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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. "Discrepancies" which have been around since before U9...

    While I do have tons of forma I don't feel like spending the time to reforma literally a third of my weapons.

    If you don't feel like doing something to adapt to a change you have official changed this into an entitlement thread. This means you and your followers have acknowledged the solution and you rejected it. This it's now your issue to deal with and I hope DE never responds

  2. I'm really hoping that this reaches the eyes of any of the devs.


    Also, I'd love to take this opportunity to thank DE and all of the hard work you've put into the game. 


    I sure as hell appreciate it and a lot of us who's voices are drowned by the loud and screeching cries of the opposition do as well. We're still here with ya. Keep on Keeping on and all that jazz.


    Moving on, I was wondering about this feature posted in the patch notes on u16's launch. What are these treasure boats that were mentioned? 


    When will we get them, have we already received them? Any information would be appreciated!



  3. Whoa whoa whoa. First of all.


    If you want to acquire every single one and 10 of each of them, you can't be serious in thinking it should be easy to acquire. Get real.


    Second of all? They're bonuses. Add-ons. They are not required for progress. Meaning that no one is forcing you to acquire, or use these enchantments. 


    Thirdly, you and a lot of other people really need to stop bait-hating the community. The threads where you generate some type of hate for DE and some new game mechanic that you seem to hardly understand is doing just that.


    It's not constructive and downright exhausting to see all over the forums. Please. It's also in the wrong section. 

  4. I welcome more changes and i don't think they will hurt Warframe, just the people that don't know how to play or enjoy the game. Hopefully Saryn's Miasma will get looked at next because she is already taking Excalibur's place for spam.


    The difference with Saryn and excaliber is that she doesn't sit in one place and spam one key. You legitimately have to run around and avoid gunfire/damage all whilst watching your energy. You can't macro Saryn's ult. 

  5. Seriously? Not sure if troll or...


    Why because you disagree with him? The new kohm is fine. If you don't want to use it don't . Honestly the people who aren't flipping out as if DE is messing with their lives on the forums will continue on and play. I like threads like this. Seems like there's less nerd rage suffocation. 

    No, it's not fine.


    It was fine before U16. Changes should be reverted.


    It is fine. You don't like change. 

  6. You talk a lot without acutally saying anything. Let me guess... That job... You must be politician.


    You rly need to take a rest from the forum.


    Ad hominems huh? Typical forum user. Still providing nothing of relevancy to the actual issue at hand. Like people such as you coming to the same exact forums that you're telling me to take a rest from and bashing me for injecting logic into the conversation when there is none.

  7. Are you paid for this?


    Paid for what pointing out the the ridiculousness of some of the posters on these forums? It would be too hefty of a job. I'd have my work cut out for me. 


    If only people knew how to sound off their issues with changes/fixes/nerfs respectfully and without resorting to this immature exchange of emotional outbursts over a change in the game. Have you seen some of the posts on these forums? People are borderline ready to start a revolution because of some mishaps in an update for a game. 

  8. You see, after a while, when comments and suggestions are ignored, patch notes are repeatedly incomplete, one does not want to be productive. It is a great deal that we are still civilised...I think.


    In what other instances have patch notes been incomplete and in what world do you and your 7 "likers" live in where you believe comments and suggestions are ignored? I'm sorry were you expecting every employee at D.E to respond to each and every single comment on this forum? And besides the point you're contradicting yourself because you're commenting on a thread where DE is directly responding to people..

  9. we just want them to admit the truth, and change the fact that they think we are stupid enough to NOT see their stealth nerfs. Me like much others we only want Transparency. not half way excuses made in the moment, just like what is happenin"



    No. I'm sorry just no. "Admitting the truth"? What are you talking about? All this pointless bickering for some manifested idea you and the horde of posters who can't control their emotions on these forums doesnt accomplish anything. They give transparency. FFS they have a stream every week and 2 every other week. There is literal CONSTANT response to players on issues on social media, the forums and in-game and you want what? Transparency? 


    I honestly believe and, I know you'll take this the wrong way as most sensitive players do, need to take a break from the game. Everyone who's way too invested in the game and don't know the threshold between offering constructive criticism and voicing concerns and just being downright disrespectful. 

  10. DE please, no need to make up so many excuses for Excalibur's RJ change, we all know you nerf his 4 to directly nerf rep farm. We aren't stupid...



    This right here is pointless and very annoying. This comment is NOT productive and is the problem with the forums right now. There are too many smart asses. How is anything about this comment productive and/or contributing to solution or a fix? Instead there is disdain with both parties and in the end you just end up looking like the immature person. 

  11. Blut, you're appropriating what is essentially a Roguelike mechanic to an action shooter. Getting no satisfaction or rewards from dying early has it's place in games; Roguelikes, fighting games, and the like. In an MMO, a shooter, an aRPG... Usually there are rewards along the way that make your time worthwhile. Here, we're struggling for four straight hours for a random effect Arcane that could or could not be useful to our playstyle... And it's a yes/No reward! Adding something like "Completing step one gives A Corrupted or Dual mod", "Completing step two gives A pack of X rank5 fusion cores" and "Completing step three, The Arcane is now tradable for free with people who assisted in the kill, under the condition that they trade theirs."


    I'm not appropriating anything lol. I asked a question. 

  12. stop it with the "holier-than-thou" accusations


    You think I'm the only one who feels this way?


    the population on console who don't use forums will articulate this regardless if it was me who posted this or someone else.

    it is a common topic.


    Holier than thou? What the heck are you talking about. This has nothing to do with that. However this is a whiny thread.. they have given a reasonable warning, and it's just a change in the game yet you have made a thread asking for something unreasonable because you believe something that doesn't exist. 


    So people won't be able to scam exploit? Like are you serious? People are selling it for higher. If people don't know any better to buy for that high or farm for themselves that's not an exploit or scam. Everyone has the ability to research and look into things on their own. If they want to know the price or something or want to say, idk, FARM IT THEMSELVES they can. 

  13. And to OP: This is the whiniest thread open about this so far. Congrats on your achievement. 


    D.E. Gives reasonable warning for a drastic change and you take issue with that because the PLAYERS are being unreasonable with the prices? 


    Give me a break dude seriously.


    You want to discuss something? Let's discuss the forums blowing up and out of proportion when D.E. does anything different in the slightest. 


    Let's discuss how completely bent out of shape players who don't really know what they're griping about are and how we can change that as PLAYERS. 

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