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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. worst machine ive seen Warframe running is a laptop with mobile I3 and HD 400 integrated gpu, it can keep an average 10-20 fps on minumus settings even with team playing.

    Sadly solo play doesnt look much better, Fps rates are almost the same, just slightly higher on average. Still surprisingly good.

    Also said Laptop will allow a few options turned on with very few loss. Resolution doesnt change much, its hard to see any change in framerate switching from 720p to 1080


  2. Probably things planned for TWW were just too ambitious for them, and probably they are just willing to stop releasing half-assed stuff like the focus schools.
    I think they want to get rid of the beta tag  in near future and trying to work in that direction (sure, beta tag is just a label, but its one of those things keeping the game out a lot of player's radar)
    I think they planned a big step ahead in quality and lore, but this tme the step was too long to take. And now they are working their asses too keep their promises for once, but its taking much more time than planned.

    I just hope TWW mets the expectation, i agree with the complaints because it took really too much so far. But everything will be ok for me and many others if the true update 19 mets atleast 80% of the expectations


    EDIT: excuse my poor english

  3. adarza's buff is frequent and rock solid with multiple hit crit weapons like amprex, or critting powers like frost's avalanche.
    I say its very good in the spot it is right now. I appreciate both cats, but are totally different. one has an unreliable buff that can be completely unexisting or unrelevant for whole missions, the other has a great buff on raw damage only, that with the right setup can turn into a buff with the utility of allowing you to clean a whole room with few rounds

  4. Name: Worthy Adversary

    Stats. 5 ranks, Cost at max rank 9. Exilus slot mod.

    Effect: As long as this warframe has highest HP among teammates, it draws attention of all elite units in -7m per rank, 42 max- range


    I ever thought that something to make a frame actually tank in the game should exist, but having it bound to a certain power aint what most players want (maybe i want to use the power but not to draw aggro)
    This way is totally optional and its also an exilus so wont take space from any regular build.
    This also doesnt automatically work on all units, and doesnt work in OP ways with invicibility powers because it still requires to be modded for health too taking a forced slot for vitality-

    And it also has the option to partially select the amount of enemy you want to be focusing your frame by using a not fully ranked mod.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ketec said:

    The problem with despoil drain is infested. Imagine ODD, 30-40 enemies dies in range in a short time. Suddenly you are losing ~100-150 hp.

    40x2,5 is 100. And its at a rate of 2.5 per second because thats the desecrate rate now, 1 corpse per second.

    also i see no reason to keep using despoil aug, its super sustainable with energy only, also energy is much easier to refill as now

  6. 1 hour ago, Meneliki said:

    Natural Talent?

    Yeh take off vitality and flow, max narrow minded, slap a primed continuity and natural talent. And everything is smoother and the copy lasts longer.

    btw duality was never meant to be like hall of mirrors, its just a plus for switching forms.

    also the worst thing of duality isnt that you cant make a decent build it, but the fact that the clone is just useless and not worth a mod slot

  7. 38 minutes ago, achromos said:


    How about you guys just let it go, or work up the plat an go through the Trade Chat?  How about you guys do that instead of trying to get it taken away from those of us that have played the game earlier just because you cannot have a extra 10% speed.  Wow, that stuff REALLY is what gets people going in recruiting.  Stuff like this is just petty and you need to realize that it's not fair to the people who already have them, who played when they were around, to lose them just because you guys are whining about one character out there having a MINOR stat increase that they have to trade off for ANYWAY.


    It SHOULDN'T be relivant to anyone.


    If it really hurts you that bad, that someone can move 25% faster then you can...

    go and try to trade for it and DON'T whine about the price either.

    I can Let it go because i have all of them, ALL.

    But if i think something is unfair i just say it. And the fact that now most of them are tradable for resonable price, doesnt mean it will always be like that in the future. Making them tradable was clearly a way to lessen the scarcity and delay the problem

    those effects on helm should be removed or their effect should be available to everyone releasing new arcanes (in sorties or whatever) with the same effects.


