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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. You just desecrated a 2 weeks old thread, and you didn't bring anything useful to it.

    Bubbles ARE broken, simply because they only understand High Rate of Fire, and they have a shrinking speed cap. That means that it does not matter if you're running a maxed weapon, or an unranked one, because it will shrink the same.

    And on top of needing a high RoF to shrink it (Snipers/Bows/Launchers/Semi auto weapons are borderline useless against the bubble, even though they all deal tons of damage), the shrinking speed cap makes you waste bullets, and give them a longer invulnerability during which they can shoot their automatic Lanka (cuz charging shots is for scrubs, AKA Tennos).

    So no, they aren't in a good place, and no, their mechanic isn't "original" or fun or whatever, it's just broken and bullsh...



    They aren't broken you are just entitled and think that the game should be designed around your needs/expectations. 

  2. We know we're going to see the Dragon frame, and parkour 2.0.


    I'm also pretty sure we'll get to see fish-lifters and more of the raid.


    If U16 is coming in the nextt 2 weeks we might also here something about the next prime access.


    Thoughts? Predictions? Something new we never expected like Archwing?



    I think that a new faction is going to be announced. I think the Sentients will be finally awoken as we have, for too long, been living their dream. 

  3. Similar to Saryn you say? So basically, it's gonna be another Miasma spammer? What a turn off, and it's not even here yet. 


    Gonna level it to 30, buy it's idle animations and stuff it into my Liset's closet.


    What I got from this post:


    "is that your opinion on something that's not out yet? Is that your completely ill supported assumption on how the warframe is? I'll take your word for it and go through the trouble of getting it anyway buying something that is related to it and not playing it at all anymore. I just wanted to tell you that."

  4. All I expect this week is TennoLive. What ever is announced then will happen in the weeks to come.



    I have to admit, I do believe something is happening this week. x3

    I'm hoping for more augments honestly, even if they do turn out bad.

    Also, Volt/Ash Prime.

    New Frame.




    There we go! That's what I'm talkin' about!


    I can't wait to use Chroma either!!

  5. Hype almost always leads to disappointment.

    Don't be hyped, be excited. 


    I'm sorry I.. I can't be that cynical. Anything that's coming to the game is never a disappointment unless they announced the game was officially going to be shut down. 


    Look at the bright side man!

  6. Whats going on guys? Where are the hype threads? Sound the horns, ring the bells! Call the press! Speed Dial the president! Stop the traffic. Recall everything!


    Tennolive is this week!! AND.. wait for it..


    Warframe's Birthday is near! 


    You guys aren't excited?? Come on! 


    Something new and interesting this week is happening. Getting delivered new information on changes/additions coming to a game... to an experience you love and are part of nearly every day? 


    On top of that we get to celebrate Warframe's anniversary soon!


    What do you speculate is coming?? What are you hoping for? What do you generally love about the game and hope to see stay true to the game and grow for as long as possible?

  7. This thread is broken. Not because of complaining or anything but because it lacks any reasoning enough to convince readers that you truly believe that this game is, in essence, "broken". You fail to give any logic and proper argument on the matter. There is no solid evidence to support your claims and lacks any solution or support for a solution.  


    If you feel that this game is truly broken, why do you continue to play a broken game? How do you play it to take away from its brokenness and what do you hope to see in the future that would "fix" it?


    EDIT: You feel the game is broken and its quality is declining due to repeating rewards in void runs? 


    What incredibly specific way to expose your disdain for not having things go exactly your way. So much so that you decided to create a thread about it and to put the cherry on top, make a fallible thread claiming what the 'state of the game' is?



    Come on, dude.


    Come on. 

  8. >U16 feels small

    >U16 hasn't been released yet



    is this dude from the future??


    personally I'm hyped for this, fully revamped PvP which is something I've been waiting for a looooong time, and also 8 player raids oh boy, dragon frame prolly and more stuff we probably do not even know about!

    I would like to know why people assume that something IS something without being fully certain, that's just talking out of your !!




    I like this guy!

