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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 50 minutes ago, Alexter said:

    Don't forget Vex Armor will become an aura, which mean all your mate in range (ability range or affinity range ?) will benefit of it

    18m range of the ability.

    The damage will for sure be applied on base damage, as for the armor we have yet to discover it, but will know very soon. if its applied to base armor  it will seriously hurt its survivability but will still have a great damage reduction, just wont be able to facetank multiple lvl 150 bombards anymore


  2. 21 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Reducing grind =/= healthy. While many players are very excited when DE makes things easier to obtain, it slowly kills many Veterans' reason to play. Specters of the Rail introduced fissures which many players loved as the price of prime parts hit the floor very quickly. On the other hand, missions were cake, and the "end-game" of farming Prime Parts was a level 20 exterminate on Venus that you could steamroll with your eyes closed. Bounties are not my idea of engaging content, and many others agree. Until DE adds meaningful grind that takes a while to progress (Focus failed at this), than we will be a loop where some players love easy street, and high tiered players get bored quickly.


    Old void was trash. but was satisfying to get to wave 80 even if you didnt get the parts you were after. But when you got those parts the satisfaction was double because you deserved those parts.
    Even if you did with some "exploit" team was still satisfying because every member worked hard to reach the right setup to do so.
    Now its only about stockpiling relics and run them when there is capture or exterminate fissure, so you can run 3 in 10 minutes. Ember or not.
    If, atleast axy relics were agains lvl 150 there would be the satisfaction of getting a prime only 70% of the playerbase can get, and a good and stable market share for it.
    i got away from the game for some time, and missed the latest FOUR prime releases. with like 100pl and few random capture runs now i have almost all the stuff i missed except for few common parts that someday will drop in another random capture/exterminate.

    Maybe with the new eidolons there will something for veterans that enjoyed doing endurance runs,but probably no. Wont even talk about raids, 20 mins of a garbage mission that bus out frequently, that you can do only with experienced people and that has a so bad time-reward rate its not worth doing it unless you actually like that.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Toran said:

    Anything less than 800m I prefer to cover with maxed void dash (including Zenurik skills). So if it isn't the furthest Eidolon spawn, I use Archwing like... not at all. For Bounties I went over to a max range tough-nail Nova to speed up next objective start even more.

    Archwings in PoE are just a terrible thing and least of all, fun.

    Cant tel your statement is wrong but Void dash is good only maxed out, and you know focus gain is pretty terribile for casual players, and its kinda impossibile to have it maxed if you are casual and focused on one of the other 4 schools.

    moving in poe at a decent speed is an issue for alot of players, also due to randomness of bounty location/eidolon spawns/ and bad density in general


  4. 30 minutes ago, Sader said:

    Purposefully not playing the focus system incorrectly is not a negative against the system. It's a negative against you because you refuse to use your brain and adapt.

    I've maxed out Focus every day for the last 3 months, and I've never used Equinox, Banshee, or any "meta" farm to do it. The best part is you can use any frame you want to do it.

    I use Valkyr for Naramon, Trinity for Unairu, Frost for Zenurik, Volt for Madurai, and Wukong for Vazerin. I've waybounded every tree, and maxed out both Madurai and Unairu. I'm now working on Mastering Zenurik which would be my third full tree done. The game isn't that hard, and if your smart you can finish focus in 30-40 minutes or less.

    You cant max out in 30 minutes, unless you use full eidolon lenses and you run booster 24/7.

    or you do very specific exploitative missions just for focus. And still takes 30-40 minutes that is half  the whole time a casual player can spend in a day.

    i usually max out focus in 20 minutes every day, doesnt mean it is fair. I should get a relevant amount of focus by playing for other stuff, like what happens with syndicates.

    Farming specifically for it 20 minutes a day is horrible because i can barely feel a progression and its not a grind you can stop when you obtain the wished drop... it lasts forever especially for casual players.

    on post: in 2 months doing bounties on a regular base you will  swim in vaulted relics, cant say the same for cetus wisps:(

  5. On 11/1/2018 at 4:33 PM, Leechii said:

    Heya Tennos. 


    i would consider myself really hyped for the next unvault. Not because i want frost or ember rather for the Misa prime Syndana.


