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Posts posted by Achaix

  1. On 3/20/2016 at 1:59 PM, Lady_Viper said:

    Atlanta could feel her grip on the console tighten. The force was probably turning her knuckles white but that didn't really cross her mind when she stood there staring at the Mirage before her as if hoping that her glares alone would drill holes through her.

    "You must be an idiot if you think that you'd have time to rife tha-" but before she could finish the sentence that blasted Mirage blurted out "Wouldn't want more people to die here, would we!?"

    How dared she rub more salt in the wound. How dared she bring up her people like that. Before she knew it she had thrown a teleport to the side of the Mirage to flank her and get rid of that *@##$ once and for all.

    But she couldn't enter it. Instead she found herself with her arms pinned to her sides and her feet hardly even touching the floor. The strong arms of a Rhino was holding her in place, preventing her from taking any action against the intruder.

    "Let go of me! I'm going to tear that *@##$ to shreds!!"

    "Sorry, but it's for your own good, and ours." The Rhino stated.

    Atlanta wasn't the only one being restrained however. Several of the other engineers (among them the Volt) had grabbed Kate, fixing her so that she wouldn't be able to fight back and if she did the damage would be minimal, and were currently in the process of forcibly removing her from the Engineering-bay.

    "No! Don't you f*cking- No! F*ck you! Don't you get in the f*cking way you piece of sh¡t!"

    And just like that, the determination that had driven Kate forward was snapped like a brittle twig. She could barely move and hardly escape, all she could really do was squirm in their hold. Someone let loose a formless, frustrated yell; Kate barely recognized that sound as her own. Not long after they had left Engineering, new strength burst into the Mirage, letting her break free for a few moments, enough to let loose a flurry of punches and grasping hands before she was firmly in their hold again.



    "Do you know what people truly desire, Katherine?" The stark white Ash asked, comfortably lying on his bed. It had no pillows or sheets: the bed, if it could be called that, was flat, smooth, polished black metal with bright yellow lines running through it. Kate wondered if it was just him being a hipster like always, but Anthem had never really bothered to explain.

    She tried to come up with an answer. "I guess it depends on the person. Some seek pleasure, others want to improve themselves, and a few want to help others."

    "Not a bad answer..." He eased himself up and raised a hand to caress the back of his helmet. She didn't say anything about his habit of touching himself (heh, she did love unintentional puns), but it was rather distracting. "But not the correct one either. What people truly desire... is peace of mind."

    He stood, walked to the reinforced glass window that dominated the wall of his quarters, and placed a hand on the transparent surface. The base was hidden from prying eyes, be they electronic or living, but they could see everything that happened in their little corner of space. Sometimes, the scale of TRUESONG's assets scared Kate.

    "One who seeks pleasure hopes to satisfy his longing for it, and achieve peace of mind. Those who seek improvement want to be better, and they believe becoming better will give them peace of mind. And those who want to help others do so because they think aiding others will bring them peace of mind. Peace of mind... no more needs to satisfy. No more worries to address. Those who achieve their peace of mind are truly gods among men, for they know Nirvana."

    "That sounds like a load of bullS#&$ that somehow justifies a morally ambiguous plan."

    "Oh, I missed these talks." Anthem laughed - a gentle, enveloping laugh that tempted others to join mirthfully. It didn't take long for Kate to chuckle with him, but what he had said was not forgotten.

    Peace of mind...

    She started to sob in impotent fury, angry screams crashing through her. In that moment, in that dreadful time, Kate was far from any peace of mind.


    Abra was glad for his Warframe optics as the doors slid open and he walked into Hydroponics. The light in here was bright - too bright for eyes accustomed to the indirect lighting of the Manifold's corridors. Thankfully, the shift from dark to bright was made a nonissue by the responsive technology in his Oberon's faceplate.

    He was about to grab a nearby datapad and see the general status of the plantlife when something green caught his attention. This statement is not very descriptive given the overabundance of greenery around him, but this something was unlike any plant he had seen in the inventory. He neared for a look, and saw there was a person attached to the plant. His thought processes froze for an instant at the sight before he put his palm to his face with the greatest disappointment he ever had for himself.

    It was hair. He had actually thought hair was a plant.


