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Posts posted by Achaix

  1. As a general rule of thumb, don't go too far away from the group, make an effort to revive all teammates (their Kubrows too if you're not being swarmed) or at least keep away from enemies like Bombards, Hyekka Masters and Manics.

    A RB build is pretty dependable, and with the aug you can deal excellent damage. The Furis mod is amazing too, though it really shines when running Inaros. With that CC and survivability, you're well suited to rezzing teammates stuck in a bad situation, unless Hyekka Master/Napalm, but that's a problem for everyone.

    Quite frankly, I don't know why you wouldn't be revived if you're helping the team. You may have been paired up with a few people who don't really care about reviving unless they're down.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Fifield said:

    You do realise this would be self-defeating?

    You're forgetting:
    1. This is a mode that mostly stopped us from using powers.
    2. The enemies were designed and the numbers chosen *based on Tenno power levels*.
    3. The enemies were still heavily nerfed within hours.

    Comparing Warframe to Dark Souls is laughable.  I died about 20 times before beating the 'tutorial' boss in Dark Souls 3.  If Dark Souls is a 10 on the difficulty scale, Warframe is a 2.


    Of course it's self-defeating. That's exactly why it's a problem: it's a vicious cycle either way. Either difficulty increases to combat the cheese, or both sides are nerfed to the ground and the game becomes a -50 on your imaginary difficulty scale (That was hyperbole/overstatement, btw. I have the feeling you need that kind of thing to be pointed out). In both cases, it's a bad scenario.

    Admittedly, I did most of my Rathuuming before the nerf. I concede.

    I read through some of your other posts in this thread. Dude. You "don't play the game much", but you feel that as a "veteran" you are qualified to give DE complete feedback? Sure, some things are clear as day to everyone, but that's not very logical reasoning.

  3. It's easy to say "This weapon/ability/warframe is too powerful and removes all challenge from the game, please do something DE" without adding "Also please nerf enemies because otherwise we're helpless". You think those who got to 25 kills in Endless Rathuum played "fairly", without any cheese? There must be a few, of course, but those few were not having fun. It's not fun to be instantly killed if you make a wrong turn, unless you're into Dark Souls - and that game is built around the concept of "Get ready to die" from the tutorial onwards. Warframe isn't, and if it is, I missed that part.

    Warframe is in a vicious cycle right now. If you don't have cheese, it's highly unlikely you'll go very far in high level missions. But this statement relies on the community having the same opinion as I do on what is "cheese". Is Loki's Irradiating Disarm cheese? Is Naramon's Shadow Step cheese? Are any of Vauban/Trinity/Mesa/Mirage/Hydroid's abilities cheese?

    One could very well say yes and be correct, just as someone may say no and be right as well. On the one hand, skills that destroy/incapacitate enemies ludicrously quickly or give the players invulnerability of some form or another are, undoubtedly, incredibly powerful or even overpowered - they trivialize the game, and should be nerfed in some way. But on the other, one could say these abilities are meant to be that powerful and are necessary if you want to be of any use in a high level mission due to very strong/durable enemies.

    As it is right now, there seem to be only two possible outcomes when facing enemies intended to be a "challenge", as ambiguous as that definition is: either the enemy is destroyed immediately, or the player gets roflstomped hard. Have any of you had a confrontation against an Isolator Bursa that had you thinking "Hey, this one is pretty tough, better be careful" instead of "Oh, free credits" or "JESUS CHRIST"? If you have, then more power to you, but most people don't.

    If you want cheese to stop, insanely hard enemies have to be stopped, and viceversa. It's not so easy as "nerf this guy".

  4. "Quirky fun" of Oberon's passive?

    Sure, if you want to be functionally passiveless in any Void, Corpus or Infested mission. If this is really the one he will have, at least add neutral wildlife to more tiles. I do like the Volt/Mag reworks, but the list of passives suggests that some Warframes are given a gimmick when most get an at least partially useful passive skill.

  5. As a matter of fact, "beecloud/beekloud" is a pretty common inscription. If you look around, there are banners with a stylized beehive on them. So no, not "big and loud" - that kind of redundant script is more befitting the Grineer, who literally have weapons with "HURT FOR YOUR FACE" written on them.

  6. 1 minute ago, Gladeus-Ex-Machina said:

    Other reasons you should miss playing Obe Ron Tennobi:

    • Universal healthcare inbetween waves has a minor chance of being thanked
    • Matching the profile icon with team play
    • The Jedi Mind trick idle animation in your liset
    • Saying "Do you even lift" in group chat as you Reckoning most enemies in sight
    • Outdamaging the entire team, prompting you to vote Oberon for President #FeelTheBurn #DeerLord


  7. On 5/9/2016 at 0:11 AM, WingedCrusade said:

    Lusith had been roaming the halls of The Manifold relatively alone as she was making her way along the corridors to Hydroponics. However, she'd stop at some point near the observation area to the sounds of somebody who seemed to be... Upset, from the sounds of things.