    So i was just hitting up previous unvaults  to check the prices we will probably have to pay, and came to the bad conclusion that previous unvaults never had accecoire packs/accecoire packs with syndanas in it.


    I was so hyped for the Syndana that i was willing to pay up to 40 euros for it. but seriously if the prices  and packs from previous unvaults are the same, im not gonna pay 50 euros/60 dollars to get a vaulted syndana. ( i own frost prime already and i dont wanna buy a overpriced framepack from wich i own 80% of the stuff only to get the syndana i want. 


    Dont know why i make this thread. maybe my research was not good enough and there are accecoire packs, but somehow i hope i missed some info. 

    If i remember correctly last time the packs were 36€/40$ each.

    still alot for pocketmoney plat and a syandana, barely worth if you miss the frame too. 

    But since you are willing to pay 40 for the syandana alone i think you wont be disappointed from the lack of a separate accessory pack

    my goal is to buy misa prime and targis for 20€ each, will never happen

  6. 4 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    Did you by chance acquire this stash back in the old key system days with the penta and before mutalyst infected and got prime parts as you did ODD over and over and over...   or did you get all these samples lately, with all the fabulous loot derelicts offer recently.


    Did it before and after. And once prime parts in odd were trash, like ember that was worth like 10p the set. Never did that much derelict

    just saying that if you cant farm the research components in 3 hours doesnt mean its a bad thing.

    assuming you have a solo clan, or other members are arseholes that wont contribute... well then Look at hema as a mr25 weapon, by the time you are mr25 you definitely have the resource to do the research yourself.

  7. So you guys dont play much the game but are here complaining that you can actually farm a weapons that is worth just the 3k mastery?

    max out something else instead and trust me by the time you have   everything else you will research the hema alone.

    i never had boosters, never farmed mutagens and  donated 4k and still sitting on a nice 2.5k:

    and im pretty far from having everything else maxed

  8. Sure they can, but i still find it more likely to happen with opticor, because with a riven it becomes a true aoe weapon with no drawback. 

    Sicarus is just another good pistol that becomes much stronger with a riven but still there is plenty of competitors that do the secondary job much better (and the job is being complementary to the primary weapon)

    also the scoliac becomes pretty much broken with a riven, its probably the weapon that benefits most from the correct riven roll. And its much stronger than telos boltace ever was. Just without the eye-bleeding effect 

  9. 7 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

    That is only applicable for rolling and getting it. Once you get the stat it will stay as it is.


    Not true i had 2 godlike rivens for tonkor and when they dropped its disposition the stats on those mods went down accordingly to its new disposition.


    anyways almost nobody uses sicarus prime, its still a single shot secondary that deals high damage. 8 rounds clip

    There are better alternatives without taking rivens into account, and with riven it just stays the same decent weapon with much more damage. Nothing really special... i do have a riven for it (not a god one, but very good)  and still dont use my 5 forma sicarus

  10. 1 hour ago, Wakda said:

    I think biggest problem with Maiming Strike is that some people have it and some not.

    And mostly, people that dont have it, dont want people that have it to be able to quickmelee higher lvl enemies in dangerous situation, only because they are unable to, because their ability to obtain it is impaired by some unfathomable barrier, so they whine.

    Thats not the problem of maiming strike, i have 3 of it and i would be glad if they change it completely.

    But i linda lost hope when its stat was included in rivens.

    they changed the whole movement because slidemelee was the best way to move around, now how can be ok than slidemelee is the best way to deal damage?

    AND also it is locked behind a unobtainable mod and a primed mod (and for crazy results also a riven mod).

    probably the limited availability is the only thing keeping it as it is.

    if everybody had  a minmaxed scoliac/guandao/other, trust me nobody would complain about ember because people would be doing the same thing of cleaning maps while running but faster and not limited to under lvl40 only 

  11. 2 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

    what I mean was in excav. you get a reward every 100s, but that's not really true, since you can have up to 3 'timers' (as in diggers) at a time, which means you get 3 rewards during 100-300s. that rate is too good and totally overshadows the 1 reward per 5m that survival has, and def in higher lvls 

    out of all the endless types, excav is the most rewarding one if you look at it from a time pov. you get more rewards in shorter time.

