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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 6 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    What Oberon needs is being an eximus drop again. There was no good reason to put him behind railjack.

    Fr it’s not a coincidence that most frames have low usage and come from railjack

    We got Sevagoth, Oberon, Ash, Valkyr Prime, Nyx Prime

    And I never see them, and nobody ever talks about them (with the exception of that thread about Valkyr)

  2. I could see them reducing the range

    The cap at 10 stacks was a good starting point, but reducing the range can help mitigate the sheer nuking capabilities. And people can still nuke with thermal sunder, but they need to move. Could also put some sort of casting delay, isn’t it hold to create heat? There could be a subsumed delay when reversing for heat. I say this because when reversing a battery’s power, it should take time. 
    Overall hearing about Thermal Sunder Garuda’s makes me so triggered because her nuking capabilities are far superior to thermal sunder spam… it’s just redundant, and stupid. Harrow I can see, but a nuke frame already? Come on people

    • Like 2
  3. On 2023-11-16 at 7:13 AM, ----Legacy---- said:

    Same been happening about once or twice per week to me, not a big deal bit still annoying that it's been a thing for so long.

    You're right, but that doesn't release DE from their responsibility on the matter. I mean, just like we come here to provide feedback and report issues or seek for assistance with DE's software (warframe), one would expect DE to do the same when invisioncommunity"s software is consistently showing issues for a reallt extended period of time, and even more if they're making use of it with a license (a paid one, i'd assume).

    True, there is such a thing as DE reporting the problem (if they can’t fix it) to those who actually can fix it.

    Edit: I seemed… to have found a solution? 
    A dumb solution, but I was just logged out after sending the previous message, and instead of logging back in on the forums, I went to the Warframe website, then clicked forums… and it worked…?

    I can’t tell if this is a one time thing, but anyone who wants to test if it works can try it. 
    Granted this solution doesn’t solve the problem, but it does keep my from typing my freakishly long password over and over again. 

    Edit: Nah it was a one time thing

  4. 7 minutes ago, Melles64 said:

    Around 14 pounds

    Good God guess you also got something to use for weightlifting. 


    8 minutes ago, Melles64 said:

    Double checked and actually found a sketch of her on the same page as Hydroid (giving myself a nasty paper cut in the process handle this thing carefully jeez)

    Huh, I take it back. Fitting to cut yourself on Garuda’s part ngl (though you should bandage that, paper cuts are known to be quick towards infection).

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Melles64 said:

    I do not really feel comfortable fulfilling these requests, even if I could find what you wanted. That feels like reproducing the artbook for you guys, and I don't think that would be allowed, and it was not my intention with this topic. I had opened it to a random early page to capture the experience of the lectern, not to show off those specific pages. I apologize.

    Completely understand, in hindsight that probably wasn’t a good request anyway. I am curious though, how much does it weigh? When they showed it during tenncon it was massive. Unless of course I’m confusing it with another book. 


    4 minutes ago, Melles64 said:

    I did not see anything for Garuda, it's a pretty large book and I'm a bit busy, so it's possible I just overlooked it.

    Scammed her out of her lore, and dissed her from the pages smh

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    This leaves a bitter taste on the tongue.

    I'm retiring faster than a primitive bug gets fixed.

    This primitive bug is like a cockroach (another primitive bug). You can never get rid of them.

    Also happened again


  7. 13 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Oh I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with shields on steel path...high level steel path, void fissures, etc...but I wasn't using nourish so maybe the lack of damage is why,

    Well if you’re struggling shields you could go full toxin on your weapons

    No point in damaging shields when you can simply ignore it, am I right? (Don’t answer that)


  8. 9 hours ago, dangerdragon117 said:

    is anyone else having connectivity issues?

    it takes a long time to connect, and then I get "community availability issues"

    anyone know whats going on?

    I noticed this too

    Specifically with players helping players

    General discussion works fine, but players helping players never loads


  9. 4 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

    no i also fight them because i am a little troublemaker picking fights with things 500x my size

    Then if you get downed you got orphan children to help you (not relating to a certain quest or anything)


    6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Considering the open world resources are consistently used in new content, [insert any future content here].