    The Valkyr would approach where she heard the sounds of the Tenno, being surprised to find Kate there alone and almost sobbing. Should she say something? She can't just sit there knowing somebody she knows is upset.

    "... Kate? What happened?"

    Lusith adjusted her clothing to look slightly less bedraggled before Kate would see her.

    "Are you okay?"

    Lusith decided that Hydroponics could wait. She'd gone this far without visiting it yet, she could go a while longer all the same if it meant she could be around somebody who needs a friend around.

    Kate's breathing was still irregular, interrupted by sobs that made her entire body shake slightly. Her battered psyche was finally showing its cracks, and from them raw emotion burst, formless and with no direction despite its potency and overwhelming nature. Her ears heard something, but she didn't care.

    Strangely, it wasn't shame, anger, or frustration that was her focus at that time. All she could really think about was... nothing. To describe it in a more decorated sense, or at least, to explain it, imagine a small island that is suddenly struck by a maduraian tsunami. Though enveloped and drowning in violent waves, the island is now barren - everything has been swept away, and there was no real structure or subject in the thoughts of this metaphorically island's counterpart.


    On 5/6/2016 at 8:27 PM, ArrexDrandko said:

    When Abra inquired on her words, Maina's speaking tripped mid-sentence since her thoughts had already progressed a few steps forward, and just needed to realize what exactly he was talking about. It took her a second where the whole process was visible in her facial expressions. 

    "I... uhm... I guess they are? I'm really no good with robots. But they're not alive either! Noo, I meant the plants! They are the ones who are left all alone!" She's chuckling brightly, as if the thought of a robot requiring social interaction was funny to her. "I really wish there were proper gardens here! The plants would feel so much better in a real earthen bed." From imagining all the flowers around her, how they would look in a natural area, instead of neatly organized, she remembered the forests of earth, where she awoke from her cryostasis and lived for a while... and from there her thoughts wandered to the circumstances that made her leave: The prophecy, the Grineer, that day. But her mind did not stay on these uncomfortable things long, like a ball on a hill: It's hard for her to think concentrated about this, and it slips away easily. In this case, to the last fight she had somehwat-attended: The battle against the colossus in the tower.

    "Ah, say, Have you been outside during the fighting? Is everything over now? I hope noone was hurt too much?" She tilted her head slightly to the side and her voice took a concerned tone, worried about her crewmates. Only from a distance had she watched and heard of the tension that had filled the medbay. She could really not await her chance to do her part to relieve their pain, especially those which bandages and medicince can not heal.

    "There weren't any casualties, thank goodness... but yes, it's over now. Took a while, but that Colossus went down eventually." He slotted his datapad into the side of a row containing various plants from the Solanum genus - perhaps he could do something with their potato surplus soon. Abra turned to keep facing Maina and leant back on the row.

    "I still find it strange that it was a fellow crewmember and not one of the command crew that organized the fireteam's final assault." He hummed, massaging his somewhat sharp chin. The Commander's role was unbefitting of a man of his stature, and the way he was tossed around by the Colossus meant that it would take a while for many outside of the inner circle to see him as anything more than a glorified chew toy.

    Overall, not a good first fight as a team. "A few tried to tackle the problem by themselves and tossed themselves directly at the Colossus, which, as you may assume, resulted in them having to visit the Medical Bay. Dalimir is heavily injured, but given the stupidity behind his actions, I'm not surprised. Tenno Sah'jey..."

    Abra sighed, remembering the sight too well. "One of her arms was torn off. Given my own condition -" He motioned with his left, cybernetic hand. "I was able to help Healer Cordia to some degree with her, but she's still in shock."

    He looked up suddenly, an idea having popped into his mind. "Say, I'll be helping Sah'jey recover, but I may need someone to help. I'd ask Kate, but I doubt she'd want to. Can I count on you to lend me a hand?"

    A few moments later, he hastily added. "Not literally, of course."

  8. Somehow logging into a Rathuum endless w/ Valkyr max duration, all other players were simply not there, despite being in my squad. This was before the first nerf to Executors, mind you.

    I'm stuck facing six or so Executors with no energy. Until the energy orbs spawned, I ran around like a headless chicken, trying my damn hardest not to die, especially due to those damn Carabus thingies that could annihilate Iron Skin Rhino. But then...


    The joy I felt that day, ripping through them like a hot knife against butter. I think my mitigated damage got to at least five digits, maybe six. All praised Valk.

