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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. throwing this out first, bad design refers to the actual looks vs the concept. also, this is my opinion so you do have the right to disagree with me...don't get offended by what i write.


    DRAGONS! eastern or western...don't like a seahorse(anthropomorphized)/anteater(anthropomorphized)/dragoon knight. the angles i seen in the peep show at tenno live made it look like spaghetti was dropped on one of the listed 3 things. if they went for a more abstract design, please, link me to a dragon that looks more like chroma in mythology. otherwise my point stands that those 3 things aren't dragons.


    onto the frame itself though? the idea of a damage/buff frame is already done 10x over so lets see what it brings ability wise to redeem these horrid first looks. (again, if you have a link to what they will be, not ideas to what they will be, please do link it lol) the main pro i can see coming from this new "color changes the elemental damage" idea is really interesting in theory, but i want to see how this gets implemented. i'd be let down quite a bit to find out that it deals as much damage as a wet noodle to compensate for the "pick your poison" style damage. now onto the buffs, i really hope they kept the self regen ability i seen on the concept page...it sounded quite nifty for levels 1-45 in my opinion if they implemented it correctly. 


    so the make or break for me will be the abilities...i can live with a walking spaghetti turd (i mean infested-like) monster if the abilities make it formidable or just a walking meme. again, all my opinion feel free to disagree and seriously, please do link me a dragon that looks similar to this thing...i wanna have a good laugh.


    [leaving my first thoughts there for comparison's sake]

    EDIT: i think my biggest issue with this frame is that for a fan made concept, which people thought long and hard on, it got changed too much for it to keep its original love. i'm sure people will get use to it, but the shock value this thing took with it is what people don't like. they had this idea in their head for a, probably more western idea, dragon. this barely resembles in a more eastern dragon style. it honestly looks like they tried to take the more slender and 'nobile' look of a eastern and mashed it with the intimidation and power of the western. then they added some tennoverse love to it and boom, chroma was born. 


    Bad design does not mean that it always looks bad that's where you went wrong first. Bad design is something that was ineffective in its function or creation. In otherwords bad design in this context would mean that it fails to do what chroma was made for.. we don't know this yet because we haven't played it. You don't like his looks.. that's not bad design because how you feel about his looks is subjective.


    Seriously 3 days after his "teaser" and people are still going on about what is the correct way to demonstrate what style. It's REALLY getting tiring already.


    There's nothing you can do about it. Yes you can give feedback but it's not going to change how he looks. Because it's not something that's diminishing to gameplay. 

  2. With the new additions to the game as enemies and weapons, it's all very exciting and I have no qualms with them. However, I've been thinking a lot very recently about the 'difficulty' level for higher level nodes on the star map.


    I'm wondering if it would be a good change if the levels were boosted anywhere between 25 and 35 levels higher than what they are now. Essentially making level 3X-4X enemies level 5X-7X . We saw the heavy blade alert and I know it's very controversial. Part of the reason it was so strenuous was because we had restriction. However, levels 5X-7X is considerably lower but still enough to pack a punch while still giving the potential to even scale higher due to the type of node it's in.


    I think this synergizes  well with what Sheldon was proposing for the void in the devstream. That way they can have placement of rarer things in harder planets, and it could make game play more rewarding. 


    When u16 arrives you have to think about what comes after--not in a "give me more now" kind of way but a "hmm this isn't the end so I'm interested in whats coming after this" sort of way-- and that could give way to more work for tilesets, new enemies, so on and so forth. 


    It's very exciting to think about really. What do you guys think?

  3. kkf8Wpg.gif


    Somewhat scaly appearance, 2 wing-like protrusions on his shoulders, long and thick tail. He also has a snout and breathes fire. How is that not draconic?


    It is man, don't worry about these threads anymore people just want to find reasons to find fault and be unhappy with something.


    Just let them wallow in their own dirt. It's satisfying knowing that there a good portion of the community that actually likes or is positively intrigued with this design. And I personally can not wait for it to come out. That's all that matters.

  4. If there is one thing I have to give DE credit for, is how fast they complete content. Everything they mentioned that was still in progress considering they have halted normal and smaller updates gotten things completed for event, I actually do hold some type of hope that we would see u16 with at least 80% of the content by next week wed or thursday. 


    I'm not EXPECTING it though, but I believe it could be done. 

  5. I even went to tennolive and forgot to ask, was there any talk at the after party? I know they said mid march, but that's next week. Quite literally the middle of march. Do you guys believe it's going to be ready by then? Geoff said he's gonna work on the Mios as soon as he gets back since the model is already done.


    What do you guys think?

  6. There is one? It's not on the wiki...


    The sigil itself isn't tradable however those who have not used their code can sell it I suppose? 


    If I get some tremendous offering I may sell mine otherwise this baby is a keepsake. 



    This is how it looks on the card:



  7. I'm literally determined to pour all of my energy into urging the dev to use the sentient trailer music as actual stage music. 


    It would be an excellent follow up to the void and derelict OST's and a great addition to Warframe's collection of epic music. 

  8. At first glance i was like wtf. Which to me, is awesome. I love that DE team does this sort of risky designs, warframe's unique aesthetic is what initially drew me to it and kept me hooked as long as it did. The fact that they still manage to surprise with their designs is really a breath of fresh air in an otherwise incredibly iterative and stale industry.

    This is the appreciation I would've loved to see instead of 400 thread doing the opposite. Not because he likes it, but he took the time to analyze it and pointed out it's main attractive feature: Its different. In comparison to the game industry now it's different.

  9. No they aren't you literally said that in the first page

    Saying they have no appreciation for art is a kinship to saying that they have no taste and therefore they know nothing of art, I've looked at Chroma for a while now and I still dislike it, nothing about him shows that he's a "Dragon" frame, I never had any expectation for the design of the character, all I knew it was called the Dragon frame, so I felt disappointed when I saw it had an anteater head

    We have an issue with it because despite it being true, it offers nothing to sell the character because the character itself is generally unpleasant to look at, if you say "I like the look of it" fine, that's your opinion, but when you say it's "Original" the response more akin to "And what else?"

    No disrespect to you but I'm going to stop responding to what you are posting because you do a lot of jumping around and you're starting to generate things from thin air and make issues out of them. We will agree to disagree.

  10. For the 1000th time, just because some people have different taste from you doesn't mean they don't know "art". Seriously you're a designer yourself, how can you be this close-minded and still claim your oh-so-passionate defense for originality? This game is a commercial product, not an avant-garde movement that can get away with throwing toilet bowls and twizzler pr0n at people. Different medium, different audience, y'know.

    I really don't care either way for Chroma's design. It's not terribly interesting for me, though I believe he'll grow on me if I see him move around in-game and do game stuff.

    People in this forum are kings/queens of putting words in your mouth.

    When did I say that they don't know art? If you're referring to my starting post I said the people that belittle and disrespect the design at first glance or throw it away because it doesn't give them that knee-jerk "coooooool" reaction is the depreciation of art. And what the hell are you talking about? Its a game. There wouldn't be game designers and artists if the goal wasn't to create works of art that immersive and that people can interact with.

    And why do people take issue with me calling this design original? I'm not being passionate about it I'm just repeating it till annoys whoever is reading because it's the truth. You think I'm being passionate because I keep bringing it up that's all. It's an original design. It's original. It's an original design. It's original. It's original It's original. And there's nothing that can take that away from it.

    "It's not an avant garde movement"

    -_- I'm starting to see a little too late why reddit it makes fun of forum people.

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