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Posts posted by General-Pacman

  1. I think after so many years and several failed attempts to reinvigorate Conclave, there isn't much to discuss on this subject. PvP has been consistently ignored by the overwhelming majority of the community, to the point where the devs stopped trying to improve it at all. It's more than obvious at this point that our playerbase consists mostly of people with no interest on PvP, or at least PvP in Warframe. The players don't have the interest, and DE doesn't have the resources.

  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    What kind of new player experience?

    DE has mentioned a couple of times they want to make a complete overhaul of the game introduction and the first tutorials; for example, they want to add that fancy cinematic they showed last Tennocon as the beggining of the game, and replace the initial tutorial mission with a new one that follows up that trailer.

    • Like 1
  3. Universal Medallions were the original solution to this, but after the 3 remaining Conclave players expressed how upset they were about them, DE decided to back down. I can't really see this suggestion ending in any different way.

    • Like 8
  4. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

    i desagree a go discussion can lead to better understanding

    In any other place and context, I would 100% agree with you. But expecting to have a constructive, respectful discussion on a video game forum (and even worse, about politics) is a bit naive.

  5. I don't mind DE making a statement on this kind of matters, I actually feel like that's the right thing to do; but we really need to stop making threads like this to make an echo of said statements. I having nothing against you OP, but unfortunately this kind of topics tend to bring out the worst in people. As I said in Rebb's original thread, I was ok with them making that statement here, but leaving it open to discussion was not a good idea. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    You said painting you character black inside a video game I asked you for proof, now your trying to change the argument, show me where I said what you originally suggested? 

    Again you need to read more because your making yourself look silly.

    Ok, im done. At this point I cant tell if you are serious or just trolling, but either way, you replies are just sad. Another one goes to the ignore list...

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Again show me 1 post where I said that, just 1.

    You need to

    You are kidding, right?


    1 hour ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Perhaps DE could provide a regalia or armour piece to show our support

    How wearing an armour is in any way different from what I said? If you really want to make a difference, go and show your support where is actually needed: in the streets, right next to the people that needs it, and stop asking for free stuff in a videogame. You attitude is laughable.

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    You clearly seem to have a very negative view of people fighting for social equality, that's not my problem

    If you think painting your character black inside a videogame is a helpful way of fighting for social equality, you need to go out more.

    • Like 3
  9. I've been reading this thread from time to time, and the discussion has been quite interesting. It's actually great to see 50+ pages of actual debate without the thread being derailed (except for some minor cases), so kudos to everyone involved.

    My opinion on this is pessimistic, however. I've learned a long time ago to stop coming to Warframe expecting any form of challenge. This game has a ton of potential to generate challenging content, but the development over the years has always been catered to casual players, and I feel like those players have been the majority for quite a long time; so, I keep coming to Warframe to chill, but when I want to engage in any form of hard or challenging content, I go somewhere else. 
    It's great seeing people coming with so many suggestions on how to add harder gameplay, but I won't get my hopes up any more.

    • Like 2
  10. Hey everyone!

    (Disclaimer: I made a quick search to check if this was suggested before and couldn't find anything. If it was, then my bad; but feel free to leave your thoughts on the subject anyway)

    I was reading the latest patchnotes and talking with my clannies about the new augment mods, and something that came up was the fact that, in general lines, some augments, even when considered useful, can be somewhat punishing to certain builds just by forcing you to sacrifice a mod slot (punishing may be an exaggeration, but you get the point). So, one idea that came up was to have an option to chose augments as alternative skills in the arsenal, as if they were items or weapons. If you ever played Risk of Rain 2, you may have an idea of what im talking about:



    In RoR2, before a mission starts you can choose a variant for each of your skills. In our case, I think being able to pick an augment for each skill at the same time could be a bit too much, so picking just one would be the ideal case for me, and it would still allow us to save a mod slot.

    So, what do you guys think?

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, (NSW)Matt-S said:

    I have to wonder though, what would an "Endgame" look like? With the game constantly updating, is it even possible to have a sustainable endgame without power creeping it to hell and back?

    Every single person will give you a different concept of what an 'endgame' should be like. Me? I would be more than happy if DE simply copied the formula that every other MMO uses: dungeons and raids, maybe with some puzzles and bossfights that actually require teamwork, with a level of difficulty that gives a meaning for all the overpowered gear we already have, and with a set of rewards exclusive to each one of those dungeons, so there is an actual reason to play them.

    • Like 2
  12. Daily login rewards are simply that, a token of gratitude given to us just for loging in. Nightwave is one of the places where the actual content is, where you play to be rewarded. Each one serves a different purpose,  and there is no need to mix them.
    I agree that the rewards could use a little tweak, but the system itself works perfectly fine as it is.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Allrar said:

    If the glass IS cephalons, then why would the person make them?

    Here's a super tin-foil conspiracy theory: the glassmaker story is going to be tied with Deadlock Protocol.  We already know that it's going to be related to the founder of the Corpus, and the event poster has a phrase that says 'The Corpus are attempting a resurrection' or something like that. My theory is that the Glassmaker is someone from the Corpus that figured out how the Orokin made the Cephalons, and is experimenting with it, so he can make a cephalon out of the Founder's conscience.

  14. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Rastuasi said:

    Then your accounts aren't actually linked. You'll need to relink, mine was delivered within  minutes.


    1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

    If you can't claim the items, unlink and relink the accounts. It sometimes happens it breaks.

    The relink actually did the trick for me, thanks. I got the items as soon as I did it.

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