  9. I've basically had this discussion over 50 times in-game and on Reddit with tons of people and it boils down to me keeping that opinion. I don't want to discuss it any further because it's a pure waste of time and I might as well CTRL+C then CTRL+V in every discussion. I'm not hating for the sake of hating. I'm giving criticism. And the facts and arguments are derived from the updates section and 2 of the dev streams. And AW is still bad at least subjectively - you don't have the right to deny subjective judgement. Regardless, AW was objectively terrible when it launched (tanky frames the only choice, non-functioning map, too much screen shake, getting stuck in geometry, etc etc).


    And thanks for checking out my post history (and only counting my last 5 posts arguing with a white knight). Didn't even bother checking how I defend Warframe in many other posts or give a ton of feedback. Good job, you can now proceed to suck on a twinky. That's easy enough for you I hope.


    You're honestly laughable in your posts. You put this game and the devs on blast constantly. And you "defending" is sarcastic. Don't discuss it anymore. You're right stay quiet on the matter seems it'd probably be for the best. It's not like you're giving any constructive feedback or offering solutions to anything anyway. 

    Honestly I hope someone comes around and locks this thread. Stuff like this is tiring and only comes about when everyone is bored and have nothing else to do but stir up negativity. 

  10. At this point I don't give a hoot about what others think on the subject of U16.


    Gigantic updates at the expense of content drought are bad. No matter how gigantic you can make it players will consume it in a fraction of the time spent making it. Is the decision to withhold finished content to bundle into U16 a good idea? in my opinion it isn't.


    The last huge update was Archwing so remember it's launch state. U16 will fall for the same pit. The 'give more time to polish' chanting doesn't work. AW came in a pathetic state and barely improved over the course of months of feedback. Not always does what the Devs think will work actually works. How the hell was making tanky frames the viable ones for AW a sound idea? or a useless map? or the immense screen shake? Yeah because often times group think and other biases make things seem different. DE needs feedback and the larger they make an update the harder it gets to get fixes and tweaks done. The delay in fixes is more than enough to kill content.


    AW released -> Was incredibly bad -> Completely abandoned by many -> AW Event -> People with unranked gear trying to give AW a second  chance -> Event is complete ~~~~ -> More people abandon AW -> Almost everyone is waiting for AW to be polished


    The second half of U15 was Syndicates and it was a complete disaster in launch state. At least it was significantly improved through various updates/fixes. There's also a ton of extra content such as sigils and others (too many to list)


    Let me remind you that U14 was in July 2014 and U15 was in Oct 2014 - and had a ton of content in-between. We get starved for the sake of U16 over a much longer period for bad reasons. "Our biggest update yet!" was never a good reason - Steve apologized once about packing bigger updates but further down the line we see the same thing happen. Except it's worse.


    If you disagree with me have a cookie. If you agree with me have a cookie. Everyone gets a cookie because I'm not gonna bother replying and repeating myself every time a new player enters the dojo and wants to start an argument.



    I love how your post is fat with opinion and lacks any fact or formidable argument/points. AW wasn't and still is not 'incredibly bad' we don't get starved for content the community is just full of gluttons and instant gratification junkies that want everything now and wants there to be a lot of it.


    This game literally changes, if not every day, every other day. In hotfixes, new information, small changes/additions. And if you can't appreciate that play another game honestly. Save the toxicity and salt for another game's forums. 


    Also awesome, you come in here "i dont care what you think" all over the forums and then ironically post your own opinion on the matter.

    Get our of here son. Mad annoying. 


    EDIT: Wow look at this dude's post history.. You'd think he gets paid to log on into forums every day and gripe about things in the game and about people rightfully defending the game and its developers. If you don't like it then leave! I don't understand people.. 

  11. 8 Man raid that'll last a week and probab


    People simply don't realize that whatever content requires a lot of time.

    They just eat and eat and eat without knowing how much work is after their gluttony.

    An when for whatever reason will come less, they will get angry.




    Best post to describe the condition of the warframe community. +1. People complain and complain and complain about things that aren't even implemented yet, and raise concerns about things that don't exist. 

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