    Oh for goodness' sake.

    At least his thoughts were his alone, and nobody on board could -

    Oh right. Jinx. She didn't seem like the type to specifically search for embarrassing thoughts, though. Back to the present.

    Green hair was an exceedingly peculiar sight by itself, but Abra was no stranger to bizarre fashion statements. That stay at that Dojo had been incredibly peculiar, though Abra was somewhat glad he didn't really remember it with too much detail.

    "I don't think we have met before." He bowed shortly. "Abra-alixerni..."

    He thought better of it. "Abra, at your service. Who are you?"

  2. On 3/15/2016 at 4:01 PM, Drakeardian said:

    While the Courtyard was beginning to grow more heavy with guards as the Warden announced she'll be coming down in one minute, Guards pushing away prisoners to their own little corners, Reaar would have Shock Trooper behind her as the loudspeakers blared out in both Grintok and Basic "MAKE WAY FOR THE WARDEN!" 

    Heavy footsteps approached the centre along with Agaran and 4 guards behind her. There she was, For Arthos, For Arin and for Zaira to see, Warden Klaran Agaran, The Leader behind this prison, she stepped to the centre of the courtyard then looked around before having one of the guards bring over one of the Corpus Corpus Commandos, dragging the man after a swift hook to his gut, the man coughing up a lung as he was brought before the Warden, Kera clenched her fist as she saw what they were doing to her fellow commando "While I'm glad to see that everyone here's co-operating so nicely, I thought I'd take a moment to remind you of what's at stake for you smooth-skinned scum if you're feeling rather defiant! especially for this Milk drinker!" She then held the Corpus up onto his feet before the somewhat stubbornly defiant prisoner rushed at the Warden whom grabbed the fist he threw, clenching tightly, breaking his fist, the Commando growled but didn't show any sign of backing down before the Warden grabbed his arm, pulling it upwards, the sounds of bone breaking screamed but the Commando didn't show any sign of pain but he was holding his arm.

    Oscar just silently said "By the stars." as he watched and Mordecai just cringed at sight of the Warden's brutality. Watcher himself stared like a bystander, would but from the side he whispered to one of his arbiters, watching Zaira for a moment as he pondered on this rumour like a hawk, staring slightly at Arthos with a frown across his face for a moment before looking back to the warden and the Commando, a growing frown of concern across his face.

    Klaran then started slamming her metal fists into the Commando's face four more times before dropping the floor and slamming her foot into his ribcage, the sounds of bones smashing as she removed her foot from the Commando's near to death body,  the guards then dragged him to the Infirmary. "Let this remind each and every one of you! You want to end up as Skate food or even starve out there in the sands then go ahead and defy my guards and defy me! If you wish to keep breathing the hot dry air for a few more minutes, Obey my guards and obey me!" she shouts as she pulled her Kraken out then shot a Steel meridian in the head and a New Loka in the stomach, the gunshots loud and easily heard from a good mile or two "Or suffer my wrath!" she then shouted to her guards in Grintok "Clean this mess up!" she then shouted to Reaar "Reaar! Bring the prisoner over here now!" Zaira's wrists began to magnetize to eachother as the Shock Trooper put them in-front of her then nodded to Reaar, the Warden beginning to head towards the front gate along with her guards.

    Arthos observed with a tranquil eye. This was something he was familiar with; he had seen huge hogs be torn apart by feral Kubrow packs, Grineer scouts be shredded by feral Kubrow packs, and Kubrow packs tearing into each other. Kubrow were the number one cause of death in Earth rainforests for a reason, alongside insect-carried pathogens.

    As violent as the scene was, Arthos wasn't worried. He actually felt somewhat more at ease: the Warden felt insecure about her image to the prison population, and thought senseless violence would scare them into submission. It all seemed rather pathetic to the Pure One.

    He motioned towards the mess that once was a Corpus Commando while looking at Mordecai. "There is an excellent example of needless cruelty. Objectively, has it helped her at all? No. She has earned the wrath of the Commandos... and there lies an opportunity for us."