  8. Title. Price is 1000p for both, or each 600p

    Yes the price is high, i can take offers different from my price. Nobody is forcing you to buy, i dont need the plat and you dont need the mods.

    I just want to raise some pl to complete the cosmetics i dont have yet without going down to zero.

  9. Warframe has a pretty stict control over stuff running in background that can interact with the game.
    If some aimbot that cant be detected actually exists, we are talkin about something its creator put a crazy amount of effort in.

    Anyways for what is conclave, a very good aim + very good conncection and very good pc is already like cheating in most cases. In other cases the exact opposite specs looks like cheating too (for some reason hit box detection seems to bug out if you have high lag)

    Theres a 99% chance that video advertisin aimbots for warframes are just the usal scams (that can be said for almost any game out there but for others percentage is just 95%)

  10. 3 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

    You said i know nothing about nekros. thats a fact now? ok mate.


    Nekros such a good frame nobody plays him. im just obviously bad at the game. must be because a single skill is bad and this simple fix will make him playable again.

    i didnt said that, i just did point out that not having to press 3 the whole time will allow him to use his other 2 decent abilities and shoot, wich is a great improvemente.
    Also with a decent build his other abilities arent that bad, he can be a good support frame with shades running around and taking fire for the whole group and the emergency button that is terrify. Both these will never be the best cc abilities, but you are supposed to be in a team of 4, and in any decent team you can fill the support/loot role in a good way.
    In most cases better than a trinity wich is the top tier support frame.

    you still didnt answer my question

  11. 12 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

    Then you can give me a source for this statement? Cause afaik they never said anything like this.

    To your other statement, none of the arcane helmets is relevant, you need none of them but that´s probably the mentality of people that have to use fleeting expertise on every frame?

    I clearly remember they stated this on patch note, devstream or else. Cant tell you specific source.
    They just said that old arcane variants were grandfathered at the moment BUT this wasnt necessarily their last word. If a time for acting on those would ever come they woul do something about.

    Maybe we can call @[DE]Rebecca and ask whats their official position now, i think its time to put stuff like that under a spotlight

    25% speed is relevant to me, 10-15% efficiency, 25%range, 15% strenght etc is relevant.
    Probably we have different thought about what is relevant and what is not. Most of them translate into a mod slot (rush, and the others can be compared to drift mods) and 1/8 mod slot free is relevant to me.
    Im okay its not to you but you cant speak for everybody

  12. I would totally agree with you if those arcanes werent relevant or just LITTLE more than cosmetic (like excal prime is).

    few of them are definitely relevant and then i cannot agree with you.

    a vanguard is game changing for a rhino and so is the efficiency one for banshee.

    yes things like this happens alot in games and IRL, but in good games is just for cosmetic stuff.

    theres too much stuff in warframe that cant be obtained anymore, the void trader made its job for many event mods and weapons, but stuff that cant return in baro's shop or in future event should definitely be removed.

    unless is cosmetic exclusive like excal prime ( oh yeah its also 6k useless and not game changing  mastery)

  13. I have them all and want them turned into the regular variant for everyone.

    It was just a bad choice they made at the time, the game is in beta to make choices like that without repercussions.
    At least they stated they are not convinced those helmets will be a thing forever, soon or later they will be removed.

    As now is just unfair for new player, even assuming just a few are power-changing its still unfair. and in the long term when the scarcity will show its downsides they will be removed . they have to.

    Probably refunded with a regular helmet plus a special maxed arcane with similiar effect, arcanes that will be droppable somewhere for new players.

    The only thing that prevent their removal at the time is the fact that some actually bought them for the stats. Damn vanguard was very worth it, same for pendragon and others

  14. 13 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

    If his desecrate becomes passive it will make it a frame of "spam 3" into "just shoot your gun like a frame without skills" because all of his skill are boring/bad synergy. i dont even bother with my undead army becuase they are derpy. leave me alone and dont bother to protect me becuase they saw a butterfly in the distance and went to catch it.

