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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. Basically "I don't like Thing, therefore Thing should be removed".


    What should be removed? I asked for DE to address it. 


    Did they remove excavation for e-gate?  So what are you talking about?


    That ol' cookie cutter response to threads shedding light on something it seems. 

  2. someone that agrees with you - "legitimate vievpoint"


    it's so hard to find a clan or farm keys?



    How does he agree with me? 


    He stated his viewpoint, and I thought it was legitimate.


    I didnt say anything about alternates to camping, I never stated what I do, nor did I ask for confirmation on if my methods of running these modes were right.


    The troll don't stop it seems.



    And once again for about the 3rd time. Never said it was hard to farm keys/find people play with people who don't camp. 


    If you really don't have anything else to contribute to the discussion that  just slap that back button my man. 

  3. I wasn't there for viver so i cant speak for that, but the issue with e-gate was that you could instantly kill enemies when they spawn, and then new enemies would spawn in the same place, so u could just stand still and get an insane amount of kills, so excavation was changed so that the enemy spawns are dependant on the excavators.

    However, it was basically jsut a flaw in the tileset, it couldve been fixed by changing some of the tiles so that u couldnt make all enemies spawn so close.

    DE nerfed it because ppl could get so much mods and resources that they thought it would hurt platinum sales.

    Camping in survival jsut keeps you safe, it doesnt increase the rewards by any notable amount, thus its simply a matter of player preference, so DE is not gonna mess with it.



    I was there for both and it was essentially the same thing/same concept. 

  4. warframe is coop game and everyone can play how they want.Also if you dont want to paly with campers create ur own group and play.




    Now tell me Altey, did I say anywhere in my OP or in other comments I made that I can't 1. create my own group and play or 2. Don't play with campers? 

  5. I don't really understand the need to camp and do long hour survivals.

    Multiple shorter runs are more enjoyable because:

    -you can fool around and run and gun

    -get more credits over all, as opposed to 20k mission credits every 20mins

    -safer that the game doesn't bug out and you lose all your shiny things

    -Easier to get parts(by that i mean effort:reward ratio of restarting every 20/40 minutes than "surviving" for 60/80minutes where you get 1 shot)



    Unless it's like....one of the rarer keys, t1-t3 survival where you really want to milk each key for all it's worth. That i could understand, but T4 keys aren't that hard to come by if the person ever just played decently high level interceptions.


    Why camp for hours in T4 and risk:

    -Someone dc'ing and the group composition falling apart

    -Failing the mission when mobs get 100+ and nobody can get to the extraction from their camp

    -Losing your S#&$ (both drops and emotions)

    -Game bugging out on someone and they can't use abilities/fire stuff/revive bugs


    I've been running T4S this weekend trying to get odonata wings and i just ran with randoms. If we find a good spawn room then we just stay there and farm, but we always leave at 40(hell even 20 sometimes if one of the guys has to go). Having randomed fast nova, greedy mag and nekros does force camping, but it 40 minutes of camping is quite a bit harder than 40mins of run and gun, because you get absolutely swarmed if you camp. I only managed to extract because i was playing vex armored Chroma, the other 3 ran out of revives trying to leave the "camp" lol.



    It's relieving seeing people with legitimate viewpoints on the forums sometimes. 



    Wah Wah i can't hallway hero


    Cry baby



    You're so mature, man. 

  6. Why u still crying ? Game could be killed by whining ppl just like in gw2 (our class too bad , buff it! Or nerf this class because i cant win him)



    No one is "crying". Try to use other words in your vocabulary.


    Also your sentence makes no sense. 


    A problem comes from another problem. The grind is the problem, leading to players abusing mechanics which also becomes a problem.


    Grindfest is an excuse? Please tell me how to get all the rewards given out without grinding. I also assume you didn't play "The Gradivus Dilemma" event?



    The grind isn't a problem. It's just that people don't want to work for anything. And no matter what way you flip it.. that's the reality. This game has grind?


    This game has no grind, play pretty much any other MMO and it has more "grind" than Warframe.


    It's a very worn out point and it has no basis since how hard/grindy something is ultimately is subjective.


    It's not a reason to resorting to lazy game play.


    Going into a t3s thinking "alright gonna have a good time running around shooting things" and instead seeing a group huddled in a hallway and telling you not to run around because you'll mess up spawns while a Vauban and mag macros for 40 minutes?


    And you guys justify that crap? 

  7. Camping is the only way to do several hours survivals. But people are lazy and now they do this even in t1 from the very start. This is not exploit, just a choice for players how to play. You can do it or not, you don't get more rewards if you camping anyway.


    Never called it an exploit. Viver nor E-gate were really exploits. 

    No offense to DE, but even after vivergate excal nerf, they still pushed the nerf through and called "working as intended." After a lot of events, only one of them was good (cryotic front), the rest of the events were a grindfest.


    They made money due to people burning out of the grind and are forced, in a way, to buy plat/prime access to reduce the grind.


    Last line is rough, better check your language



    What about my language needs to be checked?



  8. In my opinion killing the game is a bit harsh to say the least, I agree though people are going to farm the fastest most efficient way. But again, humans like to complain, Tenno do not So, before anyone jumps to any conclusions we go back to the cyclical argument of "Hate the Game, Not the People." The game forces us to do what we're doing because the mechanics taught us this way... : / I also agree about the lazy game mode argument that keeps coming up thread after thread, give it a rest. And I want to point out...



    Purpose To identify clear broader goals that advance the overall organization and organize resources.



    To utilize specific resources to achieve sub-goals that support the defined mission.


