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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. http://puu.sh/4qOTo.jpg




    stop being DE damage control this update sucks Grineer dong

    this much stuff is only needed for defense. And in defense, only some of the players have to run, you being a rhino shouldn't run around all over da place wallruning and meeleing stuff in their face.



    oh and...

    wait for it...


  2. We weren't rushing, we were playing a fast ninja third person shooter. Not sure what game you people who aren't outraged by this were playing. When not rushing, it feels much, much slower, atrociously so. I feel like I went from space ninja to 70 year old asthmatic, even with both stamina mods maxed. Load outs are going to stay the same regardless of these changes, they'll just have a new meta. There's always a meta, that's just the way it is. Atleast the old meta was FUN. This new meta has made me quit the game. That is all.

    how can it possibly feel slow with both stamina mods maxed, you can run half of the map without stopping with those. At first complaints were constructive but I seriously think now you're just trolls.

  3. You are an absolute moron. This change affects everyone, not just people going for a speed run. I'm irritated by how god-awful slow I am just trying to play the friggin' game. 

    then this has to be some kind of bug. Or you were abusing some kind of $&*&*#(%& bugs like zorencopter and now it broke it. I hopped on a mission with empty frame, expecting it's a disaster after reading forums and after all it was a regular mission, I didn't even felt more slow than before update.

  4. who the hell said i was rushing? movespeed is useful in all situations, especially defense for reviving and getting to the pod

    please stop projecting

    Then in that case, 1 stamina related is all you need. I never had problems and had 1 slot for stamina mod anyway, everything else you need fits. And after all this game is beta, let it evolve, don't hold on to it with your teeth and drag it down into what you're used to.

  5. we have to now take up several slots on warframes and melee weapons just to achieve the level of enjoyment we had before

    that's not a good direction for the game

    I just... I don't even understand all of you crying babies on forums. Since you're rushing the levels, you won't even need most of the mods. And when not rushing, it does not even feel that much worse. How is that enjoyment to do same over and over again, having same loadouts over and over again? At least they're actually trying to put some depth to this whole "run, point and shoot, and press 4 sometimes" mess.

    However about mods in general, I am up for more mod slots trough forma or something which would be locked to a specific polarity.

  6. Me too. Never felt the need to stop, especially when using the slide boosts. Dont know why everyone is making such a fuss

    whiners... whiners everywhere. That's why because there's such a fuss and I am afraid that DE will listen to it and will roll back changes that are heading to the right direction for interesting gameplay.

  7. Terrible thread.  Stamina changes are horrible.  Mobility should not be a build style.  Speed and parkour is a basic selling point of the game.  We should not have to sacrifice our existing mods just to be able to move the way we did before.  If you want stamina to be a more active part of the gameplay, then play Skyrim.  That's not what this game is about.


    DE, please reverse stamina changes.

    it IS supposed to be what this game is about. It finally adds some stamina related challenges during gameplay itself rather than just run, point at enemies and shoot, run.

  8. Me too. I am just sitting here and laughing at all of these crying people on the forums. Seriously i Just hopped on into a mission with ash with no mods and it barely felt any worse.

    The only thing I would agree on is additional mod slots (maybe polarity locked, so you can't put anything else), since there are more and more mods coming. 

  9. I don't get any of you. I just joined in with my ash and it barely feels any worse WITHOUT ANY MODS. What's wrong with all of you, haven't you heard about stamina mods? Is it that hard to finally have something fresh in your warframe mods? Aren't you sick of constant focus/flow/ES/continuity bullS#&$?


    8:05 PM Update: The devs are still reviewing a build candidate, you probably have time to play a mission if you're F5ing like crazy! And if you're away from the Warframe client hopefully the .gifs in the thread entertain you.

    <Insert your reaction .gif here http://imgur.com/a/1GOKT#0>


    MY BODY CAN'T hold on anymore... I thought it was ready but I think I'll have to skip it to the morning :(


    This would be me at the moment I see update 10 update notes on the forums.

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