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Posts posted by auxy

  1. 3 hours ago, GentlePuppet said:

    I agree with Cheeki, You can see the difference between 8x and 16x

    In that blown-up, static image of a literal worst-case scenario? Yeah, sure. Practically speaking? No, you can't.

    2 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    Have to agree Cheeki is 100% full of it and Puppet proves the point.

    He is full of it and I'll prove it for you. Here's a screenshot of that same place with 8x AF (max ingame):

    And lest you think I've cheated somehow, here's the full shot.
    In fact, I have a whole folder ready of anisotropic filtering comparison shots. I encourage anyone who doubts me to peruse them.

    The change he's showing in his comparison shots is a change of resolution, not filtering quality. You know how I know?
    That surface is 3D; it's geometry, not a flat texture. You can't improve the clarity of geometry with anisotropic (texture) filtering.
    Once again, he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's made a fool of himself.

    2 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    After all, no one would spend such excess money and then not know how to use that powerful hardware to its best capabilities?

    In his defense, he clearly does know that he can turn it on in the control panel as he's supposedly done so.

    With that said, you're right—if it's such a big difference and so important to these guys, why would they not be forcing 16x AF in the control panel globally?
    The answer is that it isn't, and they would never have even noticed the change if Megan hadn't called it out in bold in the patch notes.

    This thread is stupid and should be closed. I'm disgusted that I've wasted even this much time on it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, CheekiBreekiHibiki said:

    I still don't see your argument for straight up removing the option.

    Because people like you, who don't know any better, slam it to 16x because "it's da bess!!" and then complain when their game runs like balls.

    It doesn't make any visual difference, ever, and it does have an impact on performance, particularly on AMD and Intel graphics adapters.

    Because every single surface has to be sampled a full sixteen times over, the performance impact ramps up dramatically with the number of visible textured surfaces on screen.

    As I said in my original reply, in principle I'm with you on this. But in practice this isn't the hill to die on.

  3. 1 minute ago, CheekiBreekiHibiki said:

    I think something else is a joke here...

    I took those from screens that i made to showcase. The rocks are far away and obviously demonstrates the loss in image quality that lower AF does...

    Except that's not what anisotropic filtering does at all. I'll explain it in detail a minute, my clan has me doing some stuff with them.
    To be clear, this is the same situation as you telling your doctor that taking an extra multi-vitamin cured your cancer. You don't know what you're talking about.

    Even if you did, your pictures are not illustrative. One picture has the rocks rainy and glistening, and the other picture doesn't.
    Any minuscule difference you would see in the rocks is utterly obliterated by the gloss shader.

    Here's what AF actually does:
    LUN3DM5, no AF-

    LUN3DM5, 8x AF-

    LUN3DM5, 16x AF-

  4. 14 minutes ago, Avlaen said:

    i wish prime weapons could use their non primed skins, like frames

    I agree. For people who will be confused by this post as I was, he means to simply use the appearance of the base weapon on the prime weapon.

    You CAN use alternate skins, of course; e.g. you can use the Paris' Abra, Day of the Dead, Forest-Camo, Kintsugi, Nocturne, and Dryad skins on the Paris Prime.

    But I agree. I'd really prefer the standard look of the Stradavar. This prime model is just insulting.
    It'd be nice on other weapons too, like the Spira Prime. I think the Spira looks awesome. The Spira Prime looks like a dumb anime joke weapon.

  5. People have brought this up before. DE says they don't implement these things because they want users to report the bugs.
    I think that's valid, but a better option is to implement these functions and then log anytime a user uses them.

    A lot of older online games (c.f. City of Heroes), had slash commands like this that, indeed, logged when they were used.
    Sure, they're developer functionality, but having access to commands like this could really smooth over some of the game's frustrations.

