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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. I must admit that Chroma looks like a seahorse with his unnecessary long face. Urgggggggggggg


    for the 900th time his face isn't what is protruding, its a horn/extension above his face.


    Look a gain and look hard.


    Also, thanks to this guy we can see that it was something that exists in art history. And this is why I love VERSED and INTELLIGENT artists who properly use art history to gain references and add something new to the mix. Mynki is now my hero:



    What?  Where?   It looks like no Dragon concept.  It looks like an original piece made by  Mynki...........


    Khmer Dragon





    Naga Dragon for extra



    Europe's Basilisk "Dragon"



  2. I am not saying that the team is not good at their job creating a unique character, however that is nothing to justify it, while I'm not an artist I at least know that the uniqueness of a character is not a selling point, it's how it looks and it plays and right now we know only one.


    I am an artist and a paid designer as well as a lover of games, and I'm telling you that the uniqueness is a "selling point" in a lot of cases when, and I repeat, everyone is obsessed with originality and individuality. 


    Also you decided to bring up how his originality has anything to do with his likability. If you read my past posts, besides me finally and actually GIVING my opinion about it, i bring up the fact that he's original for the point that he's original and nothing can take that away from him. You decided to act as if I was saying that his originality made him the best. 


    I mean i PERSONALLY believe that it makes him very attractive, however I never said that. 

  3. Please refer to my post where I say that Dinosaurs would be classed as reptiles and since godzilla more resembles a dinosaur than a dragon or lizard he would still be a reptile


    And for the 100th time stop trying to make that Chroma's originality is some amazing thing


    ???? LOL Stop trying to make chroma's originality some amazing thing? First of all, I believe it IS some amazing thing. The fact that in this day and age and warfare being the type of game it is, a team of creatives have birthed this character that you can interact with and play with all while being nearly completely original and unique to its context.


    It's more than what you can do. More than what I can do. 


    The fact that you don't think its "some amazing thing" is fine but don't sit here and tell me Not do to that because I believe it is.  


    EDIT: Also your logic is kinda shaky. Obviously you don't notice that you keep doing this even though I keep pointing it out, but you keep doing it anyway. You're arguing based on opinion and not fact. On top of that your statement doesn't make much sense. A dragon, a lizard and reptile are all the same thing. 

  4. I'd like to make one point: The Book definition of a Dragon can be anything because they're not real, however, the general consensus for a dragon is that an eastern dragon is snake like with a beard to symbolise their age and wisdom, Western dragon is often described as lizard like where some may have wings, so, if we put that against godzilla: is he lizard like? No Then he isn't a dragon




    Yo. The book definition means the book definition. If the book definition of something "can be anything" that means it isn't the book definition. What don't you understand about that?


    Yes, dragons weren't real physically but they existed as archetypes in many cultures and folklores/myths. But thats the thing I keep bringing up for chroma. They were real in literature and descriptions. Meaning that the image of these creatures are left up to interpretation. The paintings and drawings you see of dragons from history are still manifested from stories passed down orally or in literature. Since, they never existed. 


    Godzilla isn't a dragon because you can tell he's not a dragon.


    And we're back to square one with someone telling me something is not what it is because of some "fact" that he believes and therefore thinks everyone else should believe. 


    Eredoc, we've established that what you can "tell" what you can "see" what you "think" is terminology to describe something that is opinion based and subjective. Meaning that what you stated isn't factual it is what you believe and can not provide proof otherwise. 


    You've demonstrated that your definition of "dragon" is very concrete. You believe it should be this mid-evil older european image of a giant armored lizard that breathes fire, and flies.


    I repeat this is YOUR definition of a dragon.


    Now do this for me:


    Type "slaying the dragon" in google and tell me what you come up with. You'll see a lot of hits containing the idea of metaphorically destroying a huge problem to society/community.


    That's ONE way you can definite something as being a "dragon"


    Now look up and read a few hits for "dragon archetypes"


    There's ANOTHER way to describe a "dragon"


    This is majority of your arguments on this thread.


    "this can't be this because I believe this"

    Nothing is factual. And I'm listing the facts for you. 


    BOOK definition of what a dragon is.. godzilla is one. And that's subjective. Honestly you really can't sit here and tell me that it is fact that he is not a dragon. Because I believe he is. I admit that is my opinion but it is FACT that if you read up the definition of a dragon and you read up the description of godzilla they are pretty much the same thing.

  6. The Dragon frame most resembles a Neak dragon, mixed, perhaps, with a Basilisk.


    Those are dragons.




    Thank you friend.



