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Posts posted by Dunkelheit

  1. Aggro tables distracted from Nyx chaos + charm should clear once the ability has worn off.

    But as a Nyx player I can tell you that this frame is still not easymode, since one Ancient Disruptor can REALLY ruin your day. And energy management is a problem. There are other frames which make defense a cakewalk. Take Rhino + 20 sec invul, take Ember with 200dps aoe dmg vs infested on 25 energy.

    And you know what, it feels good that way, because everything else is kinda frustrating and it is still a coop game. Many abilities miss scaling into high level mobs and they should really buff those classes, not nerf everything else.

  2. The forum is staying in tidy order, I applied common sense and posted in both so i can catch the eye of players looking through both forum topics.

    No, you applied common eogism, because you think that your topic is so important that everyone should see it, if they want to or not.

    I would personally never join if you cannot even stick to some of the simpler rules. But to each his own I guess.

  3. The main thing about Rhino is Ironskin. In Rank 3 it lasts about 15 seconds, so expect 20 seconds modded. This means, that during those 15-20 seconds you can stand in 1000s of enemies and clobber them with your Melee weapon. They cannot stun you, they cannot harm you, you are a god amongst monsters.

    If you see that those seconds were not enough to clear of all them, rhino-run out of there with your first ability.

    Every other skills are not that good. But the one skill makes him godlike.

  4. The real question is WHY would you do them? The is no real significant reward for completing the hardest missions, not when you can earn 3500 credits in five minutes on the first planet. Rewards need to scale, like you should be getting 10k+ minimum for the hardest missions, they take significantly more time and thought than the lower ones.



    Difficulty is not the problem, not at all. This game is not hard with the right gear... I bet I could beat any pluto mission with an unranked warframe. And this is not because I am so awesome, I am mediocre at best.

  5. I think we can all agree that you don't really need a HEK if you have a strun.... can't we?

    And we can all agree that shotgun >>>>> rifle, can't we?

    To balance shotties better, the spread has to be much wider on mid range. At the moment, you can oneshot many mobs with Strun in mid range and only need 2-3 shots on very distant targets. Instead Strun should be 2 shots on midrange and one-shot on close range. But we need to define midrange first :)

  6. You never know who is playing on the other side. It could be a person with disabilities, an 8 year old guy, so never be too harsh on them. And I also don't see the point in soloing, since chances are slim that a person can ruin your run. The only thing I do when someones play is off (mostly far away in defense missions), I don't get out of my way to help them when they are in trouble.

  7. Alright, thank you Tennos!

    If the spread is one of the biggest negative points, I can live with that, as I stand close to the enemies most of the time.

    I have on OT question: Does my decoy have as much life as my warframe?

    Dont take the shotgun, it really breaks the game. I have got the strun, I nearly oneshot everything. The ones I dont oneshot, I just explode with my Shotgun Spazz module. It makes everthing boring, but I cannot take another gun, because in every situation I think that it would be so easy with my Strun.

    I could live with the dmg... but you can snipe even with the Strun on ridiculous distances. I was really surprised as how far I can really shoot. I cannot even imagine a HEK.

  8. Just use your own brain and mind that crit percent and stun derives from the BASE value, so if your weapon has 5% crit, +20% crit mod would make 6% crit, not 25%.

    other than that, use the following values:

    Armor piercing vs Grineer

    Electricity vs Corpus

    Fire vs Infested

    Then you build weapon dmg of course and the rest depends on the gun.

    On Gorgon and Viper I would go with magazin size.

    On Melee go with charge dmg and speed above all.

  9. Choose like this:

    99% of the dmg comes from weapons. Neither Ashs ultimate, nor Lokis invisibility will change that. Bossfights are not challenging/often enough to justify getting a Warframe that excels in one or both directions.

    For me the strongest Warframes are those that can help when S#&$ hits the fan. You ask for dmg and speed. Volt is VERY fun to play and has superior speed. Plus, he has a devastating Uber ability and a very nice shield. Dont pick Ember though, who seems to be the fire counterpart to Volt, she is weak, except vs everything else than Infested.

