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Posts posted by Dunkelheit

  1. Have you considered a revamp of the alert rewards? At the moment, this is a bit dissatisfying. Heat Sword, Heat dagger, Jaw Sword, Pangolin Sword... they are very boring tools to rank up in mastery, nothing else.


    What about the bugs around grouping up? At the moment it is really frustrating to invite people.


    Are you even considering an alternative to RNG? RNG is fun and satisfying, but it would be cool if you would earn additional currency to buy the stuff after 100s of desperate runs - Blaze, I am looking at you.

  2. No common mod, but Narrow Minded and Blaze really get me... feels like 1000 runs for them, no show :(


    Here my list of mods I am missing


    Narrow minded




    Shield Flux

    Primed chamber (still wonder if this is transmutable)

    Steady Hands

    Self Destruct



    Edit: Got Steady Hands :)

  3. I like it, a few things need to be fixed to make it a fun event:


    - if it is a survival alert, it should still give out rewards

    - make sure that maps are compatible with survival and mobs will actually find the player

    - carefully balance drops of oxygen packs

    - rewards should be adequate... a credit pack in minute 5 is bearable, it is not in minute 20

    - rewards should  become better and better the longer you stay

    - matchmaking should be better... if two groups get together who want to stay 5 minutes and 30 minutes, there is a problem. If this happens often, there is frustration.



    Other than that, I love survival.

  4. This is kind of a sadistical move with the current droprates. Come on, 40 minutes of same old same old just to have a 10% chance at a reward?


    Who thought this was a good idea?


    Either raise the dropchance (and lower the chance of Forma... I am not doing T3 def to farm Forma) or make defense in the voids 10 waves (or 15) shorter.

  5. Ok, so you guys are saying that 14.000 kBit/sec download and 768 kBit/sec upload is not enough to host a game?


    I have played Quake with an ISDN connection and it went fine and lag free. And this was 64kbit up and download.

    This was ages ago, but I never ever had problems hosting any game up till now.



    DSL is far from being terrible... no game should really max this out. If it does, the netcode is S#&$ty.

  6. Why does the "toggle" not work as a "toggle"? I really cannot use it because it does not really behave like a toggle. Like when you enable it, it should try to sprint under all circumstances. Like it does when you hit the button.

  7. Uh, they all work the same? It's just the level of enemies that the mission will start at that is different. Kill fast and run around. Because the enemies on Apollodorus start out the weakest out of all the survival missions, you were probably tearing through them, making them respawn faster.



    No, it depends on the level design...



    Try Eris zB: Nimus is quite bad and you will struggle to get enough mobs to go to minute 30

    and Hymeno is fun and challenging with a lot of mobs.... they will drive you to the exit at 35 :)


    So here is another one, Hymeno is fun, too

  8. After the event, I stopped playing survivals because I was kinda bored with them. But with the new changes to the survival reward systems I picked them up and they are fun again.


    But after having a blast in Apollodorus, most of the survivals I joined were kinda lacking action. They are a wasteland and you really have to search for mobs sometimes.


    So I need your help:


    What are the good survival events in Warframe?



    I name Apollodorus for being great :)

  9. +1. Or make the current ammo boxes to restore all the ammo pool.


    The ammo mutation mods were event mods. Not everybody have it. I have it but people on my team maybe dont have.



    They started dropping again with the Vault update... check Wiki

  10. Regarding the surival rewards



    Since there will be no datamining any more, how does it work?


    Let us imagine that a survival reward was Grineer 5 min reward. Now I want to have this mod.


    Will it drop as a 5 minute reward in every survival?




    Since the rewards will get better with the level of the creeps:


    Which Tier will drop what reward now? I dont want to put hours into Tier 3 surival only to find out that my mod drops on Tier 1 survival....

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