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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 17 minutes ago, Cephalon--AnnaTaylor-- said:

    make sure your kavat has link health, link shield and link armor to make kavat stay alive bit longer, my kavat dies on 1st death doing 20min-1hr survival mission but thats only depend on frame you use, like frost or valkyr my kavat will have twice more health than shield but you also need medi-pet kit mod to keep up kavat health regen over time.

    I have the 3 link mods maxed. The problem is against the big eidolons, he dies like 5 times per triple hunt.

    usually under spacebeams of gantulyst, but finds a way to die even against hydrolist. 

  2. Since the release of the new eidolons, when i fight the gantulyst or hydro my kavat is constantly downed.

    i use maxed link mods and at least 1 survivability mod on my warfame so atleast one stat is seriously boosted.

    i move to avoid attacks for myself and i run away only if there isnt an harrow in team. In general i dont se myself moving differently from others. Usually i play trinity and try to keep up the blessing all the time.

    and he still dies, at least twice more than the other kavats.

    what am i doing wrong? Sure if i go chroma he has much beefier stats and becomes very rare to see him dying but i still think its impossible that he dies that much when using other frames even with permanent 75% damage reduction

  3. 27 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

    Hey arcane guardian actually makes squisher frames actually fun to play. NERF IT!

    i dont really know why people complain. It just makes glass waframes slightly more resistant in mid level content.
    In high level content it matters close to zero. maybe people complain about the tank role that never existed in this game, its all about surviving no matter how you achieve that. and any gimmick frame could already do that better than any tank

  4. The charger doesnt give buffs of any kind, ever.

    he is just the hardest hitter among pets because of the charge precept and built in extra toxin damage. But other than that has zero utility, unless the great look counts as utility

  5. As title says want to buy a specific riven with:

    + Multishot / Damage

    + crit chance

    +crit damage

    any negative that doesnt completely FK up the weapon.

    PM offers here on the forums, if its extremely good please already have a price in Mind. If its not i will make you an offer 

  6. 8 hours ago, (PS4)DarkFist91 said:

    Really? Was gonna be my next question tbh. How are you modding your rhino where it can rival vex armor?

    to break a limb in 3-5 shots you need a fully modded sniper and the delta between 2 and 5 shots is about criticals mainly. And this is solo
    If you are in a squad with any other small buff and adarza kavat you dont even need a fully modded sniper for that.
    Usually for rhino going over the +100% damage buff achieves the goal. but since snipers can be kinda unreliable on orange crits really depends on how many you can get.

    With chroma you can achieve even better results by having specific rivens that gain more profit from a 600% base damage boost than having the full damage doubled from rhino roar. in this case we are still in the 2-4 shots range, so alot of effert for very little benefit. And still depending on crits to achieve the 2shot result


    P.S. - good positioning and shooting where others players do ALWAYS achieves the best results no buff can compensate that. Same for the team, a balanced team always achieves best results now matter how strong and well equipped a single one is

  7. As title says want to buy a specific riven with:


    + crit chance

    +crit damage/ multishot

    any negative that doesnt completely FK up the weapon.

    PM offers here on the forums, if its extremely good please already have a price in Mind. If its not i will make you an offer 

  8. The new font makes the game fully readable with resolution lesser than fhd.

    Being a ftp game, there is a lot of people running it on laptops at 720p or less resolution and now those players can finally read.

    also i dont mind having thicc text if doesnt take over something else.

    i play in fhd and now i can read mod description when playing in my tv from the sofa 

  9. I think focus gain should have earning rate steps to be fair to everyone:
    - 4xfocus gain until reaching the first 50k, a pretty fair amount for casual players that can feel some sort of progression, maybe just focusing on a single school
    -2x focus gain from 50k to 100k. Fair for less casual players that can feel much more progression just playing normally. 10 days for a waybound is not that much.
    -1x focus gain from 100k to 250k. as it is now. for people that play alot and want to cheese a bit for focus farming to reach this point everyday. And in total will take almost half the time it does now.
    -0.7x gain till 500k. Ultimate new cap. for hardcore farmers that want to forget about focus in less days possible. and for people that instead of logging everyday for 1h they go hardcore on weekends. 

    I mean i get why there is a cap. So players can have something to do everyday, this way there will still be a cap but more fair for people that can play alot for a couple days in a week only and okish for the ones that really want to go as far as possible every day.

  10. 1 hour ago, Talinthis said:

    That's fine I will carry for the teralyst. Have since it came out. Don't join the 3 together though if you have it especially if you have never done them at all before and die 5 times in 2 minutes to the teralyst.

