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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. I'm too guilty of this at some point, but it seems like its very easy for people to critique professional works in a very disrespectful ways. But on the other hand the same people can easily praise amateur's works which can be considered "objectively worse".


    This is why i have trust issue with people, it seems like the art itself didn't matter. People only care in expressing their opinion, even if it's insulting or even if it's lying.


    Well said! +1 for the humility on admitting you do this sometimes. 

  2. Well, there's your creative bit right there! They wouldn't be enemies, they'd be allies. Dragons breathing fire and acid at your enemies! :P


    Anyway, I'm tired of this debate. We both know it is not going to go anywhere constructive as far as the devs are concerned. So, congrats, you win? Suffice it say that my disappointment with this frame design, which I was hoping would be enough to get me interested again, has actually made me want to play less. Hopefully Volt prime will actually look like Volt, but at this point I'm not counting on it.


    Chroma's design made you want to not play the game entirely anymore? Your disdain for Chroma made you disregard sentients, new pvp, new tilesets, raids, a bunch of cool new weapons, new enemies, new gameplay and more? 

    No one wins in this. 


    Also no...those things are the spawn of hell and you'd end up becoming melted flesh if you tried to get near them.


    You're not wrong there, it's a discussion after all.

  3. Oh please. Those 'wings' are tiny. And if it wasn't for you calling them wings I'd have continued to think it was meant to be some sort of hump.



    That depends entirely upon what you're doing, and what the cause is.


    Oh please. The 'wings' are just part of the design as the ring around trinity's head is a halo. Why aren't you looking for her wings since she's clearly an angel. Hm. 

  4. I'm with them. I'd love for DE to announce that they're at least tweaking his design to make him look less like a fat anteater and more like whatever eldritch dragon they were going for. Shorten his snout some, put him on a diet, and either get rid of his stumpy wings and make them more prominent and I could get behind it. If we are extremists for our feelings and/or actions, you are an extremist for taking the exact opposite position.


    1. He doesn't have a snout.


    2. He's not fat.


    3. He's a body of armor that is meant to flip and swing around while being in combat, this isn't an anime his design fits his function.


    4. Then it takes an extremist to know one. I guess someone has to combat the people who get on these forums blasting everything without even letting them fully come to life first. 

  5. Chroma. It is in the name. If you don't think of chromatic dragons, then you clearly had no fun in life (/s).


    As to the argument that a more recognizable dragon is boring... by whose standards? I keep seeing this as one of the main points against using the d&d design. Honestly, i feel that would have been amazing! You have no idea how much time I spend in class thinking about ways dragons/humanoid dragons can be used in fun ways in rpg campaigns and storytelling. I would have found it fun, and i doubt I am the only one. So saying it is bad because it is "boring" is a weak argument since it is subjective. No saying, it is not a legitimate thing for some people, just that it is not exactly a proper argument.



    But see bro you're projecting your own desires onto the design and that's what is taking away from the actual design. Your "d&d" design is the european version of a very universal archetype of mythology of many cultures which is why I said you can't leave the idea of a dragon to be set in stone. 


    Dragons are the manifestation of a force in nature that is either meant to be a huge obstacle/problem that is recognized simultaneously as divine. That's why in Ancient Chinese mythologies/folklore the dragon was meant to be a force to be reckoned with however treated with respect could bring great fortune and pleasures to those individuals.


    In other cultures the Dragon was a manifestation of "evil" and a menace to society and only a hero of great strength could destroy it.  That's why is imagined and often described as a huge armored lizard who breaths fire and smells vile and/or of death. Something oddly fetishized by many western cultures if you haven't noticed yet. This is why people like it and wanted to see it. 


    And I say all of that because it does have an impact of how the image of dragons appear  in art over time. Sometimes it's very obscure /abstract, other times its concrete.

    This time the dragon has been manifested by whoever had hands on the design to fit into the warfare universe but at the same time incorporates a lot of its traditional aspects. 

  6. I'll admit that's the only pose Chroma looks legitimately good in. However that pose is akin to using lighting and a certain angle to make one look thinner in selfies when it comes to real life humans.