    Just one of several chill moments. One I remember fondly is the first time I pinned an enemy to a wall and beheld their mild krakening, or the feeling of beating Defense missions with a severly undermodded Loki, Skana and MK1 Braton.

  9. On 4/15/2016 at 0:31 PM, ArrexDrandko said:

    Maina did not feel odd in any way, not even her hair, and those with a keen eye would notice that her behaviour was neither forced nor nervous. She beamed at Abra happily when he told her that Hydroponics were his field of expertise as well, and even brighter when he revealed his detailed occupation onboard.

    "You're a cook! Oh my, that is lovely!" Like water from behind a dam, words spurted out of her mouth, fueled by excitement. "I also like these green halls! I love to take care of others, but Tenno really are independent people, so many won't let me, but I think it is much more important and fulfilling anyways to tend to those who get overlooked by everyone else. So I keep company with the poor, the ill, the outcast or the silent ones, listen to their worries, remind them that they still belong to this world and someone is there for them!"

    While she was talking and talking, Maina's thoughts went back to the many times when she did what she was talking about: Handing out rations to the hungry, guiding homeless to a shelter, distributing clothes or little gifts to those who have nothing else, and listening to their sorrow and grief like they were adventurous tales. Thousands of faces, all merged in her memories, a single, sad visage of those who were left behind by the tide of time, turning into a bright, thankful smile. The green Tenno had never understood how people could turn away from this most heartwarming sight. It made her feel like she could light the darkness between the stars with this bond they shared in those few moments of emotional, human intimacy of the heart.
    This light that filled her inside also shone in her eyes, voice and body language. When talking about things like this, she personified optimistic joy of life. 

    "So, I thought maybe I should work in medical, talk to the wounded and so, but I can do that anyways, even if I'm not working there, right? And then I saw that they have this place on the ship, and just as I thought, there were just drones hovering, and they really needed someone around! They were so happy to be heard and respected."

    No sign of slowing down. If one were not to stop her, who knows how long she might continue talking, swinging from one topic to another just as her thoughts go. 

    The longer she spoke, the more he felt uneasy. There was no reason for such a reaction, no reason that Abra could see clearly. This Banshee was clearly something else, a glimmer of pure optimism in a very dark world. That kind of positivity was something he hadn't really seen since...




    He turned away from the small fire he had made, and couldn't keep the humor from his face as his very short partner tried to haul a Forru hog towards their little camp. "Enjoying yourself?" He called out while standing up, going towards her.

    "Absolutely!" Sofia grinned back, her Nova frame struggling to move the beast. "Beats any other workout. If I keep this up, I'll beat Uri at armwrestling!"

    He chuckled, motioning for her to move aside. She stepped back as he unsheathed his Galatine and, with calculated cleaves, cut up the hog. Within moments, their meal cooked over a cherry red fire, and the spare meat was tossed (at Sofia's insistence) near a cluster of Kubrow nests.

    They rested upon rough ground marked by old roots and looked up. Up above, stars shone placidly, their light dripping past the thick canopy and painting all it touched a bright silver. Neither of them said anything, since nothing needed to be said. Beauty was everywhere they could see - there was even a strange purity in how Kubrow fed and let their pups have the first bite of nourishment.They had removed their helmets, and saw with their own eyes. They were by each other, hands held tight. They were happy.

    He tried to change the subject and part himself from now bitter memories. "I thought these Ospreys were preprogrammed with a rudimentary AI and modified to allow Ancilla to assume control. Would they, individually, appreciate respect?"

  10. I've pretty much got everything I want from Naramon and have a great farming setup for it: just need to keep leveling the crit buff, stealth time, and cooldown time. Unlocked Vazarin and Zenurik, but haven't managed to do anything interesting with them yet. Still farming to unlock Madurai and Uinaru.

  11. We had a good run.

    Always eager for more power for his Loka, Arthos Galadri eventually met an ignoble end in the showers after a zealous declaration. It is unknown who caved his head in. Upon healing incompletely, he entered a vegetative state and was put down by guards. His body was cremated, and not even bones remain.

    Mido and Mordecai were unable to maintain New Loka's expansion, and the Brimstone Labyrinth returned quickly to a state of uneasy balance between Syndicates. In the end, Arthos' efforts were in vain, and his legacy was little more than a few scratches on a bunk.

  12. Neato.

    When in Void: "This place is beautiful, but don't let that fool you."

    Hive Ship, tile with Crewman pinned under wreckage: "I have no love for Corpus, but this... Nobody should suffer like this."

    - Should the player kill the Crewman: "Forgive me, but... This was for your own good."