  3. How long has Null been active in the IC thread?

    We move slowly af, I know that well enough, but Null has yet to truly cement his status as a part of the Manifold's crew because he simply hasn't been in it as long as a few others. Give it time and effort and he's bound to join the "main cast", as loaded with implications as the expression may be.

    It's just a matter of patience and involving your OC with others. Hell, we were already talking about that in the chatango a while back. Don't expect seeds to bear fruit in a day.

    To be frank, I'm disappointed to see you leaving so soon. Good luck in other endeavours.

  4. On 3/9/2016 at 7:01 PM, Astralin said:

    Sah'jey had nothing to do now with that all in place, all she could do was wait for her limb and wait for dismissal from Cordia's care. She let her head fall to the pillow with a sigh, "Fine... when Lancelot returns let him know I wish to speak with him." 

    There was something very strange with the way the Mesa had spoken. Her voice seemed deeper, more cruel, as through she were speaking through a modulator that emboldened her words.

    Abra looked back, but nothing was out of place.

    "I must be imagining things." He murmured under his breath as he left Medical and headed towards Hydroponics.


    On 3/12/2016 at 7:05 PM, Lady_Viper said:

    The Volt got startled by Kate’s sudden outburst as she moved on past him. He followed her, desperately trying to say something that would make her leave, but no complete sentence managed to come out of his mouth. Only a few strides later it was already too late. The only thing left for him was to be on standby, and keep an eye on how things unfold.


    Atlanta could sense someone staring at her, something which wasn’t that uncommon. People waiting by for their turn to talk, or to get her attention wasn’t that unusual. What made her react was the voice, that damned voice. The voice she didn’t want to hear here in her own domain.


    The Nova was wearing her helmet this time so Kate wouldn’t be able to see her face along with the Engineers scornful expression, but she could probably tell by the tone of her voice. “What. Are. You. Doing here” Her eyes wandered down to a familiar shape in the mirage’s hands, her Opticore. A weapon she had tinkered with and cared for during so many hours that she’d be able to tell it apart from any other of its kind. “And what are you doing with my weapon”


    She tensed, every muscle of her being was on alert, even her lips pressed together to become a thin line as she stared at the Mirage. The cracked visor of the harlequin helmet was something her mind only registered for storage instead of something to care to ask about. Atlanta’s own main focus was on the fact that this Mirage once again had dared to come down here where she wasn’t wanted. And as a final insult, she was in the possession of her most treasured weapon.

    Hearing the Nova address her directly, the spell of not-quite-confidence was almost imnediately shattered. Kate almost froze up. Almost.

    "What am I doing here?" She repeated while pointing at Atlanta directly, then letting the hand drop. "I've been choked. I've been hit in the face by a Stalker fanboy. I've been thoroughly f*cked over by God, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, or whatever deity. What am I doing here?"

    "I'm looking for an apology from the smug motherf*cker who is the author of my existence. But that's impossible, so I'll settle for second best: an apology from you." She patted the Opticor. "I've got a f*ckoff laser, so don't you dare interrupt me."

    "When I entered the scene of the accident," She paused for a moment, recalling that mess. "I saw you standing in the middle of the room, doing nothing - nothing! - as your engineers screamed. You only moved when I tried to snap you out of it, and to do what?"

    Kate pointed at her neck as she spoke. "To wrap those lovely fingers around my f*cking throat. Not to help the injured, not to fix the real problem that was causing so much pain... but to choke me. And why? Because I had shown eagerness, because I wanted to be a part of this crew, because I wanted..." She bit her own tongue. Better not let the heat of the moment make her say something that personal. A cocktail of emotion was within her, and it itched to burst.

    "Hey, Sparky!" She called at the Volt, anger colouring her words. "Better not make an effort, or the psycho engie will make you an antimatter piñata! Wouldn't want more people to die here, would we!?"

    She was screaming hoarsely by the end of it, and took a moment to breathe heavily.

    "I f*cked up!" She declared. "Is that what you want me to say? Is that what you want me to f*cking say!? Yes, I f*cked up by choosing to go back! So what? So f*cking what!? That makes me guilty? Oh well f*cking done, you Lotus-blessed darling! Top of the line deductive reasoning right f*cking there!"

