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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 12 hours ago, VibingCat said:

    Congrats, that's cool and impressive. Our wish is to make it shorter than 8-10 hours, possibly even less than one hour because every minute before level 1000-3000 is just too easy, so that most of the challenge isn't about our patience.

    Yes yes, and my suggestion was to use the highest level mission to fight the toughest leveled faction slightly faster than a normal mission. 
    And it’s not cool, or impressive. It was boring, and spamming invulnerability with gloom instead of using my actual tanking sucked. 
    And before anyone says “Then why did you do it?” I did it so that I can say I did it. 

  2. 9 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    DE always seems to be doing reworks and rebalances and overhauling graphics and more reworks and sometimes making changes to existing modes. 


    Not sure about the “always”

    The previous QoL update was something I haven’t seen before. The massive overhaul is probably the most they’ve done with older content, with the first being Grendel (and it was literally just Grendel). 

    9 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    The game not being exactly the way you want it to be doesn't inherently mean that DE does nothing or doesn't care.

    I would say the proof of DE not caring about their own older content is in the sheer state they left it in. If they were to leave something in a certain playable state (cough cough railjack), then that’s one thing, but ditching it for newer content makes you wonder if they really do care. 
    It’s not a matter of what you want it to be, it’s a matter of what it was supposed to be. 

    • Like 4
  3. 37 minutes ago, (XBOX)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

    The Cetus Night Cycle is way to short and the Day time cycles way too long!

    Given that some people work, and only have a few hours at night to play, the whole cycle thing doesnt respect our

    time!  How about a separate Day and Night cycle that players can choose to maximize their time in game and 

    get the things done they need without having to wait hours!  

    The way it currently is and has been is not respectful of the player base as a whole. 


    Time for a change!!

    They’re both an hour

    Night just seems fast because you actually have things to do at night

    Day cycle on the other hand, has nothing, nada. (Ok I guess only thumpers, but you get enough of those when fishing)

    Edit: Nope I was wrong, must’ve confused the day/night cycle with another game. 

  4. Closest mission to get you a hard boost on tough enemies for quicker level cap is the highest level of lua circulus. Level 200 starting isn’t it? Also has corrupted enemies, thorax, sentients. That’s fun for levelcap. You can also use a necramech in it too, which can be fun for “testing your limit” across all types of loadouts. 
    I used that mission for the one time I did a level cap, (Gloomruda/Rolling guard/no catalyzing shields, decaying dragon key), and it was slightly faster then if I did any other survival. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    I wouldn't go so far as to say I put thought into it really. When I started that post, I was intending to simply write "shield orbs should not grant the shield immediately, cause you could abuse that for infinite shield gate". Then I just kind of... let my brain ramble off whatever entered it and formatted it into a semi-readable state like you see in the post.

    Modestly describing "thought" be like
    This is the concept of "brain storming"
    Also agree with it not replenishing all of it, that should only be a Hildryn thing

  6. 2 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    I don't understand this community, everyone is self policing and trying to regulate how others play. Let me have my augment slot and a weapon selection wheel, you don't have to use it but stop trying to regulate my playstyle.

    For a game that's constantly changing, the community is very critical towards any new propositions

    Yes, I'll probably get shot down for this, but every time you see someone make a single suggestion, it gets nuked. 
    Ironic considering DE is constantly adding the weirdest things to Warframe, but again, we aren't the Devs

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    You got there without me! ;)

    My only addition would be that it's common for artists to draw from the broader set of human phobias/discomforts when creating fictional creatures that are intended to unsettle viewers, and with humans generally having an innate subconscious discomfort of insects, that's a common well for designs to draw visual elements from.  So there's a long history of creatures in popular culture that have things like pincers regardless of the fact that they are neither insects nor arthropods.  Art echoes life, but it also echoes other art, and sometimes for reasons no more meaningful than "this looks cool/scary/etc".

    Makes sense how insects and crabs/lobsters have pincers
    They're related after all which is... scary

  8. 3 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

    standard reaction to his posts. ignore him, his input is, at many times, useless.