    I'd like to see commands like: (all examples, not necessarily these commands explicitly)

    • /resethud or /reloadui
    • /resetaudio or /reloadsfx (when looping audio bugs happen)
    • /vid_restart or /reloadgfx (when shaders or resources fail to load)
    • /evolve to restart the whole engine without having to re-log
    • /relog to log us out and allow us to relog without having to exit and reload the game
    • /respawn or /kill to kill myself and respawn
    • /reset to perform a reset like falling off the world would be good also
    • /toggledevlog to let tech-savvy users see debug messages or error logs
    • /netgraph ala Source engine, so we could troubleshoot network problems ourselves
    • /metrics so we could see more detailed performance data - would help us help other players troubleshoot performance issues
    • /benchmark to run a very quick benchmark (similar to old GoldSrc "timerefresh" command)

    In general, I'd like to see more slash commands to control various options or bring up various menus.
    This won't be a surprise to anyone who reads my posts, but I type very, very fast. I came up using command-line interfaces, too.
    hate having to use the mouse to navigate an interface when I could type a command and get there faster.
    I could save a LOT of time when playing Warframe if I could:

    • /uimods, /uiayatan, /uiarsenal, /uinav, /uioper, /uifriends, /uiclan - open UI panels
    • /quit or /exit or /qqq or /gtfo to instantly exit the game (ALT+F4 works, but I worry about breaking something that way.)
    • /togglevoip to enable/disable voice chat
    • /uioff [xx] to hide the UI for xx seconds
    • /uiscale [x.xx] to set the UI scalar factor, also /chatscale [x.xx]
    • /renderscale [x.xx] to set the resolution scalar
    • /who [player] to see a short summary of a player: MR, clan, founder?, playtime, region
    • /sit and other slash commands for emotes

    And so on.

    • Like 2
  6. This problem is caused by punch-through mods on the Drakgoon. Punch-through doesn't work (and has never worked) properly on projectile weapons.

    It's a major source of annoyance on the Larkspur, where using the powerful Sabot Rounds mod for bonus damage makes it difficult to use the secondary fire effectively.

    EDIT: I should clarify and note that punch-through isn't bugged; it's working as programmed and as designed, it's just a bad design.

  7. 6 hours ago, CheekiBreekiHibiki said:

    Antialiasing SMAA 2x /4x /8x why is this not a thing?

    Multi-pass SMAA is just applying the same filter over and over. Given that SMAA is in effect a smart blur filter, all you're doing is blurring things more and more.

    They removed 16x anisotropic filtering because it's a significant performance hit when there's a lot of geometry (as there is on the new plains) for absolutely no visual benefit.

    6 hours ago, CheekiBreekiHibiki said:

    For PC users who spend thousands on their rigs, it's insulting to cap such important Graphics options at below industry standards. 

    I agree with your sentiment. I'm right there with you on the whole "PC gaming is about user choice" thing. I really believe DE is too, at least Steve.

    The thing is, in these specific cases, what you're asking for doesn't really make sense.

    If you want nicer anti-aliasing, maybe add a reply and a like to my thread over here asking for super-sampling options?


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, taiiat said:

    i liked the increased AoE, but the rest of the changes didn't seem to make much sense, mmh. the Charge made it safer to use so i'm glad to still have that.

    Hear, hear!

    3 hours ago, taiiat said:

    still waiting for that never released wip Augment that increased Blast Radius - since it doesn't compete in straight up Damage vs the other Launchers, it would then surely atleast compete in number of affected Targets. hence why i've been desiring and advocating for increased Blast Radius for long time. Ogris should reach atleast 10m, ideally 15m. hit the majority of an entire room with each Shot, so that it competes in DPS in a different way.
    such a large AoE would also be nice for its high Status, so it's even more of a natural fit.

    This is... in theory I agree, but in practice if you stick FIrestorm on the weapon as it is now it already covers an entire room with a 7.5-meter blast radius.
    That's explosions that are 15 meters across. Pretty large, and I think possibly the largest in the game already short of the Elytron? Haven't researched.
    A ten- or fifteen-meter blast radius would be absurdly large, impossible to use in regular tilesets. ... not that I wouldn't enjoy it. Heh-heh. (*'▽')

    I would like to have that mod slot back, but I don't really feel like I need it per se. I actually came up with a whole bunch of augments for the Ogris awhile back. I'll talk about that at the end of this post.

    3 hours ago, taiiat said:

    you could make the Rocket slower and/or make the Explosion a fast wave rather than instantaneous, if you were worried about self safety of using it. ultimately just seeing the opportunity for Ogris to be like a pocket Cruise Missile - you can't always shoot it because of there not being enough space to actually do so, but hitting such a large area being exactly what is go great about it, at the same time.

    These ideas are interesting and I do like them, but as I mentioned above I really think they're suited for a new weapon, not changing what an existing weapon does.