    An amp is pretty cheap and i literally shouted " looking for help on teralyst to get rid of this mote amp "and got people to help me. I don't think it needs a buff it's fine as is. It doesn't take long to upgrade to a better one.

    i agree on everything you and other people said. Its MK1 of amps and you can upgrade it rather quickly now.
    But with a MK1 weapon as long as you keep upgrading your mods it allows you to pull your own weight in the content it is designed for and you can clear the whole starchat with a modded mk1 wep.
    The bad side of mote amp is that you can actually kill the teralyst with it, but you also can join groups for the 3 eidolons and its damage (especially with 2 in team) will slow down the capture by alot, usually making hard or even impossible to defeat the hydrolist just because of TIME and not because you absolutely cant kill it with mote amp.
    Im more likely for buffing it, but either that or not showing those players the group for triple hunt should be taken into account. Sure i can join teams in recruitment, but since the option to queue exists in game i really care about it being useful.

    Also i like doing with randoms because im decently pumped im glad to do with people that cant find a team because they dont have chroma or trinity.

  11. 1 minute ago, _o_Gambit_o_ said:

    I remember many squads all with mote doing just fine on the teralyst.  And getting standing to build the next amp is easy.  Mote is not made to take down Eidolons and where it is currently is just right.  I feel.

    Do the gantulyst or hydro with 3 mote amps in squad, good luck with it.

    making groups is the solution, sure. But since now we have built in game grouping... why making so the whole group can do its job?

  12. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    People only consider it bad because it doesn't have an AoE impact like the others do.  I agree though, Mote Amp is actually fine at what it does, though I think when it comes to Eidolon, alot of people like to not have to aim as much, shooting a Shwaak you will almost never miss, but Mote requires some precision and effort on your part.  

    Its not about aim, an eidolon is pretty hard to Miss. The fact is that youll be recharging energy 2 times more than you actually fire. In most cases doing 1/4 or even less the damage of an upper tier amp

  13. 1 minute ago, Nakrast said:

    I don't know what are you talking about, i used the mote amp while hunting eidolons, and had 0 issues with it, i even ended up top dps often (as Harrow).
    There are better amps, but the Mote amp is not bad by any means.

    I used mote amp aswell for quite some time. With introducition of the new eidolons with much larger shield pool the difference is enormous.

    for teralyst is still bad but not that much, for the big ones is another story because more time to kill could mean failure to hunt all 3.

    also about damage you will be doing very small amounts of damage anyways, a couple of crit headshot on grineers can give you damage lead in the scoreboard because those 2 shots did dozen of times the damage taken by a teralys because of its damage reduction

  14. I get it, 

    i get that players are supposed to have some sort of drive into ugrading their amp and farming for that.

    but mote amp is just terrible, you have an hard time even killing the small ones with it.

    Damage is okish but fire rate is insane, it just feels bad and frustrating using it.

    alot of people instead of farming for upgrading it will just find the game mode too frustrating and skip it. or jump in groups and hope to be carried.

    and thats both the first and Second problem with it, people with mote do not contribute at all for killing the Eidolons. And so far ive found only 4 groups without atleast 1 mote amp.

    these guys should feel they are doing something, and the squad should feel the same. As it is now the game is just forcing mote players to join groups to look at others actually doing the job, and is also forcing people doing eidolon with randoms to actually run in a 2-3 man squad.

    so please halven its fire rate, add a secondary fire or fix it in any so its a downgraded Quill amp and not just a joke 

  15. Wtb a Rubico riven with




    -zoom, faction damage, status chance or duration.

    PM me here on the forums, if you like the rubico and dont feel like parting with your riven i can give you back a great one and plats. So you can have profit while still keeping your sniper amazing.

    contact me only if you have those 3 stats and a neg. can also friend me ingame 

  16. Quote

    It procs even on hitting shields, lot of the low armor frames have atleast one damage reduction ability they can use to cushion the initial hits before the arcanes procs and lot of enemies do a lot of trash damage several times in a row, endlessly refreshing the arcanes. I am using them, I know how of often they are procked and how effective they are.

    you know how effective they are? if you value usefulness based on EHP something can give you then yes, reworked guardian is pretty cool.
    I cant think at a single caster frame that i can fit a single health/shield mod on, because its by far overclassed by range/power/duration etc.
    No way a Nova can become tanky when could actually matter (lvl 150+). you do a much better job maximizig her powers and learn to avoid all gunfire.
    and really, when enemies become hard, they oneshot you. so 0 chance to having your precious arcane proc.

    But if you feel like caster frames are the new tanks now, only slotting double guardian... well enjoy it. Seriously tested it and its barely useful under lvl80, and at those levels i die only when i get a phone call, someones rings at the door or my mouse stops working.

  17. the chance is 20% to get 600 armor.

    Key is 20%. even with 2 of the same arcane, glass frames will still be glass frames. even assuming it always procs the benefit is just limited to a buff that actually does something in low level range, where you shouldnt need it.

    The use is for minmaxing tank builds, that can not rely on it, but when it procs its a good addition to already tanky frames that presumibly run steel fiber already. IMHO not even close to be too strong, as stated before you have only 2 slots and probably on most frames you can have better and more reliable buffs

    and again, squishy frames wont become tanks because they gain 600 armor. those frames will still die in a couple of hits.