    Desecrate costs energy which is harder to come by than health orbs due to the way nekros works, desecrate by default should take HP.


    Take away the 3 button spam and you will have a even more boring frame, mark my words. changing desecrate wont make him any more fun to play.

    He'll become more boring? really more boring than pressing 3 all the time?

    Both life and energy arent a problem if all corpses are desecrated all the time. And his kit isnt bad for a support/loot frame.

    For many missions (non endless-ability spam ones) his kit can be better and more supportive than Trinity's one.  Why? because vampire is now her signature ability and is an overkill in most missions, Desecrating all corpses will give enough energy to the whole team.
    And she has no CC, just an healt regen ability for additive support.

    Nekros instead can summon his dead shados that arent a good offensive ability but roam around attracting quite alot of fire and also doing some damage. And arent so short lasting like you put it down. Its easy to fit 40+ sec duration in a pure desecrate build.

    If you can make it without shields and or health you can also fit his augment for terrify and some power strenght, and then his terrify will become and additional good support/cc ability.
    Not crazy range, not crazy duration but still good, and the shadow of the dead will benefit too from the same mods.

    He will became a MUCH better frame with the change, but im not forcing anyone to like it, just saying its a fact he will become much better.

    And again, shooting is what all frames do 80% of the time outside endless missions, being capable of doing it instead of endlessly press 3 brings him on par with most of the other warframes.

    Maybe Ash with his bladestorm is quite more impressive (as long as it lasts) and effective. But theres no point into having 4 ash in a team right? And when the change to desecrate comes i will be always very glad to have a nekros in team, because it wont be a 3+1 spamming a single power the whole mission with no cc and no damage


  15. 8 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

    His army of poor AI short duriation missfits due to having forced overextend for desecrate. his 1 skill i never once used EVER and a 2 fear skill that makes targets run around like headless chickens making it harder to actually hit them.


    Then we have ofc his bread and butter, only thing he usefull for and its not even a hard hitting cool skill. it does nothing for actual combat as a 3rd skill. whats even worse is its not even 100% so you can sit and spam all your energy on 1 corpse just to try turn it into loot. such a fun amazing dynamic class nekros is. real fearsome king of the undead frame right there.

    you have a point in the fact that Desecrate is its signature ability, but having it as a "passive" its actually a very good thing that turns him into a MUCH better frame.
    Non having to spam 3 for profit allows you to shoot (thats what any other frame does 80% of the time outside endless missions)

    Also its 4 is decent even with overextended, its halfway between cc and damage. And his terrify with augment -if you can fit into your build just some Strenght just to balance a bit the loss from overextended- is far from being a bad one.

    I used nekros very little because its signature ability forced a spam of 3 key, but for sure, having it as a toggle will change the way many people see it. And a will be a very nice QoL change for the ones that already liked him.


    Also remind that nekros is not only loot, buliding it for a continuous desecrate effect, plus other abilities if needed, is something that can be much more support than many others classified as support frames.

  16. we just know its something happening soon or later.

    But its something big, involving enemy rebalance too. The system we have now is good but its too well know that as it is now we have too little room for "utility" mods. (and alot of unused utility mods)
    Firs step is enemy rebalance, if we wont need best dps then we can think using some utility mods.
    Second weapons should have built-in serration (point blank, hornet and pressure) scaled with weapon level. But it cant be only that or this will leave a free elemental mod slot for crit weapons increasing powercreep between crit and non-crit weapons.

