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Posts posted by Dunkelheit

  1. See I would try posting something more intelligent if nearly evryone in this thread hadn't already decided thaat DE is out to get them, and their little dog too. What's happening here is you're all taking circumstantial evidence, and inventing a scenario to jutify your pesimism. We are not entitled to being able to easily data mine the drop tables in any fashion whatso ever. DE is fully within their rights to encrypt their product if they choose to do so, for whatever reasons they desire, and they owe no explanation if they choose to do so.

    Everyone here is simply assuming the reasons are nefarious.



    They are not out to get anyone, they are out to make money. It maybe that 99.9999% of DE are super great guys, but now that they get some reaction and a great number of players who play the game, they will have the attention from some manager that have no clue and they just think of making more money.

    And now this manager says: make more

    And they have to follow


    I love DE as developing team, but I don't trust money.

  2. It also doesn't reduce the speed of rolling, so if you don't mind spamming shift to get everywhere you can actually travel at a decent speed despite the hobble effect.




    And this is fun how exactly?



    And the rushers will of course take the Hobble key.... not.


    I agree, this is a big annoyance... carrying the hobble key will cut you out of the exciting moments of gameplay like having a huge wave of enemies come at you or finding nice mods. No energy as a replacement sounds just about right.

  3. Improved matchmaking to consider a player's "Loadout rank" when finding a suitable squad to join (sum of pistol + rifle + melee + powersuit rank)



    How does the loadout rank consider a suitable squad? Do I get "high rank" players when I am "low rank" or do "low rank" people get mixed together?


    This would be quite hard for the "low rank" people to do higher level missions, wouldnt it?

  4. You see, this defense would hold up, but here is the problem. I'll explain real slow so your 'simple' mind will understand. These are all facts. Nothing made up, just straight truth.

    - Before Update 10, Forma Blueprints had a 12.65% Reward rate.

    - Update 10 released, many people discovered Forma Blueprints were no longer being rewarded from Void Missions.

    - Forum posts were made discussing this issue and it was asked many times in the Livestream 14 thread.

    - Reward tables were discussed during Livestream 14. Scott said they looked into it and it was just a matter of dilution. Sheldon said, working as intended. (Meaning, even AFTER reviewing the tables, they didn't have any plans on changing it.)

    - Datamined tables are released, revealing Forma Blueprint had a .67% Reward rate.

    - Not even 2 hours later, an apology from Sheldon hits the forums. (Admitting they screwed up. The community had been telling them for weeks something was messed up but they didn't admit it until the datamined tables were release.)

    If you can't see any red flags or issues with this.. you have a very simple mind. If you think this is completely acceptable behavior from a gaming company with a game still in beta... you're wrong. The game is already getting terrible reviews from the big bloggers/reviewers, if stuff like this ended up in those big reviews, this game will simply end up like Tribes or Exteel.



    Very good posting:


    If you have questions, just follow the money, this always works.

    In the game of Warframe, there are some things that are contantly being bought: reactors to upgrade frame or weapon

    This is because there are by far not enough blueprint alerts that can cover for your stuff, especially when you love collecting and upgrading stuff.


    Now they added another source: Forma

    Problem is, Forma has quite the high droprate in the void. People use it left and right.

    The mission is to make Forma rare so people need to buy it as they do with catalysts.

    A percentage drop from 12% to 0.5% does not happen randomly. At least I doubt this very much. But dataminers caught them in the act, mission failed.


    ONE PATCH LATER: droprates are encrypted now


    I really dont need to know more.


    A percentage drop from 12% to 0.5% might happen by accident, I give them that. But the fact that it happened twice, that they denied the mistake before mined data showed up and that they apologized 2 hours later is evidence enough for me to get the idea that there is something fishy going on.

  5. No matter how you look at it. People forcefully opened a file that should NOT be opened... I don't naturally have programs on my computer made for popping open Dead Space 2... I don't have programs to open Warframe either... a NORMAL player would play the game... but then there are those who go beyond and tear things apart when they shouldn't... and you wonder why car companies make their cars more difficult to repair...



    "Normal" like in sheep that do exactly as they are told to and believe everything they are told?


    Dude, the world is evolving around lies, the government lies, game developers lie and you really want to give persons who investigate here a bad name?

  6. What a pile of S#&$, seriously.


    There were some mods that I did not own. I had a look at the drop tables and in one week I could find some of them. Now they changed the droptables and again I dont know where to look. Especially in a game that forces me to play absolute low level content.


    An example

    Where to find handspring now?

    Do I farm defense and wait for the reward? Droptables are tied to levels now. So which level is the right one for handspring? Do I farm low level creeps? Do I farm high level creeps? Hey, look in the wiki... some guy claimed he found it on Xini ... I am going to farm 10 hours in there... the mod does not drop. Now what? Has the guy lied to make a joke? Did his memory not serve him right? Or is the dropchance so abysmally low that I was unlucky?


    A message to DE

    If you take away such an important thing in your RNG game, you better have a solution for it ingame right away... or if you cannot present a solution because your UI is behind in development, just datamine your data yourself and display it on a website. And do it fast before your community goes apeS#&$.