  13. On 4/1/2016 at 10:59 AM, ArrexDrandko said:

    With her head lowered like that, and since she wasn't particularily tall, her hair really blended well with the leaves around, being just a little brighter, and the more dense growth obstructing vision onto most parts of her. At least she did not startle this time when another Tenno appeared. The Oberon's colors instantly reminded her of a Frost, but his introduction was far from frosty. She replied by waving her free hand happily and lively, the experience with Null already starting to fade into the background of her swirling consciousness.

    "Hello Abra! No, we really have not met, I am Maina! Do you like coming here?" 

    She seems nice. Odd hair, but still nice.

    "I suppose I do. I chose to work here, after all." He motioned to one of many verdant rows, a fond smile finding its way onto his lips. "I can't tell you how glad I am that this Hydroponics area exists. There is something intrinsically sacred in growing your own food that synthetic manufacturing just can't replicate: in one, you ensure life. But in the other, just a press of a button."


    On 4/3/2016 at 11:56 PM, Lady_Viper said:

    The engineers basically carrying Kate had been annoyed be her attempts to break free. Some grumbled after having been punched or received a kick, thankfully the effects from it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. After the Cryotic accident they had all been ordered to be wearing their Warframes, helmet and all. But that wasn’t stopping the Mirage from trying, and in some cases she had managed to grab onto someone’s helmet and proceed in what looked like she was trying to tear it off.

    Her sudden sobbing though did make them feel uncomfortable, well most of them. They couldn’t be sure that she wouldn’t return to engineering if they just dumped her right there and then, even though they had gotten quite a distance.

    At least one of them had gotten into mind that she might do something even more stupid in her current state and didn’t think it safe for her to be left alone.

    Their first priority had been to remove her from their workplace without any more incidents. Now when they had done so, they weren’t quite sure what to do with her.

    “Sh-should we take her to someone?”

    “Or just take her to her quarters and make sure she doesn’t get out.”

    “...We should probably tell security”

    During and after her cathartic shouts, Kate's body instinctively began a certain cycle. First, every limb and muscle would relax, going limp. After a moment, she would struggle again, trying to free herself from their grip. Not entirely a conscious effort, but it did no good.

    In her shameful anger, she did something completely unexpected: she actually stopped struggling for a good while. This may sound like a favourable turn of events, but it wasn't, as the crimson light pulsing on her Mirage - bloody lines illuminating the crack on her helmet - could attest.

    "Let... me... GO!!!"

    Brilliant, shining copies burst into being around her. Though she was firmly held, her copies weren't, and they immediately followed her command. They spun, kicked, pushed and struck at those holding her in a lightning-fast dance: not enough to hurt, but enough to startle and confuse them. She was dropped onto the floor. Balance was regained in moments, and she ran away.

    Not towards Engineering, not after a long lost cause. Kate ran away, away from those who both helped and hindered her.

    Is this how Alain felt?

    She barely noticed just how far she had run through the Manifold's corridors or how much she needed to breathe again. She couldn't hear any other pairs of footsteps. This - a nondescript hall with a wide window by the side, somehow familiar - was as good a place as any to stop. Kate slumped against the wall and let herself slide down to the floor.

    Alain. She hadn't thought about her little brother for a while.

    Family was always something of a touchy subject for Kate. While some Tenno wake up along their siblings and happily reunite after a long sleep, Kate almost immediately tried to attack Alain when they was barely out of their cryopods. She didn't know why, but there was something urging her to do it, even if she didn't remember. Sofia, her younger sister, was able to keep the fight from getting too serious.

    Unsurprisingly, Alain left as soon as he could, taking a barely functional Grineer Dargyn and somehow crashlanding on a scorched colony... She never knew the whole story.

    In any case, she understood why he ran away. But that didn't excuse him compulsively disappearing whenever she ran into him. It took the combined efforts of her and Sofia to reunite the three siblings, but Alain was always distant, tense, ready to run again. Then they met Abra. He wasn't wearing facepaint yet, and he was very quiet at first, but Sofia brought him out of his shell and events ensued: they held hands a lot, found any excuse to visit the calmer parts of Earth, were really cute together...

    ... And then Sophia was killed.

    Abra became quiet again. His now almost permanent blue facepaint wasn't just a fashion statement, and there was a reason it mimicked tears. Alain, though, left angrily, and for a much, much longer time than before.

    After that, it was just Kate and Abra for a long while. They depended on each other so much back then, but now...

    Kate shook her head, hands reaching up to cradle it, small sobs punctuating the silence. Had she really never thought about her family at least once since walking into the Manifold? It was an alien thought, and she didn't like it.

    Was she really so cowardly to run away? Kate thought about going back, but that'd just continue a vicious cycle of rejection and pain.

    She laughed and sobbed, softly, bitterly.

    How pathetic. Stars, I'm pathetic.

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