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Posts posted by Dunkelheit

  1. It normally goes like this:

    Helmet gives +15% of one stat and -5% of another stat. This alone is helpful on a lot of occasions. If you cannot put a stat helmet to good use, dont wear it. I liked the stat bonusses and please do not remove the existing ones.


    If you really want to make all future helmets with 0 stats, it is ok with me.

  2. In fact, I really do.


    It is interesting, because it has some story development (what is Zanuka, what ist he plan with the Tennos etc.), the rewards are great (finally Vauban helmet, Vanguard Rhino helmet, loads of cash and rare elements) and everyone is winning at the end.


    Well done....



    Now I really hope that there will be some permanent change in the game at the end, depending on the outcome of the confrontation.

  3. Are you sure about this?



    TIER THREE - Complete 100 missions, with the reward determined by two factors: the victorious side AND if you supported them (you did more missions for them, than against them).

    • IF the Corpus win:
    • And you supported them: The ferocious DETRON hand-cannon. The Detron will be super-charged along with a new weapon slot!
    • You did not support them: A DETRON blueprint, reverse-engineered by the Lotus.


    • IF the Grineer win:
    •  And you supported them: The semi-automatic BRAKK hand-cannon. It comes super-charged and with a weapon slot included!
    • You did not support them: A BRAKK blueprint stolen from a Grineer datacenter.



    Just play it out... let us say, the Grineer win: You don't get the Corpus reward, you JUST get the Grineer reward.


    If you supported the Grineer, you get everything, if you supported Corpus, you just get the blueprint.

  4. Gradivus: Grineer Victory


    Quirinus: Grineer

    Spear: Grineer

    Ultor: Corpus



    Martialis: undecided



    At the moment we are 3:1 for Grineer and it looks like Corpus can win the Martialis battle.



    Please keep this updated so that in the end we know which faction will win.

  5. Holy S#&$, spoiled kids these days....


    DE makes a lot of effort to design a nice, exciting and interesting event with great rewards and some guys whine, whine, whine.


    Oh, the event is not logical, oh, I dont get what I DESIRE (which is a nice use of words, explains a lot about character), oh noes, DE pushes the win with rewards...



    Can you just shut up, enjoy the game and be happy about the rewards you get in the very end? Thanks you

  6. T1 rewrd : give u event badge.

    T2 reward: u get combat-rdy super charged weapon IF your side wins...

    T3 reward: u get Supercharged weapon if your side win. get a BP of the opposite faction if your side lose.



    Is that so hard to read?


    T2 reward:

    Complete 25 missions of any side, with the reward determined by the victor.


    ANY side


    So you get a reward either way, just the outcome decides the reward.

  7. 50k platinum give-away for people who like you guys' Facebook page. While I'd be all for it, I don't have, nor do I want Facebook. I've never liked the idea of social media, it just always ends up bad, and I'd probably never use an account for anything more than this 50k plat sweepstakes, so it'd be useless to try to make an account now =\


    But seriously, to whoever gets the 50k:





    Lucky? If you win the 50k, the game is instantly over. You can buy all the stuff for years that is coming up. And the game is no fun where there is nothing to do.


    I would much rather have the mod package... I want primed chamber and some other mods.

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