    I've posted in this thread a lot, so to clarify my stance regarding the Ogris changes:

    • I don't think semi-automatic is necessary; I don't think it suits the weapon and I think the charge is useful.
    • I don't think changes to the critical or status chance are strictly necessary. I think the Ogris functions well as it is.
    • WIth that said, I don't think reducing its damage is good either. If I were going to change the damage I'd raise it slightly, but I think it's fine really.
    • I think the weapon's area-of-effect is in a good state. Reducing the size is bad because it removes one of very few advantages the weapon has.
    • The Ogris' weaknesses are in rate of fire and handling (magazine size/reload speed). Improvements to these would be good, but...
    • ... maybe improvements that address its weaknesses should be left to a "Wraith" version of the weapon?

    So overall I didn't really like the changes. I think they changed the character of the weapon too much and weren't in service of making it better, just different.


    As I mentioned earlier I came up with a bunch of Ogris augments awhile back.
    Most of these are intended to change the function of the weapon in an interesting way.
    I've always felt that weapon augments should be similar to Warframe power augments. So saying, they should:

    • Definitely offer an unambiguous improvement. You're giving up a mod slot after all.
    • Change the function of the weapon in some interesting way. This can be just numbers moving around, but it should be fairly drastic.

    So with that in mind, if we look at the existing augment for the Ogris, which is NIghtwatch Napalm, we can see that it definitely gives a solid improvement to the weapon.
    It also changes the function of the weapon in an interesting way, by adding a new function altogether. I think that's great!

    I never ended up posting about my augment ideas here on the forums, even though I've posted a lot of other ideas of mine.
    That's partially because it seems DE very rarely acknowledges fan ideas, and partially because I realized that some of these would make better new weapons.

    Anyway, without further ado:

    • Kinetic Penetrator: Replaces some (large) portion of the Blast damage with Puncture damage. Increases damage and projectile speed, but reduces area of effect.
                                        Interesting for attacking armored targets and bosses with the Ogris. Mimics real-life shaped-charge warheads.
    • Fragment Casing: Adds penetrating fragments (q.v. Drakgoon flak) to the explosion that deal heavy puncture or slash damage. Increased by multishot.
                                     Reduces the base blast damage and area of effect to compensate. Fragments should penetrate actors but bounce off the world.
    • Secondary Exterior: Allows each rocket to detonate twice: once when alt-fire is pressed, and then again when it impacts. Difficult to use, so no stat mods.
                                         Pressing alt-fire makes the rocket explode, but also keep going. Useful for firing through a group at another.
    • Seeker Module: Causes the Ogris to lock-on to a target when aimed. Firing it then produces a fire-and-forget seeker missile ala Grineer Bombards.
                                   Reduces projectile speed significantly. Maybe could use alt-fire for slow seekers, and primary fire for fast dumb rockets? Or vice-versa.
    • Grineer Guidance: Adds a manually-guided crosshair-tracking effect, similar to Half-Life's rocket launcher, except toggleable in-flight.
                                       Not worthwhile unless it also improves the stats of the weapon. Maybe increased flight speed when dumb, and reduced when smart.
    • Party Rocket: Causes the Ogris to fire its entire magazine at once, but adds a "drunk" effect to the rockets, causing them to fly somewhat erratically.
                              Perhaps should also increase reload speed or maximum ammo, but after all those changes it's a whole new weapon.
    • MERCS: Multiple Expanding Rocket Compression System. A bit complicated—the idea is that the rocket splits into a square "grid" of micro-rockets in-flight.
                     By default, causes each rocket to split into a 3x3 "grid" of rockets, each dealing the full impact damage but only 1/9 of the blast damage. 1m AoE radius.
                     Each successive multishot adds one to the grid diagonally. Rolling 1 multishot makes 4x4, 2 multishots makes 5x5, etc.
                     Total blast damage is the same as without MERCS, split among all rockets. Impact damage increases considerably. Area of effect is similar but smaller.

    After coming up with all of this I had the idea that a weapon with so many augments could or should have a dedicated "augment mod" slot.
    Other people have proposed similar ideas for weapons and warframes, so I won't talk about it at length here. It is kind of interesting though.


    Warframe is a science fiction game, or perhaps even full-on science-fantasy. It doesn't exist in our reality and it doesn't have to be "realistic."
    However, it sorta does. Physics have to be realistic in some measure to feel natural. Light and shadow rendering attempts to reflect reality as it's more immersive.
    Those are technical concerns, but the same concerns apply to the writing, world, and lore. Things have to make sense or else they're not convincing.