  5. 9 hours ago, Lady_Viper said:

    Chief Engineer Atlanta was looking at a screen and was busy running diagnostics on the newly repaired and installed systems, going through them all to see how everything was working. She felt pleased with the progress and what her people had accomplished. Yet she felt an emptiness inside which she tried to ignore. And the best way to take her mind off of that was working.

    Though Atlanta didn't notice the Mirage standing by the door, one of her engineers did. The Volt stopped in his tracks and looked in shock at Kate before scurrying over to her and in a thin, hushed voice said "What are you doing here? You know that you shouldn't be here."

    "No sh¡t." Kate snapped at him, but bit her tongue once what she had reflexively said sunk in. She hung her head in shame. "Sorry, I'm... I'm not okay right now."

    Holding the cannon by the barrel, she drummed her fingers on the Opticor's grip, each small impact gaining a tinkling response. Thoughts thundered inside her head. Could another choice be made?

    Here was a somewhat sympathetic Volt who appeared before the Nova did. If Kate wanted to pass the laser on to someone else and leave immediately, there couldn't possibly be a better opportunity. It was a godsend if she had ever seen one.

    ... So why wasn't she taking the chance?

    Katherine Esperanza Fleming was not especially brave, but she made it a rule to stick to her decisions for as long as humanly possible. And a realization of what she truly wanted destroyed the possibility of simply turning away.

    I want her to say she's sorry.

    Yes, it wasn't quite as dramatic as other options, but that was what Kate wanted: an honest, face-to-face apology. Highly unlikely given the situation, but she was honestly tired of beating around the bush.

    She strode forward, a strange sort of strength driving her onwards: not enough to be called confidence, but certainly determined. It was almost dreamlike, she idly thought, to be in that state. She stopped a few metres behind the Chief, the Tenno she had once affectionately called Boss.

    It wasn't a shout or a whisper; rather, it was a firm call. The Harlequin helm betrayed no weaknesses... except for the spiderweb of cracks across the central mask section.


  6. 2 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

    Just made 3 characters tooday, take a look!

      Reveal hidden contents

    Name: Bass-Shee
    Nicknames: Boss-Shee, Brass-Shee, Boom-Shee, Rap-Shee, Wub-Shee...
    Warframe: Banshee
    Personality: A dubstep obsesed, badass, strong DJ warrior.
    Bio: This one is a vierd case... Bass-Shee, as her fans call her, is a very popular DJ, rapper, singer and of course, tenno warrior. Nobody exactly knows where she originated from, or what her real name is. She is indeed very popular, and has concerts all over the system, especialy on Phobos where she has her own gang of dubstep fanatics. Including her dubstep related skills are her combat abilities, as all she uses is somehow related to her music. Instead of her silence ability, she uses "Deathstep" which makes enemies go deaf by hearing a song in their head so loud, that they either go deaf for several minutes, pass out, or even die, hence the name Deathstep. Her weapons are a Staticor and a Jat Kittag, both modified to suit her combat style. The hammer is now sound powered instead of rocket powered, and so is the Staticor. She called them the "Wub-Kittag" and the "Bossicor". Almost everyone who fought her either went deaf for a long time, or got used to the loud music.
    Some of our info suggests that she may or may not have a sister, another Banshee user with the opposite musical taste. Judging by they preferences, it is understandable that they don't like eachother, which explains then not meeting often and the info not being public. She also seemed to have some concerts sponsored by the Voidwalkers, possibly hinting that they are secretly allies.
    Inspiration: Bossanova from Tales From The Borderlands.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Name: Kiwi
    Warfame: Ivara
    Nicknames: McCutie
    Personality: Young tomboysh girl in a grown ups body. Likes to play around and mess with people.
    Bio: As if Ivaras cutenes wasn't tnough, now there's someone taking full adwantage of it. Kiwi is an Ivara that acts strangely like a kid. That does not mean she's stupid or anything, she just likes to mess atound. She often teases people, and usualy spies them out of boredom. Otherwise she's really cute and friendly. But she has a vierd condition: She needs to be in a wet area most of the time. Her body quickly runs out of watter, so she needs it whenever she can. She also really enjoys it, as her clan, the Voidwalkers, has built a special garden just for her. She spends most of her time there, sitting in the small lake and meditating in the trees like a frog. Her fighting style is really fast, becasue she does not like spending a long time outside her garden with no watter reserves. She never visited Phobos or any other desert area, as she wouldn't survive a day there.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Name: Rudolf
    Nicknames: Rudolf the red nosed raindeer.
    Warframe: Oberon
    Personality: A very old, wise and skilled tenno that gets high from time to time.
    Bio: One of the oldest tenno healers still alive, Rudolf is the head doctor of the Voidwalkers. He sits in a wheel chair all day, and is being pushed and assisted by the head nurse. His past is blurry, but he can recall many adventures, so many in fact that people are wondering if he's really that old or if he's making it all up. Eitherway, there's no doubt that he's learned alot over his long life, including medicine. Even though he's very old, he never failed an operation unless the patient has been brought to him too late. His methods may be a little strange, as he often uses custom made drugs. He uses the drugs himself too, and he almost never took too much or too little, most his clanmates don't mind. The drugs can varry between being smoked, drunk, injected, sniffed or absorbed.
    Even though he's sitting in a wheelchair, he is still very capable of standing up and fighting. He always carries his heavy Reaper Prime around, along with his surgery tools and drug case attatched to the wheelchair. Looks can be decieving, and this old man isn't even trying to hide it.
    Inspiration: Gerhman from Bloodborne.

