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Posts posted by Kingtaze

  1. We are Star_Helix, a friendly, social clan! We welcome everyone into our clan regardless of level, experience or experience of the game itself. We are a great clan to join if you have just started Warframe or just returned to Warframe after a break.

    Who are we and how did we start?

    Star_Helix was born from the science fiction series of novels written by James S. A. Corey called The Expanse.

    Star Helix Security is a private security firm. It is Earth-based. Star Helix is responsible for policing .

    What do we offer?

    We are a small group of really active players. Currently we are recruiting. We have tons of research done we are not at 100% yet though. We have 5 Members as of right now and I'm looking to expand this is why I'm recruiting. We have a discord chat and a skype.

    How To Join?

    How do you join? Simple. You ask, you're in. No website registration, no complication. Simply post your IGN in the thread below and either I or one of our members will send you an invite as soon as possible. However, do make sure you don't have pending invites from other clans, as apparently that keeps you from receiving other invites (i.e. ours). If you can't receive the invite due to pending invites from other clans, remember to re-post here for another invite after deleting the invite from the other clan.

    Also, as players come and go, we need to make sure there's space for active players to join. As such, we occasionally remove inactives to free up member slots. Don't worry too much, as the minimum last log-in date to be counted as 'active' is within 30 days. Even if you were removed, if you've started playing again and wish to rejoin, all you have to do is register again and we'll send you another invite post-haste.


    1. No spamming/Flooding chat
    2. No flaming (joking around is okay, but dont go too far)
    3. No hate speech i.e: racism, sexism etc towards other users
    4. Be kind to one another :)
  2. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets looked because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  3. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets looked because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  4. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets looked because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  5. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets looked because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  6. My Question is if Warframe ever had a chance to share a universe which of the following universe would Warframe join 


    Amalgam Comics
    • Amalgam Universe
    • Sigilverse
    DC Comics
    • DC Universe
    Image Comics
    • Image Universe
    IPC Magazines
    • 2000 AD, Judge Dredd, Rogue Trooper, Strontium Dog and ABC Warriors
    Malibu Comics
    • Ultraverse
    Marvel Comics
    • Marvel Universe 
    Top Cow Productions
    • Top Cow Universe
    Valiant Comics
    • Valiant Universe
    • Vertigo Universe
    • WildStorm Universe

    or Would Warframe have to start its own Universe 



  7. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets fixed because it's just getting more and more aggravating.



  8. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets fixed because it's just getting more and more aggravating.GMR979i.jpg

  9. On 9/16/2016 at 2:27 PM, aerosoul1337 said:

    Still no fix for:

    1.Heavy blade front finisher deals only 25% damage: (Even Galatine P deals a lot less melee finisher damage than other weapons)

    2.Hysterical Assault falls off the map:

    3.Fatal teleport bug:
     -If the targeted enemy is moving fast enough (such as a running Charger), the finisher will fail.
     -Some melee classes may fail to trigger Finishers on the target. This is currently present with the Nikana series.
     -Teleporting while sliding will fail to trigger a finisher on the target.

    4.Credit reward on excavation bugged?
    Instead of 3000, 4000, 5000 we now get 2000, 2500,3000.
    I am so tired to farm new relics, and just realized that I get even less reward from grinding.

    5.When using overlay map, the player indicator is no longer at the top layer, it's on the bottom. It can be covered by enemies, allies, loots and interception towers... simply everything.

    6.Blade Storm losing melee combo on Osprey, Drone and Moa type enemies:

    7.Sobek's Acid Shells effect bug:

    8.Most primary guns and polearm weapons are still misplaced while holstered.
    (The worst case is Ash Prime: most primary, secondary and melee weapons are still misplaced. They still use normal Ash's holstering positions, so most of them are stuck in Ash Prime's armor.)

    9.Aura stops working once access the arsenal in the simulacrum:


    10.Consuming energy orbs even at full energy:

    The invulnerable duration for enemies being corrupted by Void Fissures:
    This is still very annoying, especially if you are using Tigris, sniper or something like that. Just make it instant or remove the invulnerability


    or this 


  10. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets fixed because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  11. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets fixed because it's just getting more and more aggravating.


  12. This has been persisting for months yet, no one at DE seems to be addressing this issue.

    In my case, when mapping Secondary Fire and Melee Attack to the same Mouse 3 button, the aforementioned melee command won't work. So playing a dedicated melee build won't work at all because I'm either missing out on attacking or Secondary Fire.

    This isn't a problem of mapping melee block etc to a different key or getting a new mouse with more than 3 buttons. Instead, why is something as simple as this overlooked? I'm basically locked out of features of the game for no reason. I'm just going to keep voicing this out until it gets fixed because it's just getting more and more aggravating.GMR979i.jpg

  13. Welcome to the Elite Rejects. We are a new clan, and we am looking for people that would be interested in joining. You don't have to be the best player ever, or even that social. We are happy playing without mics. However, because of this we are looking players that can figure things out and adapt on the fly. You don't necessarily need to be very familiar with this game, but we are looking for gamers that can intuitively figure things out in various games in general. There are no qualification tests. If you think you would be a good fit then leave your name, and I will send an invite your way. Send me a PM or comment below. You can also add me in game at Kingtaze.


    Warframe Clan Name: Elite Rejects (ER)

    Current Number of Members: 1

    Prefer Members With Warframes: N/A

    Prefer Members With Weapons: N/A

    Looking For Members With Resources: N/A

    Minimum Mastery Rank Needed To Apply: N/A

    Language(s): English

  14. Question #1: Will we get more background information about The Lotus and can she be trusted  

    Question #2: What comes next after the Natah Quest

    Question #3: What are the Tenno 

    Question #4: Which Warframes/Tenno didn't side with The Lotus

    Question #5: Which Warframes/Tenno did side with The Orokin 

    Question #6: What is the story behind Stalker and The Tenno.


    Question #7: What is the meaning behind these two Syandana

    (Izvara: The exclusive garment of Tenno chosen to protect the Orokin Council of Executors.)

    (Nelumbo: Worn to honor the Lotus) 

  15. Q1: Will we get more background information about The Lotus and can she be trusted  

    Q2: What comes next after the Natah Quest

    Q3: What are the Tenno 

    Q4: Which Warframes/Tenno didn't side with The Lotus

    Q5: Which Warframes/Tenno did side with The Orokin 

    Q6: What is the story behind Stalker and The Tenno.


    Q7: What is the meaning behind these two Syandana

    (Izvara: The exclusive garment of Tenno chosen to protect the Orokin Council of Executors.)

    (Nelumbo: Worn to honor the Lotus) 

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