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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Remeber that it is a two year old video of a game focused on parkor and DE has only had Wall running in for what? 4 or 5 months? Give them a break in that regard.

    As for the OP, I do agree with the smooth accent I don't agree with the complete remove the "catapult" since it's already be made a part of the game.(see the lava room in grineer mining ship)

    but DE has a lot more power and these things are among the MOST important aspects of such game. I mean that's what gameplay consists of.

  2. I'd like you for these ideas if it wasn't actually a one thing. I've posted similar things with nicely organised text previously and all I received was like 20 likes. And everyone else just attracts readers like a magnet and receive hundreds of likes. I seriously want the same things but somehow people (AND ESPECIALLY DEVS) keep away from my threads.

    Everyone who did read, said that suggestions were very good, but it's just that devs won't give any feedback.

  3. The framecatapult has helped a lot of people though I have to agree that it is an exploit rofl... (Though I've been using it so much and managed to get to places you are not meant to get with.... Hue...)


    Catapult into oblivion: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/97583-dojo-why-is-it-that-i-can-never-just-wallrun-without/


    Having fun "exploring" Phobos: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/96443-hunting-for-map-glitches-in-the-new-tileset/


    I want this overly sensitive autoroll gone too.

    I say make the framecatapult a chargeable. So you jump further the longer you run and hold some kind of key. And no holding would make you GENTLY fall off.

  4. So instead of whining on several threads which devs won't read. I'll just create a new one to illustrate what i mean. And I mean something achievable with a click of a shift. (just like it is now) Same roll we have now but more aggressive, with more force and momentum on the jump making it much more responsible and covering larger distance. Right now it kinda just falls to the floor immediately and rolls with very little momentum, making it useless compared to just straight up sprinting and sliding.

    Saint's row has nothing to do with warframe but this is a perfect example of the animation:


    to make it easy to compare, this is the current roll:

    I do agree that after the latest update it's A LOT better in terms of speed but making the current animation quicker won't make the DISTANCE LARGER. Notice how in saints row the character jumps forward and then lands with a roll making it a lot more useful.

    Even if this used stamina, but would make AI miss the shots, then coupled with a quicker animation like that will make it used by everyone everywhere.
    ...or what  Xylia said:

    "Well there are times where you are standing still shooting at something that I wish we had a better/easier roll/flip to the side to dodge something incoming (especially corpus laser fire) and resume firing.


    But since the current controls are so wonky and difficult to learn, I end up dropping my aim, turning and sprinting a few feet and then re-aiming instead."

  5. finally a guy who knows the S#&$. I'd support the crap out of this If I could and i am sitting with my fingers crossed that ESPECIALLY ANIMATORS will take note on this.

    Also this little alpha game is already better than warframe on movement. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=overgrowth+parkour&oq=overgrowth+parkour&gs_l=youtube.3..0l10.7861.10540.0.10651. check some random videos and you'll see how smooth it is. (Yes i know it's giant rabbits, duh...)

  6. Quick ninja leap mid air shooting then roll...

    I mean something achievable with a click of a shift. Same roll we have now but with more force and momentum on the jump making it much more responsible and covering larger distance. Right now it kinda just falls to the floor immediately and rolls with very little momentum.

  7. I only roll to get bombs and leeches off of me.  It's actually faster to just sprint out of the way of something than it is to go through the roll animation...

    That's why we need a "dash" instead of a roll. A quick leap forward followed by a roll which you can see i many shooters and it's especially effective in saints row the third. Just go watch some random gameplay if you haven't seen it.

  8. The only maps worth playing are Defense and Mobile Defense. On both of these the group should focus on staying together. If they do that things will be awesome. Boss maps have some usage due to warframe blueprints.


    Any normal map in the game will not offer anywhere near the same amount of items, mods or EXP. So people don't want to bother with them other than blasting through them. 

    Same goes for Boss maps because people don't want to scavenge around the entire map for stuff when they got a boss to farm.


    If the normal missions actually had similar EXP values people might have stayed around longer or if there where more monsters on them. But most of the time you're running through empty hallways with nothing in them. It isn't fun.


    Stamina didn't need to be changed in the first place. It's fun being a Rhino and running pretty fast to avoid stuff or close the distance quickly. It was fun running for quite some time because I'm a Space ninja with a robot suit on. I should technically be able to run for infinitive amount of time but nope, can't have that type of fun.


    Slowing everything down isn't going to make the game better. It's just going to make people play the maps that needs less movement. What they should aim is to make normal maps worth to play in some way. Give them a reason to kill every enemy on the map or hunt down every little box.

    Don't nerf speed or stamina for that because it will just make those maps more and more worthless.

    It's just that people can't deal with the fact that they finally have to put on different mods. It's really not that hard when more and more hybrids mods are coming (which save a lot of space) And more mod slots are probably coming as well.

  9. ..i don't agree to make a system around 2 mods, if you want the mods to be usefull, request a buff to them not a nerf to the system

    tons of people whined about rushers, stamina got nerfed, another tons of rushers whined about being a ninja that's unable to run 20 metters without taking a break, stamina got reverted, and now you whine that it got reverted... why do you judge whiners when you're one yourself

    buffing stamina mods won't help because now you're fine with stamina most of the time anyway. And when you do need something more, just slap max stamina and you're unstoppable.

  10. Adjustment wasn't the issue. Some people enjoy speed. Going slowly is incentivised left right and centre as it is. The issue didn't need forcing.

    e: Ah yes, "meaningful choices" such as "fit this mod or be unable to move like you've enjoyed moving for the past half a year+"


    So you want this game to stay in a closed beta state with only some weapons, frames, mods and tilesets coming update after update? I am not really throwing all the flame into rushers. It just seemed that they finally tried to force some more thought into your everyday gameplay, but since only few of us actually do something else besides farming by rushing or endless defense, it pissed everybody else off.

  11. If yes then I am probably one of the very few to be mad. New stamina mods look very exciting and they all were finally given a chance to be useful.
    Such as http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Shield_Flux or http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Second_Wind but of course people cried oceans of tears instead of trying to adjust, let game evolve and wait for upcoming changes, such as additional mod slots for agility mods only or something like that. I finally felt like the same repetitive gameplay we have now might finally have been given some depth with the new stamina and the updates were heading to a right direction, but endless community of rushers just wash good ideas away.


    EDIT: okay I am not that negative anymore. Stamina mods are somewhat nice to have. But I still want DE to know that these major tweaks are most of the time heading the right way - making missions with more depth and there will all ways be complains.

  12. Because you don't just 'play the game' (which is boring for old players btw), you have to actually search through everything in the map. Go through lockers, break crates etc. which becomes tedious unless you always play slowly.

    it's not THAT tedious. But it is somewhat I agree and this update has done nothing on it. The problem is not that you have to farm on this or that, but because farming hasn't been revisited for a while. I wrote an enormous topic on how farming could be exciting but devs are ignoring it on purpose/

  13. How the hell farming for coordinates can be tedious and grindy? IT DROPS EVERYWERE YOU PLAY, YOU CAN'T EVEN AVOID IT. play something, build something and then you'll find with plenty of resources to go to derelict.



    Arghh the hate and whining makes me vomit. Why do you all see everything as grinding? Can't you be more patient? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GET ALL THE CONTENT IN A FIRST DAY?! settle down and stop being so hardcore.

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