    New Archwing? (Copium)

    In all truth, I fight them whenever I can. Just hearing them gives me fishing PTSD.

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    I totally agree.

    And she is one of the best Eidolon hunters.

    Trinity just need some small changes as some more duration, not a rework.

    Sometimes small buffs are the only thing frames need

    I remember people complaining about Harrow being weak/needing tweaks. Then DE just gave him a built in preparation, and that was the end of that. 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    no. are you talking about "Switch console"???????????????????????????????????????????????????

    if yes: check what DLSS technology is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    I know what DLSS is… it’s just that I don’t have it on switch…? I got the old switch. 
    Unless you’re referring to the fact that switch can do it, but an actual PC can’t, in which case is quite sad. Sad for switch actually being better than a PC when running something that is. 

    Just now, Naroxas44 said:

    @Venus-Venera This is unrelated to the topic about plague star but DLSS is generally used with RTX 2XXX series and above cards (with people claiming tensor cores are slightly used for these upscaling workloads); given how old the switch is, the Tegra X1 it has is not capable of using DLSS. Panic button, who originally helped develop the NSW build of Warframe, just used dynamic resolution scaling at the time: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2018-warframe-switch-tech-analysis .

    Some games (like Splatoon 3) do utilize FSR 1.0, which has more generic hardware requirements and is supported across more devices. I don't think any of the console platforms currently have FSR implemented in their builds (it's experimental / new even in the PC build, which is where most testing / changes are done), but maybe as DE has more time to test and iterate on the implementation we'll see some upscaling methods on their console builds (if they're not already working on it tbh).

    Pretty sure Warframe doesn’t run DLSS. If they did, the switch would probably overheat no matter how optimized it is.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    really now?
    This is an extreme surprise!
    I even did some research in the POE forum. tencent also bought it.
    It's probably due to DLSS "Deep learning super sampling. Nvidia's AI protocol for upscale games"?
    Because this little nintendo thing can perform so well?

    But for super ugly ancient Path of Exile graphics you need NASA PC?
    So the developers of DLSS are really into it!


    What on Earth are you talking about?

    Edit: Is it because I made a dig on sweet potato?


    • Like 1
  13. Just now, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    I'll keep pillage for a while because I just remembered I'm having major problems with him against shields and I don't run Unairu nor use magnetic damage.

    If I have viral tempest + plunder + Pillage I'm probably well balanced against every faction

    Forgot that augment existed

    Yea pillage is a good choice for everything, even helps you with survivability. Could you post the build? Sounds fun to use 

  14. 1 minute ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    If I replace tentacle swarm with pillage, while having plunder too, what's the pro and cons of this idea?? considering Pillage requires armor and Plunder takes armor...

    Same if you armor strip

    It won’t suck any armor because there is no armor to suck

    I tried it already… granted it was with terrify on Hildryn, but  it’s the same concept

  15. Just now, VibingCat said:

    Boring because it took you about ten hours, now imagine if it had been a few times shorter.

    I admit, that was part of it. The time it took really discouraged the rest of the time. The other half was because I couldn’t actually TANK. 
    One thing I did enjoy however, was the sheer movement you had to do. Even with gloom, you had to move like crazy dodging everything, and using the terrain. 

    • Like 1
  16. 15 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    Railjack recieved many changes and then they had to put into the backround because so many people still disliked it. 

    Also keep in mind that much of game devopment is just devs arguing in a room somewhere about the direction of the game and features, and that slows things down quite a bit. 

    Steve envisioned railjack to be a sort of “Star Wars” where you fight in outer space with the ship, maintain the ship’s integrity, while completing objectives. An example would be skirmish. 
    Their “fix” was turning railjack into a taxi situation. Not at all how it was first envisioned. 
    Plus I still get the bug that dooms me to my railjack forever which certainly isn’t playable. Also get the bug that just stops spawning enemies, even when I killed the enemies in the ship. 


    15 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    Also keep in mind that much of game devopment is just devs arguing in a room somewhere about the direction of the game and features, and that slows things down quite a bit. 

    Can’t disagree with that. In the end, they are simply people arguing about what should change. 

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