    Probably to promote build diversity we should have something like built-in serration, 6 mod slot plus 2 forced "exilus" slots for utility mods only.

    and yeh i know the i used the word "forced" that will bring a wave of dislike, but this will be the only way to actually promote diverisy and the usage of utility instead of a spam of crit/element mods (we all know we have other elemental mods other than just the 90%ones). But hey its will be good to me as long as the first step - rebalancing enemies- will be a thing

  17. 11 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

    I don't exactly care what you guys farm on that node, I'm only here to say that Mirage doesn't buff elemental damage, but last time I tried to buff an RJ excalibur (Pure puncture afaik) it worked, same for a Mesa

    "Eclipse currently does not increase the damage of abilities like Radial Javelin and Sound Quake. "
    Source Wiki

    That doesnt mean its set in stone that it buffs only weapons, the ability itselfs doesnt mention weapons.
    BUT it almost always worked on weapons ony, so it lets me think that if for some reason it is working on something else its just a temporary bug and will be fixed.
    I tried with javelins a couple of times and never worked for me.
    But if we are talking about quake im 100% sure it wasnt working last time i tried, as now the only 2 things that work with it seems to be roar and provoke

  18. 32 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

    Mirage has never been able to buff elemental damage, DE has never cared to fix that

    As far as i know its not about elemental damage, she buffs only Weapon damage, wich worked fine just with mesa's peacemaker (coz shes using her regulator pistols)
    Best way to buff is Rhino roar or any saryn with her toxing buff with spore.

    BTW its very easy to obtain completely different results with different teams, a "perfect" team can achieve much higher result than a 80% perfect team and not just a 20% more.

    For example 4CP, RQ with adequate range and power, double buffer and EV. But then with all maxed frames you will loose the point of farming a lot of affinity except for Focus purpose. Or maxing weapons, but its not good if you took basnhee

  19. 2 hours ago, williamsos10 said:

     There are such things as casual players or just people who don't farm materials. So they don't have large stockpiles. 

    Thats the business model mate, you spend time and effort farming or you pay money to buy built stuff.
    Also you dont NEED to have everything in game available in a short period of time.

    Im struggling with nitain too, because im playing little lately and i cant grab it from many alers (just one every 2-3 days) and i cant complain. When an alert is on its usually fast to finish.
    And yes it took me alot to build vauban and dont know yet when i will have enough to build amesha. Other stuff it is needed for is totally unnecessary stuff, mastery fodder. And if one cant live without the top MR in the game one should definitely think about spending more time or money on the game.

    For myself id just like to have it for sale in the market at 10p per piece.

  20. Lvl 400 is not engame. And was never meant to be.

    there is no weapon (except CL daggers) that can kill a lvl 400+ enemy with a decent timing.

    how you kill lvl 400 enemies? Exploiting the game with ability spam, thats not actually doing endgame. And again NO weapons are good or decent against lvl 400.

    Some weapons can in fact keep killing at this level only combined with power spams, corrosive aurea and such.

    instead lvl 100 is endgame, thats the top level enemies you can have direct access from your liset. And level 100 is viable with almost any weapon.

    i had fun many times fighting lvl 400+ enemies, but keep in mind thats just exploit and not playing

  21. 13 hours ago, SaurusRex said:

    Ivara remains the only frame I have ever purchased from the market. I've still never had the chassis or systems drop.

    What i did? Farm other valuable stuff>>> sell for plat>>>buy ivara for plat.

    otherwise i a week i had no drops. The other way bought me ivara in 4 hours 

  22. yep, I understand the fact they wanted to promote cosmetic sales.

    But lets be realistic, people who buy cosmetics will buy them anyways and people who dont buy cosmetics just grab some random cosmetics from baro just to eventually slap arcanes on.

    This system is really poor, and being a game that focuses alot on his amazing customization options, having an arcane bound to a very specific syandana its a pain. 

    They should work in the good old way of the sockets: every warframe has 2 sockets and you can fill those sockets with any of the arcanes you own. And of course said arcanes will be available to other warframes at the same time, Just like they were slapped on a Syandana, except the fact you arent forced to use that syandana on any frame you also want the arcane on.

    Any other option is just stupid or overcomplicated

    ## also putting an arcane is even worse, because not only it is bound to a specific cosmetic but also it becomes bound to only one frame, things that disincentivizes most people to actually farm arcanes. (example: never going to farm a second set of arcane grace if the second set will be bound to only one frame, too big effort for too little gain)

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