    What the hell you talking about? xD that's how Chroma LOOKS. What do you mean that's the "only pose" he looks good in? The correction would be the "only pose" everyone is up in arms about is the one he "looks legitimately bad in" Look you can even see his WINGS. YOU SEE THAT GUYS!?


    And there have been numerous posts pointing out that they see no wings lol. 

  7. Sure, but this, I feel, is a case where "artistic" ideal went too far in the other extreme. For something as iconic as a "dragon" you can't really just throw something together and say "it's a dragon because i say it is". When making allusions to real life myths (an oxymoron, I know) or other culturally significant archetypes it is important to keep it grounded in the original concept. Otherwise, why bother using the namesake in the first place? I can see where some people might get the idea that it is a combination of many ideas, but for me it is too far of a departure into weirdness that I cannot see it as a dragon. To me it is a random thing created by the devs that should be given its own classification so that a more recognizable dragon design can one day become a real thing (within the game at least).


    You kinda tripped up by saying "important to keep it grounded in the original concept" What original concept? Do you know how many cultures dragons have appeared in? Taking many forms  and features? 


    On top of that dragon's are not real. How they are created is solely based on the creator and its culture-based cues. Nothing is set in stone. 

  8. "It is very factual that many people dont appreciate art"?


    Everyone has an opinion on what art is, you are saying that they cant appreciate art, but what is art in your opinion may not be art for other people, respecting their ideas is key to a healthy discussion, criticizing peoples "ability to appreciate art" is not going to allow us to achieve anything constructive


    Me saying that many people don't appreciate art is me talking about the notion that many people have that if it doesn't give a knee-jerk reaction to either satisfy them or make them feel anything then it's crap. When more often than not work that thoughtful and has work/time into it is honestly deserving of much more. 


    It's not bout liking/disliking it its the desire for destroying it or getting rid of it simply because they don't instantly desire it or think its mind-blowing-ly cool. 


    And that goes for a lot of things in the game. If your first reaction is to trash something because it wasn't what you thought it would be or it isn't how you like it is the depreciation of art. I'm talking about this on a much deeper level than just "You can't say their opinion doesn't matter because you don't agree with it" No move past that and look deeper at what I'm talking about. 

  9. I appreciate art and the work that must have went in to creating Chroma... that doesn't stop me from thinking he is ugly as hell.


    He looks like an anteater and the end of his 'snout' looks like it has buckteeth. I was expecting something that made me think 'dragon' when I saw it, not anteater. I was expecting DE to take the eastern approach to dragons just because of their track record.


    No, I haven't.


    Yes, I have.


    No, not really. But that could just be the result of the crappy quality of all the pics I've seen of chroma. 


    A link to info on he lore surrounding him would be much appreciated.


    Creative=/=aesthetically pleasing. My 'fan-art' is creative, but ugly.




    Gratz, I was at work.


    I'd just to reiterate now that this threat was really directed towards those extremists who not only dislike his design but are demanding/asking for a redesign and petitioning for it. 


    And the people going out of their way to put the design down. 

  10. Firstly they wanted to make him look more like an eastern/Asian inspired dragon. utter @(*()$ fail. He is too far, his mouth too narrow(looks like a goddamn seahorse), his skin resembles twizzlers as everyone has said and he doesn't even have antlers like an Asian dragon. Asian dragons also tend to be over the phase of wood in wu xing as well as being related the water. This frame is defaulted with fire element. The design does not have claws to be seen any where either, have you ever seen a dragon without claws? Me either. His abilities may be amazing and thematic, but his visual design is so foreign, surreal and departed from what people would recognize as a dragon that the inclusion of even calling him a dragon frame is really just telling us that there won't be a legitimate dragon frame.

    Also he only shares two colors with the sentients and not even an entire color pallet, nor does he have the same aesthetic. the sentients are other wordly, inhuman, streamlined, eldritch even dare I say arcane. Chroma is fat, sunburned and hose faced.

    Panzer Dragon Orta's designs suck too.

    We also don't know nearly enough to even pretend Chroma is rich in lore.


    You got it wrong again. Scott said that he was researching many dragons and that the eastern/oriental dragon theme is something he gravitated towards for the GAMEPLAY aspect of his design.. not his looks. He literally didn't say anything regarding the design for his looks. 