    I honestly feel like people are literally reading the posts pointing out that the thing on his head is not his face but a horn/extension and just ignoring it and continuing to call him a horse ant eater. He ONLY look like that because of his pose in the one picture. Come on guy seriously.

  7. How about just a giant, Monsterous lizard?


    EDIT: Now that I think about it, he resembles a Dinosaur more than a dragon or Lizard


    So now I'm wondering why you don't think a dinosaur resembles a dragon or lizard? 



    Is a dinosaur not a lizard now? LOL.


    And as I said book definition.. BOOK definition of a dragon with the exception of wings fits godzilla in every single one of his movies.


    the same can be said about chroma in the sense that he is the manifested warfare themed DRAGON based/inspired off of the chinese archetypes. and I didn't want to say this earlier but he's recognized as a deity/superpower compared to other frames as pointed out by order and lotus in the files that were datamined.

  8. Then what is the point in him having these shoulder tumors? All they're doing is making him LESS agile.



    Godzilla can fly.


    Yes he has spines. No he doesn't spit fire. Yes he is large, armored, and scaly. Yes. He isn't a dragon.


    He actually does fly and was never intended to be a dragon. Don't reference things you know so little about. 


    (not really flying, but still)



    Lolllllllll I have to honestly admit, I was wrong about godzilla not flying then. 


    However, why isn't he a dragon? And how do you know he wasn't intended to be a dragon? What is he then? Because by BOOK definition without the wings, he's a dragon. ESPECIALLY now that you pointed out that he can fly. Lol. 

  9. I'm not saying that because I'm dislike it means the overall thing is bad, because, again that's my opinion, but my point is that just because it's an original doesn't does NOT instantly mean it's a good looking design


    Also, he walks but the "Talks sake" isn't whether Chroma can move or not, but how those stubs would be useful in him being agile.


    But i'm just curious as to why you're saying that/pointing that out when i never said that because he's original it makes him good looking? Unless you're literally just stating that?

  10. But that's not the point, Frost's Squall helm has a fan for artistic flair and fits [sorta] with the theme of keeping things cold


    Those "Wings" aren't artistic at all and the reason why the question is brought up is because Blut said that they could be used by chroma when he needs to "flip around and be agile".


    Yo what are you reading I never said they can be USED to do that. Read my sentence. I said:


    1. He's a body of armor. He is. HE IS.


    2. His wings are small so that he can he can keep agile without having his wings catch onto something for lore sake.

  11. Sea dragons often travelled and live in their ocean to protect said ocean


    As for western dragons, they are typically given wings and any that don't can't fly, that is the general consensus of a dragon


    Also just because it's original doesn't mean it's good.




    Also small question: If, for talks sake, that Chroma is just all armour then how would those stubs do anything to help him move?



    for the 800th time you saying its not good doesn't mean it's not good either. It's subjective a.k.a opinion. What is FACT however is that it's original. Stop arguing about that. It's original and nothing can take that way from it unless you provide legitimate proof that it's not original. And it being original, fleshed out and implemented in a game thousands play and love is very respectable and something to be appreciated. Why don't people understand that?


    Idk bro how does Rhino move? For, you know, "talks sake". 

  12. So we learned this about people in general:


    A: Some may have a different taste than you.


    B: Since they are in fact not you, they react in ways you maybe would not.


    Just for the record, I have no idea what this thing looks like, but people act like people do, nothing special about it.


    Hopefully you had fun at Tenno Live! :D



    Cya in-game, blut ;)


    Just saw this buddy! Lol And look around the forums, and take a GOOD look dude. He look pretty cool.

  13. Those are 99% of time Eatern dragons, which are said to have mystical might that allow them to fly.


    And I'm not the only one, I know that much, but I don't see any trace of an eastern dragon in Chroma.


    Um what? Lol there were sea dragons that ruled over sea rather than land/air. 


    Both not eastern dragons. 


    Aso Chroma is very oriental and ornamented WHILE being armored and given a twinge of warfare's theme. I think it's come to the point where we can claim Chroma is a very original design. Unless someone can post another game/image of something/someone being designed very similarly to Chroma without being funny and linking a sea horse.

    "body of armor" < I think that's what he's referring to.


    Yea I said he is a body of armor when I mentioned wings twice in that sentence I referred to them as wings, not armor...

  14. Of course it's my opinion what else would it be?



    There's one problem however with that notion since wings help you fly but I don't see Chroma flying anytime soon with those flaps


    Mythologically speaking not all dragon's flew, and not all dragon's needed wings to fly!

    You just called them armor. Meaning even you don't see them as wings.

    Free post count at this point.


    I didn't just call them armor what are you talking about? lol

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