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Posts posted by AandOE

  1. I was Trinity, with these teammates: Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, and Saryn. We did exceedingly well, but folks kept popping in the +20 pills after it was all set for the remaining time the drills needed. My 4 'frame suggestions are to, A) Bring a healer (Trinity/Oberon), B) Bring an AoE specialist (pick one), C) Bring a CC frame (Nyx, Loki, Booben, etc), and D) Bring a barrier type (Volt, Frost, etc). As you can see, with such a low conclave mission, almost every 'frame is good to be played as, especially if folks plan it out ahead of time. That being said, this Tactical Alert was fun! The '1' on the Stratos patch has turned into a '>' looking thingy, too. >:3

  2. Yay, another Tenno among the lonely few that cheer on for war fans! :3 I've been advocating it ever since my first few posts here, and just recently got it added to the major list of weapons/weapon types not seen in the game. Hopefully... we can cross our fingers and maybe someday, receive them... ^_^

  3. With Cryotic being given in large amounts, new decorations would be sweet. It'd also be cool to get a 'sit down upon' mechanic for benches and such. (not asking for too much, there) Imagine a variable strength fog being given off by a small/medium/large container, in a garden with several benches. Add in some icy trees, and boom (!) you have a wintery wonderland~ :3

  4. If we could just be able to do this without the hassle, that'd be neat. In any regards, though, your dojo looks absolutely wonderful~ :3 I'll have to see if this is able to be done on an xbox controller, before I rummage around for the wireless mouse. ^_^

  5. Reminds me of Dark Souls fun time. Though... with our melee, it'd be pretty parkour wicked. Now we just have to get war fans, halberds, spears, etc into the game and then the rolling melee will be complete. :D (Can I request a mod for cartwheels, to replace rolling, too?)

  6. I use duration for Link, and whatever happens with Blessing, happens. The main point for the long Link times is for either the enemies to inflict damage upon themselves (while we take less damage), cause knockdown upon themselves, or other status effects. I kill folks all the time with Link based damage! In regards to VYR3's setup, mine looks similar, but I replace Well of Life and Energy Vampire with other situational mods, and Rejuvenation with Energy Siphon. (Blessing takes over for Rejuv's purpose)

  7. I love being a heal-tank, using Link + melee in the thickest of situations. Yet, if I'm up close and personal, I expect the gunners to at least take non-melee range cover long enough so that when the room is cleared, I can glance at their health bars. I can't use Blessing when I'm surrounded by the worst of the worst, without making the situation such that I am the one downed. If my energy is ever topped, I simply cast it upon my next shield burst, giving at least a mild to moderate damage reduction for those in the squad. (assuming health was damaged) It's great when there's an Oberon around, too, so that between them and I, our synergy fits well. ^_^

  8. Why don't we simply introduce a weapon that scales its damage/everything relative to the enemy levels around it? Then that weapon can be better than everything else, while also not--at the same time. Low level missions would mean that it's a terrible choice, while at high missions, it's valuable in many regards.


    Edit: We can call it 'Strange Oro-kitty Technology'.

  9. You asked me today if you'll ever get mail, and it made me sad. I pouted my little Tenno lips and tried to not let a tear stain the inside of my 'frame. So here I am, Ordis--you absolutely Mad Cephalon, you--to give you one of your very own:



    Dear Ordis,


    My title and name is Garandoukage Miyamoto Mamoru, and I hail from deep within the Void, residing in a small village known as Munashiigakure. From what I hear of the Sol system's chattering, you seem to be a decent fellow, with a bit of a quirky streak within you. I have one too, so don't feel so down if your master seems to be vacant, testy, or abusive. You always tend to show up just at the right time, and never fail to support them when it counts the most. Perhaps I can help you in return someday, for all of your fantastic efforts? Enclosed within is a photo prior to my usage of a warframe. It is for your eyes only, brave Ordis.




    Miyamoto Mamoru, a.k.a. AandOE, Garandoukage of Munashiigakure


    P.S. Keep up the good work!




    Garandoukage, The Shadow of Nothingness

    Munashiigakure, the village hidden within the Void


  10. Well, we have the Thunderbolt mod, which basically turns them into explosive arrows. There could be other low damage, pure elemental effects with the same set-up mod-wise.


    Cryobolt: Turns Xx (m^2) surfaces into the same substance as the Void's ice traps.

    Laserbolt: Causes radiation burn damage with instantaneous travel time (like the Void's lasers).

    Toxicbolt: Causes the same Infestation type poison air upon impact, with higher mod points equaling slightly higher toxin effects.


    These are just examples using current resources at DE's disposal. They would provide for a quick turn-around time on development costs, and diversify the bows a little more.

  11. I use Link for my pure melee, solo play, nobody else around, builds. When in a group, Link becomes more of a damage mitigation tool to make sure that if my melee can't down something, that I'll still be up & alive to cast Blessing in time for others. Changing Link would nullify all of that, as well as enemies killing their own teammates through its usage.

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