bethesda games have always been piles of buggy crap. Why fix issues, when the modding community will do it for them?

    I'm sad how this is so accurate

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