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Posts posted by Dunkelheit

  1. Ever since your "performance patch", I dislike the gameplay a bit.


    Since that time, the game has somehow become unresponsive. Let me give you an example:


    When you shoot a mob and you have a bit of lag, it takes some time till the mob dies and reacts to your weapon force. This is NOT the issue that Ancients from infested take a lot of time to lie down once they burst into flames.

    I go to a standard Grineer, shoot him in the head with my hek. He stands there and like half of a second later (after the shot connected) he dies and flies away from the weapon force. This is kinda funny, but kills immersion by a lot.


    Hopefully someone else feels the same and can explain the problem a bit better. This has definitely not been around from the start. Lag now has a way bigger influence on the game and how mobs react to force and it has not improved.



  2. Rushers exist for a reason... there is no point to play this game the slow way. If you want a lot of mod drops, play defense.


    DE should make incentives for going slow and killing everyone, like adding bounty or give huge rewards if you exterminate all mobs or kill more than 50 or something else.

  3. Selling with this UI is ridiculous... I have nearly a thousand mods, no credits to fusion them all and I can only sell them 1by1 and after selling one, the UI resets me to page 1. So selling is not really an option, hopefully, your database server enjoys my load :D

  4. Man i agree, and i finally got flow yesterday during the time when the servers were having issues after the patch, and now its gone :(



    Holy..... I am soooo sorry man,  I definitely feel for you.


    Atm I am only "missing" flow and the freeze for rifle and handgun. There might be other stuff, but it is not that important for me

  5. 1. High difficulty missions, missions with high risk and high reward for good teams and levelled warframes and equipment.


    2. The blue balls as a source of energy, they have to go. They are too random and take the fun out of the game. When I play with my lvl 20 Volt, he has like 130 energy. I dont want to use my abilities, because all the time there could be THAT event that needs my Uber ability. And Warframe without using abilities is just another random shooter. Things are different on my Ember though... she has a great AO ability for cheap energy cost + she has a lot more basic energy. 




    3. Make Flow more available. 100 hours of playtime, not a single drop.


    4. Names of everyone above their head, maybe even with their health + shields


    5. a button to show my secondary objective (I always forget to look at it when the map starts :D)


    6. make modding and selling mods less painless


    7. Boss enemies in defense missions


    That is all I can think of right now. There is a lot more, but I always forget, maybe you guys have something to add.

  6. I work full time and I have a lot of money, but not that much time. Credits are the single most important factor in Warframe. You use it to buy weapons, to level your mods, there is so much to do that I could never really be useful at anything.

    So for me it is the other way around. I buy all warframes with plat and farm for my weapons. Because sooner or later, I want to posess all of them. And even while buying warframes for plat, I still miss soooo many credits. Nearly all my modifications are at most in lvl 3, max 5. I have been never much of a "farm" guy, I just love doing challenges.

    If I could play more than 6 hours/week, I would prolly have the same mindset as you have.

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