    to balance this, the diggers have crap for hp, so there's a lot more risk. so in theory, yes, you can get rewards in short time periods, at least in the low lvls or the start of the mission, but later in the mission, you 'have' to do 1 at a time, meaning 1 reward each 100s, with the risk factor of that if you're not defending it properly, you basically have to redo it and you've lost time

    ofc we didn't talk about the rate of power cells, and how it's much harder to get them in the late game 

    DE have talked about this before and made changes to counter this. the fact that they split up the digger sites a bit so it won't be 2-3 diggers landing at the same map in a row, just so they can make the mission, thus the rewards you get, longer is a testament to that 

    scaling, splinting up the dig sites and lowered power cell drops the more you stay within the mission are all ways to counter the great reward-to-time ratio excav missions have compared to other endless missions 

    Im Not comparing it to survival or defense.

    im comparing early mission vs late mission. Why does make any sense to you having more rewards in less time doing 15 excav 3 times than 45 in a row?

    it doesnt to me. 

    That it has the best rewards compared to other endless missions, thats another story. No purpose in doing endless anymore since they got rid of void keys system 

  12. 3 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

    that's because of the risk-reward factor. if they scale, then people would start doing 2 at a time (after 1,5/2k) instead of 1, meaning more rewards in shorter amount of time. if they didn't scale, you'll be forced to do 1 at a time, thus less rewards over time 

    even if it's small scaling it wouldn't really make a difference, because of the insane dmg scaling from enemies.

    So you mean that is logical to get more reward doing short runs where you can have 2 excav going al the same time?

    to me the logical thing is to reward atleast the same, so make people capable to keep 2 at time in longer missions OR triple cryotic rewards after a certain amount of rotations.  (12-16 excavations in high level missions).

    atleast once certain endless missions were more rewarding if you could last longer.

  13. 1 minute ago, Aleksi134 said:

    Yet they let it be there till now that players started using him for an actual good purpose.

    The calculation were wrong all the time, but there it didnt have an actually negative impact on the game.

    a teralyst not supposed to go down in one shot, like its shield werent supposed to disappear with shield aura.

    now that his buff becomes problematic gameplay wise they are taking the time to fix his calculation. 

    But dont worry there’s still plenty of ways to destroy an eidolon limbs in few seconds. Just not oneshot.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

    All they did in the dev workshop for Chroma:

    Fix a calculation error in his 3 that they stated was an error months before PoE was even announced.

    Buff his 3 now it's team wide.

    Buff his one in mobility and damage.

    Exactly and its perfect.

    but people now are used to the 2000% buff and now complain because how will they do any damage with only the 500% buff he was always supposed to have?

  15. Chroma will still be in a nice spot, armor and damage buff will still be astronomical and now it will be a buff for nearby teammates too.
    And having it working for teammates is something really huge, it can become hands down the best buffer in the game, still being the almighty tank that deals impressive damage that you are used to.
    It wont crit in the billions anymore, just that. It applied damage buff in a nonlinear way, buffing damage twice and combined elements like three or four times. Dont know why it took so long to rewrite its buff algorithm, but i know it has never been the way its intended to (that is a huge buff already).

    Anyways with a godriven sniper you will still be able to 1-2 shot an eidolon with your croma. 

  16. The real core problem is that the "regular" gameplay is not rewarding, at all.

    Players are forced to rush through missions and exploit whatever they can because otherwise the game has a really awful time/reward rate.

    Unless you constantly run a booster or exploit certain missions, the simple leveling up of weapons is a pain ( and i wont mention focus farming)

    Same goes for credits, and ducats farming is even worse because you cant help yourself with a booster. Instead you run fast fissures blazing through with ember (and the reward/time rate is still bad)

    And there are alot of mods with 0,002% droprate. How and when are we supposed to get those unless we camp for half an hour killing the most enemies we can in this time?

    The core problem is the grind. Make regular gameplay rewarding, and find the way to make it more rewarding than just rushing through missions. And get rid of the end of mission scoreboard, too many people look at that and complain only based on that. (or atleast make it personal only)

    I agree with certain nerfs, no weapon or frames should be powerful enough to take away every possible interaction for the other squad members. But as long as the grind will be unbearable, and rushing will be the best way to feel you got something for your time, rush players will always exist and will always find the most efficient way to do a certain thing. Because they are forced to, not because they want to at any cost.