    10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    My thoughts:

    • Shield orbs should restore 50 shields, mirroring health orb's 50 health.
      • Universal orb (Lavos, etc) should incorporate shield orbs and follow the same logic.
      • Dispensary should be updated to drop shield orbs as well.
    • Shield orbs should grant overshields if shields are already full.
      • Shield orbs should stop being picked up if (over)shields are full.
    • If the player's shields are depleted, shields from shield orbs should be "stored" until the player's shield delay has finished.
      • All stored shields are then instantly applied, carrying over into overshields if applicable.
      • This is simply to prevent shield gate abuse.

    Additional thoughts related to the topic:

    • Should also add overguard orbs, that grant a chunk of overguard on pickup.
      • Should be exclusively dropped by Eximus.
        • One orb dropped, guaranteed.
      • Should grant a significant amount of overguard, so it isn't just instantly stripped by weak enemies.
        • Amount should scale with enemy levels, so that it remains relevant as enemies scale up.
    • Should also add armor orbs, that grant stacking armor for a decent duration (30 seconds, maybe).
      • Each stack should be independent with its own timer.
      • The armor granted should be a flat value, with each stack being additive to other stacks.
      • There should be an upper limit to the total number of stacks.
        • Orbs are no longer picked up while at full stacks.
    • Orbs should have increased drop rates from enemies that possess similar typing. Gives more flavour to individual enemy units.
      • Armored enemies have increased chances for armor orbs, shielded enemies have increased chances for shield orbs, etc.

    Seems you put  a lot of thought to it
    Nice ideas, I especially like the "stored" shield idea

    • Like 3
  9. 15 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    Pincers, a piece of anatomy that non-crustaceans have as well.  With respect, this is not a compelling argument.

    Are there any other creatures outside of sea creatures/crustaceans that have pincers? I take it they’re from Australia if anything.

    Edit: excluding bugs of course

  10. Founding Warlord of a (now dead) clan of 57
    Quite simple if you have a lot of clan members on the discord. 
    One: a designated time stamp, and rewards if applicable (This is the most important one imo) you need a specific due date. I would say a week. 

    Two: simple instructions: what theme are you doing, when do they submit it by, do they submit it in an event tab (oh yea, an event tab would work too)

    Three: Have them submit a photo (if not in game) along with their Warframe USERNAME. You need this to credit them

    If you want to make it more fun for everyone, I would say go a specific theme, and have first, second, and third place. 
    Could also spice it up with some “ugly fashion frame” contests. Where everyone votes on the hardest frame to fashion, then try to make a fashion for them.

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, (PSN)ApoX95 said:

    now y'all even fantasize about consuming fictional beings as well. if you only had a simple change of perspective and would ask yourself how it would feel like to be on the recieving end.

    this doesn't matter for fictional beings, it does matter for real ones though. 

    Throwback to the crab lotus post on Reddit a couple years ago. 
    On the receiving end? If I was seafood I’d probably eat seafood. After all, crabs do eat fish. 


    4 hours ago, Karyst said:

    Should we stop eating now?

    Never, we need to finish what we started

  12. 13 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Do they care?

    I mean, I know we care, but when they're a debt colony, they can't afford to put anything into the decorations. They got some new flags and a lighting change, what does that really matter to them as long as it doesn't interfere with their work days.

    They added lights in their “faces” which doesn’t do anything. Waste of money ngl 

    We see workers hammering at the floor “working;” come on now, they can at least hammer at the lights. 

    And I mean, they hate big business/companies/corporations. I would think they would hate Ballas for what he is, and what he did. 
    Better yet, we could fund them. Imagine a real time event where we just donate credits, and we need a certain goal to get up to. The credits could be an absurd amount, but it would be worth it. 

  13. On 2023-11-05 at 1:31 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    These places are changed because of a War we weren't prepared for and didn't actually win. The changes made to them are supposed to remind us, every time, of what happened and what could happen in the future.

    Well it makes sense for Cetus, War ships are hard to clean up of course. But why Fortuna? We can just change the lightbulbs. WHY ARE THERE NO ELECTRICIANS?

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