    More to come, feedback is MUCH apprechiated!

    Threefold Observation:

    - Baseboss: Made me giggle, top kek. Don't expect to use this char for serious RPs tho: Tenno are an unknown to most of the system and most certainly don't have fanbases. Not many opportunities to gather for the new show when the Grineer are kicking your doors down and exterminating dissidents.

    - Kiwi: I'm personally not a fan of totes adorbs characters, but to each their own. "Cute" as a personality trait is eh, since we call "cute" the collective features of something: high-pitched voice, large eyes, clumsiness, etc. Quick reminder though: Clumsiness isn't very Tenno-like. Space ninjas can't afford to make mistakes while throwing knives, maneuvering heavy weapons or using the power of an eldritch dimension. Hydrodependency could be interesting and ties into Ivara's frog theme.

    - Rudolf: Nickname made me choke on my drink, also top kek. I don't think wheelchairs are a thing in the WFverse anymore, you may want to replace that with a hoverchair or make him use his scythe like a walking stick.

    Be mindful of expies: don't go to unrealistic lengths to translate the character of one setting into the next. Try to save the quotes from source material for the best parts, not for the first chance the OC gets to say them, and keep said quotes short. Copy-pasting a character's monologue is pretty lazy. Other than that, pretty good, 5/7.

  7. Though the "Forgotten/Lost" archetype is perfectly valid, you really have to elaborate on the character description. The story segment is fine and all, but this thread is supposed to be a place where you share character concepts or advice.

    As for the OC himself (I'll call him Morpheus, because the no-name thing is confusing), he feels very much like a placeholder. The story bit doesn't really show his personality very clearly: does he feel guilty? Fan-made frames aren't usually accepted since their abilities are ambiguous at best or overpowered at worst. Given that he was assigned as a protector, Frost, Vauban, Atlas, Oberon or Inaros could be appropriate warframes.

    However, there's potential. Morpheus could be one of the few Tenno who chose against betraying the Orokin, and, much like Stalker, he has been "alive" during the age between the Orokin Fall and the Awakening. Unlike the Stalker, Morpheus has not increased his power or wandered the system, but has not gone murderously insane either. There could be an interesting dynamic between Morpheus and other Tenno, so hey. Food for thought.

  8. Extras: II


    Great fire blazes below.

    A being is watching the air, distorted by the immense heat. Slivers of change that dance for a moment, move about, then dance again.

    He returns to his work. On a gold and silver ring that hovers above the scorching Forge Core, blue light mixes with red, creating strange fusions. Eezo cores are set into the ring, and shine brightly. Blue and red, azure and crimson, navy and burgundy.

    Always the two choices, he thinks as he presses a button and the ring lowers. Always opposites. Change or permanence. Chaos or order. Passion or logic.

    An endless cycle with no true solution, killing us.