    My pick would be Mag... a GREAT uber, plus a gamechanging ability in Bullet Magnet. Btw, try pairing Mag with Excalibur and watch the results in boss fights :D. If the shield grineers werent so easily killed with armor pierceíng, this would be another great argument for her. Not the strongest warframe, but a great overall one.

  10. Alerts are most of the time good credits, a question mark reward attached to it is just super nice. Special should be special, if every 2nd alert is a "?" alert, it won't make me jump in joy ;)

    If you play regularly, you will see them quite often.

  11. Chaos is one of the best abilities ingame right now, no need to make it even better and give you all the exp in a fire and forget move... if you cast chaos, wait a few seconds, then start blasting into the crowd and you will get killshots nonstop.

    The best thing about chaos... even when the duration wears off, they still hate eachother :D

    Nyx might be the best warframe for defense missions.

  12. Don't worry about the endgame, every weapon in the game is viable, because endgame is easy and the power of a weapon is VERY dependant on the mods. Give me the worst weapon ingame and an unranked warframe (without abilities) and with proper mods I am still very viable in the "endgame" at the moment.

    So it just boils down to choice and style. Take what you think is fun for you.

    If you want to minmax:

    Skip rifles, go to shotguns, they are really precise even in the distance. And totally skip sniper stuff, they are really bad at the moment. If you absolutely love sniping, get the Latron or the bow.

    If you want to use melee, you need some kind of durability. Volt has 10 armor (iirc), which is not very good for meleeing, on the other hand he has his speed skill if things go sour for him. Very good choices for melee are Loki and Ash. EDIT: I forgot to write why you should pick them: Both can go invis and when you are invis, you have guaranteed crits. Be careful though, I think that the crit dmg mods do not apply to the "invis crit dmg". But I am not sure of that.

    Now I am sure, crit dmg mods apply to invis crits.

    There is no alternative to gunplay.... gunplay will make 99% of your dmg. There are only abilities, who get you out of sticky situations... Volt is nice for his aoe dmg, in very high level planets you wont kill all the mobs with it though.

    Anyway, this is a great game with lots of possibilities. Explore them for yourself.

  13. At the moment, every Warframe is OP ... because the power comes from the weaponry, not from the abilities... I could play a warframe without abilities and I could still do all of the missions.

    The only thing that comes close to a challenge is doing the defense missions past wave 15... you kinda need a good setup to be successful here. Everything else ... not so much.

  14. Oh, yeah I did, maybe wave 15, but not later than that. Because I did not know this was going to be better :).... is there an incentive to go to the harder spots? Or is it my best bet still to take the earliest of all defense missions?

  15. Sniper Rifles - need to be better... at the moment, even a pistol can outshine a sniper rifle in dmg (the Lex with the right modules). Sniper rifles have long reload times and very small magazines... they should put the hardest punch in ranged combat

    Melee - needs a little buff... at the moment, the time you need to run to your enemies is too big. Once you are near them, the ranged faction of your group will have torn them to shreds already.

    Shotguns - Using the Strun myself, I was really surprised at what those weapons can do. I basically oneshot most of the enemies, even on pluto. You don't even have to aim , just shoot in the direction and empty your magazin and everthings falls flat fast. The surprising thing... this weapon works even great from the far. Needs a hard nerf, they are the best weapons at the moment, without real weaknesses. And the HEK is supposed to be even better than the Strun? This would make all of my teammates feel bad about their dps.

    Dmg from abilities - ... is dependant on a very unreliable power source... the blue ball thingies. Somtimes you can wade in them kneehigh, sometimes they dont drop at all. So using abilities is really limited to THE swarm of enemies that is going to overwhelm your force eventually. So Volt is sadly no alternative to "gunplay" like the description promises.

    What are your thoughts?

  16. The game really needs the risk balanced with the rewards. At the moment there is no point in taking the missions on pluto, except for the challenge itself. Your best mod drop spot would be a low level defense mission, you new weapons and warframes level best if you play solo.

    There is no point in going on in defense missions after wave 5, except for the challenge itself. Sometimes the wave 5 reward is a rare mod whereas wave 10 only have a common drop.

    Your best money farm is running the Cronas blueprints from the boss on mercury.

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