    Rockets are almost exclusively used in real-life warfare for anti-armor (with shaped charges) or saturation/suppression purposes (with incendiary payloads.)
    Speaking realistically, high-explosive weapons are generally used to destroy fortifications or structures with concussive force.
    High-explosive weapons without a shaped-charge component are not useful against armored targets or reinforced materiel.
    They can be used against unarmored infantry or irregulars, but this is considered inhumane—not that the Grineer would care about that, of course.
    However, for use against large numbers or clusters of unarmored targets, fragmentation or incendiary munitions are more effective anyway.

    So with all of that in mind, I think DE needs to put some thought into how the Ogris was conceived as a weapon and what its purpose is.
    "Why does it work the way it does," not from a technical or engineering standpoint ("how does it function") but rather from a practical viewpoint. ("why is it used")


    If none of that was considered, and the goal was to make a "rocket launcher" weapon like those in classic FPS games, then the Ogris serves that goal pretty poorly.
    The changes made yesterday morning would seem to be in service of that goal. Actually I would say that the Ogris at that time felt a lot like the Quake 3 RL.

    I love Quake. I love old FPS games, and I love their weapons. Warframe isn't really like those games, though. And the Ogris already exists.
    If one of the developers wants the Q3 RL in Warframe, I'm all about it. I think it should be its own thing, though, and not an alteration of an existing weapon.
    Although if we're delving into classic FPS game rocket launchers, I'd much rather have the Eight-Ball Gun. ( *・艸`)

  9. You know it's funny, the dev team seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from Devil May Cry 5 lately, which I am totally and completely on board with.
    Maybe they could take some inspiration from that game's Qliphoth levels for the area design of a new area where K-Drives and even on-foot movement are the most efficient way to get around.

    I mean you could argue that that's already the case for most of the game; most of the starmap for sure, but those aren't big open-world zones.
    It COULD be interesting to have what is essentially a Grineer Galleon or Corpus Facility open-world area with a fixed layout, just extremely massive. Missions could take place going from A to B, on small parts of the map. That's all getting a bit off-topic though. ;つД`)

    I wish someone at DE would reply to these posts at least.
    Even a "thanks for posting, that idea is interesting" (or, on other types of posts "thanks, we're looking into it" or "thanks, we understand" or "thanks for the feedback" or "thanks for the kind words") would let us know that our voices are being heard by somebody on the inside.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Unknown924 said:

    I did get to try the Ogris in the Simulacrum with the changes, while semi-auto felt nice and being to rapidly fire 2-3 shots a second with my setup was fun, the small ammo capacity and reload time felt really bad.  If the Ogris is going to become a rapid fire launcher, it needs the ammo capacity and reload time to support it.

    Hard agree. Which is why I said above that I think I'd enjoy such a weapon, but I don't think the Ogris is it.
    I don't think it's right to drastically change a weapon that some people already enjoy as it is to make it something else.

    Make a (relatively) rapid-fire rocket launcher with fast projectile speed and a big magazine, or a small magazine but a fast reload. A different weapon.

  11. 2 minutes ago, rainmaker170 said:

    Removing coptering sounded like a pretty big deal, but Im happy with the system we got, and enjoy not mashing my face into too many walls with all of my built up velocity.

    Warframe definitely needs horizontal falling damage.

    So I can kill myself every time I play my 300%-Strength Zephyr.

  12. Just now, Lythael said:

    With semi it was a lot faster the charge on current Ogris is pointless it doesn't contribute anything aside from making it awkwardly slow to fire.

    Nah, that's not true. The charge has a really nice function:
    With the charge mode, you basically can't blow yourself up. You can click and hold the charge, and release to fire when ready.
    Without the charge, it's very easy to click accidentally at the wrong time and blow yourself up. I did this several times today.
    never kill myself with the Ogris.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Lythael said:

    Slow status weapons are bad especially self damage ones unless they have a reliable gimmick.

    Bad for what, though?
    Like, really, what are you bringing the Ogris to that it can't handle?
    Because if the answer is "2+ hours of survival" then I have to be honest: I don't care about your opinion.

    The only thing in the entire game that the Ogris isn't suitable for is an Elemental Enhancement sortie mission. And that's a very special case.
    You can take it to Kuva Floods. You can take it to Rotation C Arbitrations. You can take it to anything on the Vallis.