    And you say Panzer Dragoon Orta's design sucks but that's PURELY subjective as a LOT of people's opinions differ. 

    And that's fine but it's gotten to the point where people are literally asking for redesigns.. like yo come on..

  11. But being bland and un-creative isn't a good thing either. 


    Nothing here is black and white.



    Right? It's like saying "it's too risky to try something completely new so just stick to what everyone else in the world sticks to" Bullocks. As a designer I know that more often than not your most impactful work is one that you took extra risk with and tried something new.

  12. What we learned today is the same thing we've learned every time a new frame is revealed: Some people believe that because it didn't turn out like they thought or it wasn't a copy-paste lf someone's fanart it's objectively bad.

    ....And that some are remarkably butthurt about it, to the point they'll go and hate on every single thread that makes the mere mention of the name.



  13. You seem to be forgetting that there are millions of players, there will almost never be a time when everyone agrees on something, those who do not like chroma dont reflect the whole community, but are rather a portion of it, and hence putting down the whole community for the actions of those who disagree with you will only provoke other players.


    Everyone has a right to an opinion, saying they "dont appreciate art" because they have one that is different from you will most likely result in a disrespectful discussion


    It is very factual that many people don't appreciate art..And I'm not saying that because they have a different opinion than mine. I'm saying it because.. well.. they don't appreciate art.  And I'm not putting down the whole community for the actions for anything as the "whole community" (for some reason in your head) doesn't dislike the design and is intact intrigued by it. 

  14. I'm going to assume his alt helm will be good, since that's the main issue most people seem to have.

    The only other thing I dislike about the frame the hunchback stance it uses, which is something I can also change.

    Also, I don't see any sentient similarity. People having no chill is a good thing, if all we did was compliment something then no progress would be made.


    I think we can safely agree that not everything that everyone complains about is necessarily a "good thing"...


    Also, what hunch back? What the heck are you guys viewing? LOL I was at tennolive yesterday with a huge screen in front of me and I saw no hunch back, I saw no seahorse, I saw a very twisted and rough/spiny looking suit of armor. He's very ornamental and decorated.

  15. We learned that a lot of Tenno unfortunately have no appreciation for art and creativity and the work behind things to ring ideas to life. 


    How does chroma look bad? What where you expecting? 


    Have any of you every heard of Panzer Dragoon Orta? 


    Have any of you ever read up on Dragons in different mythologies?


    Does no one here notice the similarities between him and the sentients in design? 


    Chroma is one of the strongest if not the strongest currently known Warframes to date, lore wise. 


    And his design is VERY creative whether you want to admit it or not. 



    People have no chill. :/



    Im gonna take this opportunity to express my enjoyment at being with DE at tennolive yesterday! The 6 hour commute was worth it!

  16. Looks like it made of the same template as rhino, zephyr... Such a terrible design! How that person have been even hired to DE? What are you doing there, in office? This model can be done in 4-5 hours already skinned to skeleton by one guy. Same as new Sentients kind... It's the shame to art director. I wish him suddenly see this post! How he will look in his colleagues' eyes all over the world by giving green light to T.H.I.S.?


    You guys just not met your deadlines.


    Let it be just a nice joke... :) Please?



    Way too harsh of criticism for something you clearly don't know anything about. If you think you can do better do it. Or at least prove you know what you're talking about putting down someone who most likely went to school over you do what he does and gets paid for it. 

  17. Wait seriously why is no one getting that he's modeled after the sentients. Chroma is one of the strongest war frames in the game. Lore wise.. and possibly literally. Enough about his design. It's original and very creative. I realized after being at tennolive personally and first hand hearing and seeing the reactions that it's art.


    Great art inspires and is controversial. 


    Realize that those of you who don't like the design are most likely sulking that he hasn't taken up the traditional design of a dragon. Dragons aren't real. They're mythical. They're manifestations of great power that vary in form from many different cultures. Research was done and I greatly admire the final design. 


    If you can't at least swallow your pride and at least respect the direction and thought put into it. Then everything negative about him and his looks is hot air. 





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