    Source: http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2013/01/14/the-difference-between-strategy-and-tactics/



    I Love this. So here's what you're gonna do for me then.


    What I want you to do from now on is only invite MR1 - MR5 players. Players who just started the game and then bring a vauban and a mag with greedy pull and a nuker frame. And then tell them. This is how you play Warframe. 


    Then take a step back and look at how progressive that is for the game. 


    It's killing the game.


    Both directly and indirectly.


    This type of game play sticks around for a while. De changes something because it messes with their game economy and business model. 


    Players who adored this lazy gameplay gripe about it. The forums and community is filled with toxicity. People leave. abase the game and/or end up contributing to the game's demise purposely. 

  9. the only 1 here without logic is you



    Prove to me how this is true and I'll actually believe what you're saying. 

    You know what running around like a headless chicken does?


    Scatters spawns and loot.


    Who said you have to run around like a headless chicken? 


    I don't remember writing that in my post..

  10. well....the game mode is called 'survival'...and if you watch those stupid survival shows/movies on TV then you'll know you have to do anything to survive, it's also like life somehow 

    there's really no specific way to play survival missions......'keep moving and kill enemies' then that's exterminate, 'hold a specific spot 'camp' ' then that's defense

    the only beauty in survival missions is that the players can play in any way they want, because you have to do anything to survive ;)  



    I guess that'd work if people could macro themselves in real life for hours on end to get rewards. 

  11. It is actually DE (and you) who haven't learned anything from Viver and E-Gate. Community will always find the most efficient method of farming that requires the least amount of effort. It's not limited to WF either. Pretty much all grind games boil down to efficiency. 


    Now the question is how does this impact you?



    How hasn't DE learned anything from those situations? 


    If I recall correctly they have a game out making bank and you're the one playing..



    Where'd you leave your logic? You should go get it.

  12. It's not a new trend, ppl have been finding the laziest way to paly games since games were a thing, it has been a part of Warframe since day 1, what makes you think DE will suddenly dislike it now?



    What's your reasoning then for changes made in regards to e-gate and viver?

  13. "they don't play my way so let's nerf it"

    thats what i read



    If that's what you read you need better comprehension skills. If that's what i was complaining about it'd be stupid since I don't have to play with people who do this. 


    And I don't. I solved that quick fast in a hurry. This thread's purpose is stated directly at the start. " Here's to DE hoping that they address it" 

  14. Because:



    The game is a grindfest, why not find a way to reduce said grind, or make it easier. Players will find a way to quicken the grind due to all these grindwalls. Whether you are a new player or a 2 year old player, you WILL burnout sooner or later and need ways to grind the fastest way possible.







    Exactly what? 


    You're just confirming exactly that people who practice this are the problem..


    Calling the game a "grind fest" is an excuse. It really is. 

  15. all of the above


    player haters have now chosen to burn crosses against whatever effective/efficient tactic is in fashion atm =/


    isnt it great how the massive influx of the post-wow mmorpg crowd has influenced WF? ya? oh? no? ya i thought so... =/


    Sitting in a corner for 40 mintues is a tactic? And you're calling it effecient/effective. 


    It kills the game. And I'm saying you're shooting yourself in the foot its because when DE changes something in the game that EFFECTS EVERYONE then you all swoop to forums to cry out your hearts.


    This new trend of finding the laziest way to play a game mode is getting old.

  16. Really whats the problem? Big kidz dont play with you because of MR1 and low gear?


    Camping is a good way to stay in the void, game mechanics alows it, also we have frames for exactly that method...


    Seriously, whats the problem?



    Ohhh nice personal attack "grand master"!

  17. Here's to hoping the DE addresses this new fad of "farming" in the void.


    Had someone tell me the best way to get to 40 minutes in Survival was to use this new method of "camping" in the voids. 


    People don't learn from Viver and E-Gate that people are shooting themselves in the foot. 






    This is less about the actual method of playing around in one room and sticking it out to as long as you're staying


    and more about people deciding to sit in a hallway, set on a macro or press a button every once in a while for 40 minutes... then bash/shun/kick you or waste your key for not following suit.

  18. Who would have thought that I would be still playing this game for over 2 years? It has been one hell of a bumpy ride but I've loved(almost) every minute and I'm glad to have supported this game during that time. Thank you to all the Tenno that make this game what it is and of course all the amazing devs at DE who despite their mistakes, I've never doubted that they love this fantastic game as much as we do. Happy Anniversary everyone and hears to many more great years to come! *cue fireworks* *cue 21 Latron salute* *cue applause* *cue festivities*



    Ahahah 21 latron salute. I love it!

  19. bows my head smilingly to this comment/thread and rise my coffee-mug by waiting for the gifts :-)))

    well done, tenno !

    Much love bro!

    It's my birthday too. How cool is that? (Hint: Not that cool.)

    Hey-no its pretty cool!
  20. *raises skana*


    Another year!


    Oh right Skana *cough* I..uh I knew that!


    Was testing you and you PASSED!


    It's funny (at least to me anyway): my parents' wedding anniversary was yesterday and Warframe's open beta anniversary is today.



    I hope your parent's each got each other matching glaives?

  21. Today is a day to be celebrated. Remember the joy that Warframe brings you. Remember you said "yes" to the lotus! She remembered her gift, did you? 


    Taking this time to say that no matter how rough things may seemingly get for you or how many changes we go through. We're all part of this great game and we should all be grateful for that much.


    Thank you DE. Thank you Players, and to ANOTHER YEAR! -raises glass-

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