    I agree that it doesn't need more damage. I also agree that the best things that would improve it would be handling improvements.
    Faster fire rate, faster reload, particularly faster projectile flight speed. A larger AoE is also good as it helps it serve its unique role.

    Complaining about the capability of a weapon that trivially does 50,000 damage without crits in a massive 7m AoE just seems weird to me.

  14. As a long-time Ogris user—I even describe it as my primary weapon in my riven spreadsheet—I'm maybe adjacent to you guys, if not right there with you.
    I was REALLY excited to see the area of effect buff. I think the Ogris should be the biggest area of effect, the heaviest-hitter—and I think the charge is perfectly justified.

    I really like the Ogris because it doesn't have to be built for crits or status. It has a good status chance and it can be built as a status weapon, but it doesn't have to be.
    It just does a ton of damage, and will blast enemies apart on raw numbers. I love it.

    After using it this morning in semi-auto mode I have to say it was enjoyable, but it just didn't feel right.
    Moreover, the damage nerf was immediately noticeable.
    Normally I can kill PoE bounty 5 Grineer in one rocket fairly consistently, and what my rockets don't kill, the napalm will.
    After the patch, it was consistently taking two rockets to kill the same enemies.

    I have to say, I would really like to have a different semi-automatic rocket launcher, maybe with a really high flight speed.
    I don't think the Ogris should be mangled to make it, though. For what it's worth, I'm glad the changes were reverted.

  15. 12 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    Lol, That's quite the assumption.

    Not an assumption; an observation.
    You wouldn't post in support of a mechanic such as proposed by this thread if you were someone who knew that rolling is an integral part of going fast.

    12 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    I believe strongly in the concept of "too much of a good thing" - you don't always have to go faster than the speed of sound. 

    No, you don't always have to, of course. That would be quite the statement.
    Of course, I didn't say that. Unfortunately for your strawman, I am no corvid.

    Just to be clear, the issue is that Equinox players would no longer be able to go fast.

    12 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    (spoilered image)

    Mocking me in absence of an actual argument against my point makes your position seem awfully weak.

    12 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    As to your last point... again, that's quite the assumption; that's not REALLY what I'm after. See my full forum post for more enlightening details: Equinox - Proposed Ability Changes

    I don't care about your ideas for Equinox. That's to be discussed in your thread, over there.
    This thread is about OP's "Simple Equinox Change," and it's a terrible idea.
    For the record, I think Equinox is great, perhaps even over-powered.

    12 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    Some advice for you would to not be so presumptuous when reading into peoples threads; it's okay to be unsure of subjects or intentions. What's not okay is acting rude towards them because you've misinterpreted what they've said.

    You have failed to present any evidence that I mis-intepreted anything, so it's rather presumptuous if you to assume I have.

    Some advice for you would be to avoid condescending to people who are at the very least your equals. (Being that we are both forum users and Warframe players.)

    • Like 1
  16. What I'm reading here @TehGrief is that you aren't very good at going fast in Warframe.
    Going fast requires using rolls as a key part of your movement; you will never go as fast just using bullet jumps or sprinting unless you can mix in rolls.
    This is a really bad idea. There's no benefit here; you could achieve the same thing by simply removing the metamorphosis delay.

    That's what you're really after anyway.

    By the way, this:

    3 minutes ago, TehGrief said:
    • Quickly switching from Day form (channeling Maim) to Night form to cast Mend, healing your squad in a pinch.

    doesn't work unless you have the Energy Transfer augment slotted.

  17. 4 minutes ago, BlindStalker said:

    People who race around in Itzals in public bounties, finish objectives, then head to the next objective shouldn't consider players who use the k-drive to move around as being inconsiderate. It's a public bounty. You don't get to dictate how others play and calling your teammates out for being "too slow" to get to the next objective while you speed run in Itzal can be a $&*^ish move on that player's part. A public bounty is that, a public game where you get matched with anybody with any type of gear and any type of skill level/knowledge of the game. Maybe they don't have an archwing built, or maybe they are trying to multi-task and get vent-kid standing inbetween bounty objectives. Either way, it's a public bounty and one in which you don't get to tell teammates what they can or cannot play with, you don't control people's actions, they do what they want to. And telling people off is probably a good way to get screenshotted for being toxic in public and being reported to support desk. Not something worth fighting over either. That is the nature of public bounties, people should learn that. However, asking people politely if they could hurry up a bit is fair game I feel, as long as one is being polite about asking.

