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Posts posted by AandOE

  1. I'd like to see the previously mentioned 'trading between open world cities', so that say, something bought in Cetus could be sold at a higher or lower price in Fortuna. Unfortunately, I think a stable economic environment like that would be better off with a third open world city to allow for a round robin feel, which means that I'm gonna have to go with the 'a new open world' first. If said place is named as 'Crags of Ceres', with less walkable space, and more archwing and boarding mega jumps, I'd be happy. XD

  2. If they prefer an easier system of upgrading things such as range, DE might want to look into 'this OR that' type of structure.

    Example: "3m or +165%, whichever is a larger range increase."

    This way, short ranged weapons (sparring, fist, feet, daggers, etc) would likely see a 3m increase, while weapons that benefit from the percentage would still retain their own normal percentage increase.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dahx11 said:

    I don't think anything will make Akzani worth using. Even if you do pair it with Mirage.

    Love the general idea tho.

    Are ya sure? :3 "Bullets from the Akzani, when used in Mirage's hands, will do more damage to enemies in the light, while providing a temporary damage reduction to shot allies in the dark." Just have it be an Eclipse Lite version. If this isn't cool, then the Akzani could treat non-usable ammo drops as explode-able, meaning that the Mirage could just shoot nearby a dormant ammo drop for an AoE stagger, knockdown, cc, damage, etc, effect.

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  4. The video doesn't work for those that use a controller. I'd have to have a third arm to move the camera, using the PS4's touchpad, while doing all the normal other tricks with the regular two arms. As in.... beyond basic one-touch grinding and such isn't possible with controllers. I'd love it if [DE] would take a look at this opportunity, and maybe allow for the camera to be tied to the grind rail or something. (as an option)

  5. As a way to try and think of 'handy helper' fixes, we might try one of the following:

    A. All Standing gains in the Vallis are now given via Bonds.

    B. All 'Bonus' objectives now only give their tier rating's Bonds as rewards for completing the optional objective. (like 'hack without being seen', 'keep objective above 70% health', etc)

    C. Give a single Bond of said tier type along with reduced values of other rewards.

    D. Have much more variance and quantities of Ticker's Debt-Bonds in play, from low single-digit award needs to forma 'n taters giving larger batches of Bonds. (i.e. 1 Shelter Bond needs Xx, but 20 Advance Bonds needs 1 Forma and a Reactor tater, or something)

    Out of these, I like B the most, more as a dev builder than a gamer, but also because I think it makes more sense to know that doing a bonus objective would always allow for progress. (striving accomplishment feeling)

  6. So what we're going with now is..... "Only grind 1 stage of 1 bounty, for two entire Fortuna familiarity levels?" XD I'm thinking that with Medical Debt-Bonds, there should simply be a hospital around somewhere, where we can give Xx Health Pizzas + Credits, to gain them.

  7. Clan Name: Munashiigakure

    Clan Tier: Ghost, R9

    Clan Platform: PC

    Clan Role: Founding Warlord

    The main focus of the decorations is, if we got stuck inside the game, what would we want? This was followed up with a secondary of trying to enhance rooms' standard features, effects, sounds, and flow from one room to the next. In this fashion, most of the dojo is nature themed. Getting the flow down from one section to another is by far the most difficult.

    00:00 Pueblo Observatory -- It's a reminder of the Southwest states. The sun has 4 effects on it, to give it a more real feel.

    01:00 The Fridge -- First hallway has a meditating statue in the snow, while background running water can be heard from the other side of the ice walls. Leading down the iced elevator and to the iceberg room, covering up all the little lily pads individually ended up with a more natural placement.

    02:00 The Gardens -- A main crossroads room, it was important to be both pleasing and traversable. There's two flow areas here, one coming from the Fridge (the 'air' doorway), with the second being the corner full of lunar stone. The corner connects its two adjacent doorways. There's even an environment set-up just for the northern climates' Tenno-mas trees.

    02:30 Onsen -- Left path for women, right path for men! The new effects menu was well appreciated here, with new fog effects, heat, and so on. The waterfall's origin on the righthand side, up top, actually has a deliberately unfinished decoration for its entry point, due to the darkened-yet-glowy yellow desired effect. A few of the wooden walkway's posts have deteriorated over time, and have been replaced with some of the logs on hand.

    04:00 Music Room -- An Orokin-Lunar styled room, wrecked by the appearance of an asteroid. Remnants remain, however, of the original state, showing music note statues and off-kilter drums.