  18. 3 hours ago, Zeclem said:

    it was obvious sarcasm. the fact is he has high base armor and the buff has high multipliers. hes gonna be tanky enough.

    between lets say 85% damage reduction and 95% damage reduction there is a huge difference, i think chroma player will find the way. but he will be nowhere close to the invincible tank he is now.
    And thats ok, but the loss in survivability is really huge. also team buffs probably will have teir own counter so teammates probably will have to take damage to benefit from that. and probably they wont be able to take damage as chroma does.

    The thing i hate about chroma is that half of his kit will be useless as it is now, they missed the chance to fix that. If they put an overall good kit there is no way people would complain about the nerf, but he is a one trick pony and probably will become an half-trick pony

  19. 2 hours ago, saradonin said:

    That isn't much and will make building him a bit tricky, as we'll no longer be able to ignore range on him. Vex Armor damage part will most likely get nerfed twice: 1) actual fix, 2) either strength or duration will have to take a hit to make room for a bit wider buff area.

    you wont need narrow minded anymore. since now it is recastable to keep the buffs before it expires you can have a 30 secs vex armor without sacrificing range or anything else.
    before you went for max duration to maximize each single cast, thats not a thing anymore because they said you can recast it before expires and keep the current buffs

  20. 2 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    I broke it down into points

    1) double if you ran with SF alone, about 6 times as high if you ran an Ice Ward Chroma with SF. That's how much the change impacts his armour calculations. 

    2) most endurance runners i see already build QT into their setups because otherwise there are too many instances where Chroma can die horribly at a moment's notice

    3) i think that would be unbalanced as F*** although it does sound cool. The problem is that you'd have to implement a pretty steep logarithmic scale for it not to F*** with balance way more than anything else. 

    4) Nekros already is the second-best tank in the game, he gets 90 to 99% DR (depending if there are healers in the game) and also arctic eximi to slow enemies and provide a mobile globe, on top of 1350 armour through Health Conversion and an amazing sinergy with Arcane Pulse. Trinity works if you have the right build, i use a combo of Abating Link+Vampire Leech that gives basically every skill a way to cycle back my EHP (them being energy, life or over/shields) that can survive pretty much anything thrown her way up to pretty ludicrous levels (200+). Though it is definitely spammy and a bit harder to manage than Nekros. 

    Then again Rhino still exists in his current form and HE is the king tank currently. Every other tank wishes he could be like Rhino

    i think between trinity and Nekros i pick up nekros because, as you say, its less spammy and also can build around his whole kit still having great survivability.
    trinity can just spam some EV with short range if built for being a proper tank.
    Rhino is the real deal i agree, but as long stomp is in his kit, thats too good to go tank when you can permastun the whole map.
    i mean, with some combos alot of frames can go pretty tanky. But if you weight their usefullness in team usually its becomes really lacking. chroma as a tank was also a good DPS.
    Probably the best tankyness i could ever get was with wukong, but it was built only around that so never actually played it, same goes for valkyr.

    Now chroma will be a nowhere near good as now tank, and not even close DPS. hope they really pump up his vex armor stats because it will become real trash, even for hardcore chroma players, if they dont adjust that. Its not even any good for farming credits since index is a thing...

  21. 20 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    The FAQ sections specifically states the change affects damage and armour calculations. 

    Q: What is the new formula for damage and armor calculation?
    A: Instead of [(Base * Mods) * Vex Armor], it is now [Base * (Vex + Mods)], like all other damage boosting abilities.

    If that's the case, it won't have great survivability. He will have less than 1/3rd of the EHP of two of the other tanks (Nekros, Trinity) and comparable EHP with Nidus, with the glaring difference that all of those use DR (nekros also uses armour) for mitigation instead of purely armour AND are proc immund and thus against puncture damage and slash damage Chroma will be royally #*($%%@ even worse than now. 

    On top of that, all of those other guys get to have constant HP regen and/or solid CC while Chroma gets none of that. 

     i missed the faq completely. maybe it will have a greater buff to slightly make up for that, but if doesnt take into account steel fiber i cant figure out how greater the buff should be to achieve an even comparable DR.
    Maybe building it around quick thinking for the extra DR and maybe double arcane grace can result in a decent overall result, taking into account he can also buff allies and will still have a good damage boost to kill enemy faster i dont see him as complete trash.
    Also vex armor will be recastable before it expires and maybe they will just remove the cap of the buffs so in long runs he will still keep stacking armor and damage indefinitely so he will still be able to survive forever in endless missions.

    Otherwise the real tank can actually become nekros. has a reliable armor and health supply, can further reduce the damage with he shadows or can build for terror having a decent cc ability aswell. Trinity never shines as a tank because always struggles at high levels and if you miss the timing of 1 cast when enemies start hitting energy you are basically dead

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