    Well, I think we have a bit of a philosophical disagreement there. This is a question of where your rights end and mine begin.
    Do you have the right to waste my time? I mean, that's what you're doing when you join my bounty and derp around on a K-Drive.
    You can bloviate about personal freedom all you want but the reality is:

    • You signed up for a task and are lollygagging instead of doing the task efficiently.

    Your post is pretty aggressive, by which I actually mean defensive.
    It seems like someone got onto you for using a K-Drive in bounties.
    I'm not saying that happened. That's just what it sounds like.

    Whether or not it happened, you clearly have the opinion that people aren't responsible for how their actions affect others.
    So if I decide to bring a bunch of unranked weapons with no mods into a level 50-60 mission, that's fine, right?
    Or if I elect to participate in voice chat by shouting in the mic, that's OK too?
    After all, "you don't control people's actions, they do what they want to."
    And I shouldn't get annoyed with them for doing what they want, right?

    I hope those extreme examples have made you realize the error of your ways. It's a very silly viewpoint.
    Obviously, people are responsible for how their actions impact the experiences of others.
    There's "controlling another person," and then there's "having reasonable expectations for the behavior of others."
    They're not the same thing. Flouting conventional expectations of behavior might be fun, but it's also inconsiderate and self-indulgent.

    If you want to K-drive around in bounties, sure! I'm down for that. I like K-Drives; I think they're fun, and I like riding them.
    But if you don't say "hey let's ride K-drives" I'm going to use my archwing as any reasonable player would expect others to do.
    And then I'm going to be annoyed at you for lollygagging instead of efficiently working toward completing the objective as a team.

  18. Just now, peterc3 said:

    Why is it so hard to not immediately take new things and want them taped and stapled to other frames?

    You didn't read all of my last post. I'll quote it for you:

    5 minutes ago, auxy said:

    I think most of what you're seeing in this thread is pent-up frustration at one of the coolest frames in the game, Ember, languishing in the dustbin of power creep.
    Along comes this new Warframe, and yeah, we all love new content. We like Wisp. She looks cool and cute in equal measure. I really like her 2 power.
    But she's real flashy and seems to have a power that fits better on another frame that already exists and needs some love.

    DE might know that players aren't satisfied with Ember, but they sure aren't talking about it.

    I'm really glad Vauban is getting a full rework, and I think he needs it. That's great, I'm happy about that.
    He's not the only one who needs attention, though.

  19. 4 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Beams? By that logic, it belongs as Revenant's 4, or since it's the sun, Mirage should get it since she deals in light and stuff.

    I'll give you points for creativity, but it's a beam of heat, not a beam of light. (You could argue that they're both radiant energy, but, well, let's not go there.) ('ω')

    5 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Valkyr doesn't meow when you use Warcry.

    Valkyr also only has the most vague of cat elements in her design; one helmet, and her ability to avoid landing stun.
    Hysteria after all is more of a wolverine or badger thing -- or Norse berserkers, given that her name is Valkyr.
    (Also I think lots of people would pay big plat for a custom audio set for Valkyr where she does meow. lol.)

    6 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Then Ember can get a new ability. This was designed as part of Wisp's kit. Let Ember have something original.

    I mean, if you're asking me, personally, I would like to see Ember get Overheat back. I really like Accelerant; it's World on Fire they should have removed.
    Blend Overheat and World on Fire; give her a big damn fire aura that is more intense as you get closer to her, and have it reduce the damage she takes based on damage it deals.
    I think she needs something to make her beefy again. She always seemed like she was supposed to be beefy.


    My real complaint personally is actually more that the power just doesn't seem to make any sense for Wisp.
    I think the "Sol" power is awesome. I love it, it's killer. It just doesn't seem to fit her "wisp-y" design at all, and it absolutely doesn't blend into her kit whatsoever.
    It definitely belongs more on Ember than on Wisp.

    I think most of what you're seeing in this thread is pent-up frustration at one of the coolest frames in the game, Ember, languishing in the dustbin of power creep.
    Along comes this new Warframe, and yeah, we all love new content. We like Wisp. She looks cool and cute in equal measure. I really like her 2 power.
    But she's real flashy and seems to have a power that fits better on another frame that already exists and needs some love.

    That's where this thread came from.

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