    04:40 Library -- ❤️ libraries. The smell of ancient books resides here, as well as coffee, grass, and the occasional sweat from dueling. The coffee bar at 5:10 has all the caffeine needed to help keep one awake! (and is interactable, to boot)

    06:00 Second elevator -- Follows with keeping 'flow' up. There's plenty of stone and water available.

    06:20 Honor Hall -- This hall is geared towards a heavy nature theme, highlighting the core of the dojo's decoration focus. The statues won from previous events are all here, with their own corners and effects. Loki is also themed with nature, with wooden horns and a water syandana. At 07:34, a grave is situated to honor fallen tenno, and all those who died protecting the innocent. We must never forget the past!

    08:00 Orokin Clan Hall -- In addition to holding the seat of the Founding Warlord, it is also an area to trade, and an area which houses the top two's personal residences. Attention to the floors in particular resulted in 08:41's use of negative space to create a flower. 09:40 is the residence of the second in command, while 10:26 is my personal residence.

    11:30 Statue Hall -- Currently only holding our Shadow of the Colossus statue, which will be remade soon with the newer natural decorations, this hall will have additional user-created statues in the future, followed by the new Inspiration Hall's own.

    12:00 Starter/Spawn Hall -- Ruled over by a Tiki statue-moderator, it is a basic room with multiple uses: a teleporter hub, a waiting area, a study desk, and a small garden. To help with lighting flow, 4 lights in each connecting segment were placed.

    13:00 Secretary's Desk for The Bank -- This is the waiting hall for the bank and main trading terminal. Unfortunately, our tiny Corpus noggle's 'everything above the feet' was affected during the recent Mainline update, but we're certain that he'll reappear in time. Unlike irl banks, The Bank has Tenno-mas presents available, hidden away next to the main trading terminal.

    13:30 General connecting hall, made to help with décor and lighting flow. Simply having flat dojo walls in the hallways breaks the feel of the dojo. (unless it's intentional!) The unused Oracle Room to the north has begun accumulating spider webs due to consistent disuse.

    13:40 The original 'fireflies and natural décor' hallway, created prior to the updates, but now with even more fireflies. It also houses a small upright Corpus piano, leading towards the Corpus Energy lab.

    14:00 Corpus Energy Lab -- Like any good server room, it's cold. Though too cold for normal computers, Corpus upgraded servers sometimes output a lot of heat, so our resident Icy Beard Bot keeps it tidy. :3

    14:30 Torii Room -- Lighting flow is difficult, especially with darker rooms. Heading away to the south is the original Orokin hallway, which leads into the Grineer Chem Labs. Heading north from the Torii Room is the Venusian Hall.

    15:38 Venusian Hall -- This room is dedicated to a wintery, outside environment. Even with heavy fog and snows, there's still a Fortuna remnant available, though no one's yet answered their doorbell.

    17:10 The Dust -- This hallway has the highest dust per cubic meter in the entire dojo. (nothin' but dust effects!) It's primarily due to the room following it, the Family Room. The Tenno Labs are to the north of this hallway.

    17:50 The Family Room -- Here we have the sand gardens and tv area. Though the recent update took away everything above the Lotus noggle's feet, the Hypnotoad ayatan is there to help us remember what she looked like. Akin to the Onsen Room, some of the wooden walkways have had post support problems, to which we've replaced a few.

    18:20 This smokey Grineer hallway has a continual fire problem (it's linked to the Secretary Desk's own fire problem). The Infested Labs are off to the east.

    19:00 The Labyrinth -- A four story maze, there are three levels of difficulty and numerous hidden objects. Features include being Tenno friendly, as well as having Tenno-enabled wall running, wall climbing, and an entire Tenno-enabled aerial parkour course! There's also the Polychrome lighting system, for easier or more difficult runs. Beyond this room is an aquarium, which needs non-emissive glass for completion.

    Thank you for your time! :3

  8. For channeling, it kept wanting to go to the left D-pad button, even though it specifically said its normal spot.

    Trial 1: Putting it back to its regular spot didn't work.

    Trial 2: Reset to Default settings first, save. Then, saving after decoupling its left D-pad button didn't stick. All of the other button movements back to their normal positions DID stick, though.

    Trial 3: Starting from Trial 2's end, decouple it twice without saving, then sticking it back where I normally have it (left trigger). Worked! Hope this method helps. It took so much to get Channeling back, that I was beginning to think that it didn't exist anymore.

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