  7. I love the idea, I hate the hobble key... -50% movement..... it feels like you are left out of all the great moments:


    - your teammates encounter huge enemy forces... they will be down till you are there

    - teamates marking Mods or ressources for you.... they better do this 2 - 3 times till you are there

    etc. you get the idea.

  8. Hey guys,

    I have found that there are some things annoying me that can be fixed super easy.  I decided to post the top issues and I hope, you guys do it, too. Rules: The suggestions have to be simple and should be easily implementable.



    1. When I run over a ressource, I want to know what I just picked up. But this is not possible, because the game tells me that my pistol ammo is full, energy is full etc. Please make the last 5 picked up ressources (and/or mods) visible in a little list. Or stop telling me why I cannot pick up ammo and energy.


    2. Give me some reason to farm something on pluto... maybe let the bosses drop 2 ressources instead of one, something, anything.  It is a wasteland out there


    3. Nightmare Alerts: I have played all missions on all planets... now let us put this to good use... or give others an incentive to do the same


    4. Let mods (or something else) drop from containers, gives us an incentive for less rushing, more exploring....


    5. Different void missions, different ressources... pretty please :). I have more annoy plate than is needed to build the Death Star. Alternative: Let me build a Death Star (as Dojo or Mini Sentinel)



  9. You say that it is possible to overcome every content easily then you say that there is hard stuff.  You can't have it both ways.


    And, your point doesn't really address the topic.



    Wait what?


    1. Risk vs Reward is a thought about the Warframe meta, like your posting introduced, hell, you are addressing it in your very own posting when speaking about Waframe being an easy game.


    2. Of course there is hard stuff in Warframe, play defense missions till wave 1.000.000 (I exagerate to make my point) is most certainly hard. Yet, there is no need to go even to wave 20 in defense. So I can very well have it both ways.



    So I contribute to your thread, even speak about concerns you yourself raised and you write like you did not understand your own topic and accuse me for being off-topic?? Way to go, man, way to go.

  10. The problem with Waframe is that there is no risk vs reward.


    Going to the higher waves in Xini or Nightmare missions on Pluto should be properly rewarded. This is not the case, so people say this game is easy. It is, because you can overcome very content in this game very easily. There is hard stuff, but only to challenge yourself. Which is only fun for the first few times.

  11. For a game that is advertised as fast paced with special moves, the wallrunning feels clunky.


    I played for 3 hundred hours, but I cannot figure out when my warframe does a vertical or a horizontal wallrun reliably. Or when I run up a wall, I sometimes want to move to the left or right, not do a backflip to the other side.


    Of course it works most of the time, but sometimes it really does not work for me.


    Can you help me with this?


    This is how I think it works:

    The game calculates the angle in which you jump at the wall. If the wall is in a 90° degree to your jump, you will run upwards, when the degree is off, you will run sideways.





    It "should" work like this. When you run up a wall and hold jump to wallrun, you should be able to simply use your mouse to navigate like you do when you do normal movement.

    And while you are at it... fix it so that I can wallrun when I stand directly in front of a wall (e.g. standing on a ledge and trying to reach the top). This is so annoying

  12. Seriously, people should stop begging/asking/shouting for special mission types. It only makes the chat hard to read. Only hosts should put up their requests.


    When I host a session, I never ever go through pages of other requests. I just put up my invitation and wait for the whispers to roll in. Then I pick 4 guys who sound nice and then I invite them. And my guess is that the other hosts do the same.

  13. I recommend to find 3 other players who are interested in your goal. With 4 players, farm the key. Once you finde  one key, you can do the run 4 times. Saves a lot of time and nerves for farming.


    And I agree: Farming low level stuff is incredibly boring.

  14. Don't know if it'll help you, but I usually just run Helene. Go to Helene with Master Thief, run around and open all the lockers / containers you can ( I usually get at least one Orokin Cell from those, maybe two, plus a chance at Cells from the enemies ), kill all the guys, and extract at 5. Wash, rinse, repeat. Also makes for okay Plastid farming, or at least that's been my experience.



    Thank you very much, this is actually a good suggestion.

  15. And what does that have to do with the droprate and the number of items that use Orokin Cells as a necessary component?


    At the moment, for my most dire needs, I need 45 Orokin Cells. Let a Ruk run take 10 minutes and let us say, you find 1 on average in each run. This is 450 minutes only for farming Orokin Cells. Talk about fun.


    And of course I used the Wiki, read the comments, everyone is raging about the droprates atm.

  16. ... it is the droprate of Orokin Cells right now.


    Your best bet is to kill Ruk as of now and he drops 1 Cell/ run. With everything and its mother needing Orokin Cells, I need 45 at the moment. Am I supposed to run Ruk 45 times now? Hello Burnout.....

    It is no big deal to farm for one weapon, but I have the goal to get every weapon in the game and this is killing me.


    I can really stand to farm some ressource here and there... but Orokin Cells are crazy atm. And to be frank, you guys from DE should drop the number of cells needed for the prime stuff.





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