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Posts posted by Achaix

  1. The Relic system is overall an improvement over Keys, but it seems worse.

    Back then you got a Key, used it, and got a reward - usually not a good reward, but it was simple nonetheless. Get that kind of Key and farm those missions, keyshare if you've got a friend, make a sacrifice to RNGesus and you may get the part you wanted.

    With Relics, it's not so simple but it's much more fair.

    Keyleechers? You sacrifice at least one relic if you do that, and your team now knows which one you have equipped.

    Vaulted items? There's a non-zero chance of getting them if you still have their Relics, which is much better than the old "gone forever".

    Drop chances? You can tweak them with Void Traces now - and that's excellent.

    Endless missions with theoretically endless prime drops are no longer a thing, which is kind of a shame given Baro Ki'teer's rising Ducat prices. Even so, DE introduced a system that gives you extra credits, affinity and resources given the amount of waves you stay for.

    There's still the old problem of certain items staying in the droptables to dilute them, and it is starting to get really difficult to find that one Relic you need since more and more kinds are introduced, but I can deal with that. At least now it's easier to know what I'm farming for and I can improve my chances - that's something that was straight-up impossible with the Key system.

  2. Lunawho?

    Jokes aside, it looks like DE themselves have forgotten about it. Conclave sees updates with modified stats, but there's been no changes made nor any suggestions of changes to make for Lunaro since the announcement of player-hosted servers... which is most likely because of the very low number of Lunaro players.

    Camera changes would be appreciated; most of the time, I can't keep track of where my teammates and enemies are.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    I have no problem helping people.  I have no problem reviving some dude a dozen times if he's trying.

    I do have a problem when someone with a high MR comes into a sortie expecting to be carried.

    Why not carry? Remind them that it is well within your power to let them rot. Make them spend their revives, leave them to sweat for a bit, then return and save their asses. It's a wonderful power trip.

  4. 1 hour ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    Just out of curiousity, what is this 1347 rp? I "believe" I haven't heard of it before, unless I have, but I just don't remember

    The Grineer were the Mongol Horde, the Corpus were the Holy Roman Empire, and the Tenno were from several other European nationalities. Instead of the Black Death, the Infestation, and the Orokin were an Indian civilisation that somehow built satellites and touch-sensitive datapads.

  5. 9 minutes ago, topshrek said:

    Diseases, disorders, and rotting would make you extremely weak comparatively. If a normal person 1v1'd a cripple the normal guy would probably win. Grineer being physically stronger than Corpus is a huge feat considering they are basically walking birth defects. Also I don't think Grineer and Corpus/Orokin are the same subspecies despite diverging from humans, like how there is Homo Sapien and Neanderthals.

    Cybernetic augmentations. All Grineer have them to some degree in order to survive.

    Sure, you could probably beat a cripple, but not a cripple who reinforced his skeleton with metal supports, got hooked up to performance-enhancing drugs and is armed with a laser meat cleaver.

  6. 1 hour ago, PoisonHD said:

    What tier is your clan?

    If you're a shadow clan you needed 760 total points for the BP.


    ... So to get a gold statue you need 500 points, but to get the blueprint you need 760? Jesus. I hope DE won't lock more stuff behind this kind of system again, but chances are they will anyway. Thanks for making it clear.

  7. Not sure if this happened to anyone else. Participated in the event practically solo and got my clan to 500+ points, but I still haven't received the blueprint. Baro's notification message only arrived after I visited him, too. Server delay?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    I just ignore rivens. As i am able to destroy enemies up to 500 without them , they will not change my life.


    From the start, Rivens were clearly stuffed into TWW to inflate the amount of content that final update would bring. The presence of Sentinel weapons in the pool of Rifle Rivens just goes to show they didn't think it through. On top of that, you can now buy slots for your Rivens, even though DE said there was a hard limit on fifteen because of "server issues". More and more weapons are being added to the Riven pool, and with the unreliability of Sorties, that's too much RNG for me to handle.

    Eventually, Warframe Rivens will be a thing. I am absolutely certain that this will happen, and I really don't like it. Despite their acknowledgement of problems with mandatory mods and the like, they haven't done much to fix that. If anything, Rivens made the whole thing worse.

    Sure, "back in the day all mods were randomised". But there's a reason DE changed that - inconsistency. Rivens shouldn't get a free pass because of what things were like "back in the day".

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