    For example as i started playing in the plains i enjoyed doing bounties because i felt it was rewarding even if are something i couldnt rush through.
    But after 2 weeks i had my ostron standing nearly maxed and nothing useful could drop anymore from any bounty. except cetus wisps, that i can gather quicker with quick specific tours of the plains. now i dont run bounties anymore because there is no reward for me there, atleast not worth the time they are asking.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Robutt said:

    Pretty much where I am coming from with this thread.

    just pointing out the problem isnt the drain, will still be easy to sustain. the real problem is range. even with overextended the halvened range will be just bad.
    Also slotting in overextended wont be an easy task if you want to keep a barely decent damage. or you can go for a very low damage firequake build that will still suck because of range but will be something atleast viable (slightly LESS than 20m range when shrink with overextended, stretch and augur reach. negligible damage and below average cc capability)

  18. 13 minutes ago, Robutt said:

    My issue isn't with the range nerf, it is with the energy cost. It's excessive considering Ember already chews through energy like a starving animal. I generally build her mid-ranged with maxed strength, and the problem is you need to use Accelerant on enemies with heaps of armor like napalms; you wont be able to afford this if you do not own Primed Flow. 

    then just drop maxed strenght  and go for maxed efficiency so when she will go for double damage the cost will be a still easy to sustain 1.5 energy / sec. and damage will still be doubled even without blind rage since she will do double damage with min range wof.

    Imho the change is bad, brings the warframe to trash tier because wof will be just bad. mainly because of range, she never did that much damage and the range was already kinda tiny. with halvened range she will be effective just in melee range but with no other skill in the set going for that

  19. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    Frames have 4 abilities, there is no ultimate, this isn't a MOBA. If she wasn't capable of killing 30s, you absolutely modded wrong. That isn't DE's fault.

    She wasnt capable of killing lvl 30 armored enemies with the firequake cc build. just barely scratched them.
    And yes i consider all energy energy expensive abilities as "ultimates" because were intended be unleashed once you saved enough energy to cast your most powerful ability.
    And it was like that, until fleeting expertise altleast. #1 balancing issue of warframe

    • Like 1
  20. i am one of the many using ember only for the firequake mod for low ranged but constant cc. She wasnt even capable of killing level 30s.
    Now maybe Ember is not nerfed to trash tier, but the cc build definitely is, because of range and hard to sustain energy cost. im kinda disappinted.

    looks like they want ultimate abilities to be far worse than any half-modded mid tier weapon, kill wise atleast. And no, you dont even need to aim with a weapon like amprex in a mission with levels under 30, everything just dies passing by.

    Wont cry about the nerf, just liked her cc build but will use something different instead. Im fine that they want us to actually play the game, but atleast make it a fun grind instead of just getting rid of everything that makes that grind barely acceptable

  21. where is this impressing? i see a weapon that even with a nicely rolled riven (max disposition) cant take out lvl 145 enemies in a reasonable timing with a reasonable amount of ammos.
    Man, i can take down the same enemies with any decent melee in less than 10 seconds. And im not even mentioning an atterax slide... just a regular melee with decent status chance.
    Almost any primary is better than a panthera without riven and still most of them are straight better even taking a riven into account

  22. On 30/1/2018 at 4:02 AM, Rabbid- said:

    I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain

    Sorties are no challenge, at all. Sorties are just for rabdom loot that might be good, 90% of players just want to do them in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

    if you want just a small bit of challenge go solo.

    Also players that do sorties the easy way exploiting some ability are probably dead without doing so. Maybe you can solo the mission but you should carry them too if you want those guys not to spam the thing that keeps them alive 

  23. Its a step in the right direction, far better than how BS is right now.

    But still far worse than any other "ultimate" ability in the game.

    It sucks still being slow and clunky to cast compared to almost any other 4 ability, and the extra power given from finisher damage is not relevant for 99.9% of the content.

    In the very unlikely case its damage type becomes really relevant its still overshadowed by almost any mindfully modded frame or weapon.

    it should have just been an AOE teleport sending just his clones. lets say 10 hits from the clones in a 15 meter area where ash is aiming. Now you have a decent ultimate, that doesnt lock you in terrible animation,  has no clunky activation mechanism and balances the strengh given from finesher damage by limiting the hits of the clones and the area.

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