    He and his ring are now just a metre or two above the rich magma. He looks into the Forge Core, half submerged in the primordial matter, then at his hand, then plunges it deep within the Core. The heat is deadly, but not to him. No, it would take more than a few thousand degrees to kill him.

    I will change the world, the man knows as his fingers reach into the fire. Even if I reach a crossroads, I will make my own choice out of nothing. My choice my choice, not one given by the cruel roll of dice. Fate will be my plaything.

    He pulls back his grieving arm, clutching his prize tightly but carefully - in a ruined hand that mends itself in moments. The object unfurls into a starlike form, and sings to him.

    To hell with their petty conflict. Synthesis is the path I make, and my Sentient shall walk it.

    He looks at his creation, and it looks back. An imprint is established, and the newborn is given instructions, just as the creator is filled with paternal warmth.

    Who am I?

    Who do you wish to be?


    I want to be strong.

    I want to be better.

    I want to be wise.

    I want to be alive.


    You are already all of those things.

    The two gaze upon each other.

    But that is not the way it must be, He muses, fingers tracing the creatures design, one he had made himself. Without challenge, dreams are formless. To be strong, you must first be weak. To be better, you must first be worse. To be wise, you must first be foolish. To be alive, you must first be dead.

    The star wails as all of its qualities are stripped down. His hand is firmly pressed against its center, and green light pulses through. Perintol has seen so many of his corpus suffer, but this is worse. Nevertheless, the newborn is made blind and dumb and mute, all the things it should not be.

    Be weak, my Sentient. Be flawed. Survive, adapt, and you will be greater than anything you could ever imagine.

    No songs come from the star now. It is silent. It is silent, yet

    My child, The Archimedian Perintol says with love in his eyes. So beautiful to behold.

  9. On 2/17/2016 at 9:15 PM, Astralin said:

    Sah'jey listened to what Abra had to say, it annoyed her that he was being so, technical and calm about it, she was sure that he had dealt with this though given his state. She looked at his hand for several dozen seconds as she thought things through, if she just stayed with nothing until the new one was fully cloned then she would be unable to be of much use. Lack of use might also kill her nerves considering both Abra and Cordia had made such note of that.


    Finally she looked up at Abra's eyes narrowing her own, "I would be more useful if I had 'two' functional limbs before and after the clone is finished. How long will I be bedridden?"

    If he were uncaringly honest, Abra would have said that Sah'jey was, besides the missing arm, in otherwise excellent physical condition and ready to do simple, one-handed tasks. But he knew exactly what the Mesa would try to do with that kind of liberty: she would storm over to wherever Temperance was being looked after and try to attack him, possibly making Praetor deploy Specters to restrain her.

    The hypothetical situation rang no small amount of bells.

    "You need to rest, Tenno Sah'jey. We'll need you soon enough," He added. "And you'd be of no use to anyone if you were tired. Exhaustion is a real problem for many Tenno, and it'd be best not to risk it."

    He rose from his seat, giving her a comforting smile. "It won't be long now. Just try to relax, and you'll do alright."

  10. 19 hours ago, Drakeardian said:

    Mordecai looked at Arthos and replied "Well, he's the one who's got one side of his hair shaved, tanned skin, brown eyes, multiple scars on his face and he's quiet. VERY quiet." explained Mordechai "Tends to be a bit of a loner but he does hold considerable favour with most of the others, perhaps if someone were to eliminate him, we'd have more to convert to our cause."

    "... Mordecai, are you trying to be funny? Because I really cannot appreciate that joke."

    "If he holds favour amongst others..." His voice gradually became harsher, even though it was quiet. "... then that means that killing him will earn us the ire of every... single... one... of his friends."

    He resisted the urge to strike out at Mordecai's face for such an idiotic proposal, and settled for stepping closer and raising a single finger. "Personally, I'm not fond of the idea. Not fond of it at all. It would instead be ideal if we could recruit him instead, or at least try to establish an alliance."

    He looked back at the crowd, looking for the assassin, and kept talking. "Remember this, Mordecai. You must kill only when absolutely necessary. Needless violence never got anyone anywhere. Why, your proposal makes as much tactical sense as suddenly deciding to stab yourself in the throat."

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