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About minicheatbook

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  1. I think the massive overguard pile from triumph should never have applied to allies in that way. Light verse is a small amount and that is fine, but the HUGE pile of overguard from triumph is silly., they will likely already have two casts of light on them which gives a decent amount of overguard(this number for two casts should remain less than archgun calldown amount with base power strength on light), and then you top that off with even MORE overguard? unnecessary. I think it should have instead been limited to regen on kill buff only for squadmates and dante instead. and that dante himself(selfish bonus) would get enhanced regen effect depending on how many squadmates have the buff in affinity range(or ability range) as well. encouraging him to continually buff all his squadmates in order to keep his regen up. (encourages teamplay to the dante user) Alternately this could be extended to all teammates with the buff would have the enhanced regen if near squadmates, or semi-extended to squadmates only in the ability range of dante's triumph centered on dante get enhanced regen along with dante himself getting enhanced regen(again encouraging teamplay but this time in general for all players to stay closer together in tough situations) For his tragedy move LoS is reasonable(lol glad there are no downvotes), but adding a slight aoe to enemies who the power affects would be better and provide some ability to hit things around corners but not too far around them. This meaning if dante hits an enemy with his ability using the improved LoS check that is coming next hotfix, that enemy that was hit should do a much smaller NON-LoS check AoE centered on itself(improved by range mods) that hits enemies nearby to itself for the same damage(or potentially reduced damage) that the initial enemy was hit for. (not chaining constantly. just one more check from the enemies hit by the main LoS check on his tragedy move and no further than that.) This makes the ability have a way to chain slightly past the LoS check and hit things around corners a little bit but without being too overpowered as a fully non-LoS check ability would be. This also allows for making a player decide if they want improved range to hit around corners a little bit better or other mods instead.(mod choice tradeoff) thoughts comments concerns?
  2. just got it slowly as i enjoyed the game. and for this pin lol. https://store.warframe.com/products/true-master-emblem-pin?_pos=2&_sid=ec4a57e83&_ss=r
  3. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. This applies to Helios too. (ALTHOUGH it sounds like not giving it a weapon will still probably result in BETTER survivability than it has right now actually due to the stat and mod and shield changes) With THIS being the downside. This DOES benefit in some way because you never have to worry about running out of sentinel lives. Trade off being you have to use mods or augments to reduce the revive timer on sentinels. And from the looks of it.... not great but not terrible at 25 seconds with primed regen or 40 seconds with regular regen and you can also use that parazon mod to make mercy kills knock off another 10 seconds each mercy kill.(decent in my opinion, but i like to do mercy kills... so...YMMV) With the Bond mods, or wtvr they will end up calling them, that they did not show on stream hopefully we may have other ways to reduce the revive timer? we'll see i suppose... However, these ensure that better survival methods exist instead of paper companions that just die a lot. you technically have ways to keep them alive longer now.(i hope) aaannnnd best of aaaaaaaaaaaaalllll. Now we can actually use more abilities on sentinels properly! Top level content will probably still nuke em hard though, no getting around that. Here's hoping the second revision/tweaking pass after this comes out will actually improve the ai for companions. and make them able to HIT THINGS WITH MELEE ATTACKS consistently.
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