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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Well , I understand your feeling but here we don't like rushers much , the clan chat are active everyday(morning , afternoon , tonight)most of members are very active in the weekends but during the week too now depend on wich time zone you are , most of them are from Europe. I think we are the perfect middle between casual and pro , we recruit any kind of player , we help each other very much and of course we seeking for fun an challenging :) and don't worry the members will say hi in the chat :)



    By the way , says you already in a clan , post here when you are ready to join. :)

    I am still in my old clan for few days, also I am looking at few clans to join so not sure if this will be the one. Would it be very rude if I would leave in a week after joining if something's not that good? (doubt it but still)

  2. Ok so I am very, VERY SERIOUS about what clan I am joining. Sadly I am leaving a bunch of nice people from shadow clan, but I couldn't stay there because most of them were a little too grindy and rushy for me. And the clan chat became silent, inactive.

    Can you guys make it clear if you're really the perfect middle between casual and pro? Relaxed but seeking for fun and challenging combat rather than going for metagames? Not complaining about everything all the time? And if your clan is not full of members who never even say hi in the chat? Also I'd be nice to see your dojo.


  3. Ok so I am very, VERY SERIOUS about what clan I am joining. Sadly I am leaving a bunch of nice people from shadow clan, but I couldn't stay there because most of them were a little too grindy and rushy for me. And the clan chat became silent, inactive.

    Can you guys make it clear if you're really the perfect middle between casual and pro? Relaxed but seeking for fun and challenging combat rather than going for metagames? Not complaining about everything all the time? And hopefully not full of members who never even say hi in the chat?

  4. Ok so I am very, VERY SERIOUS about what clan I am joining. Sadly I am leaving a bunch of nice people from shadow clan, but I couldn't stay there because most of them were a little too grindy and rushy for me. And the clan chat became silent, inactive.

    Can you guys make it clear if you're really the perfect middle between casual and pro? Relaxed but seeking for fun and challenging combat rather than going for metagames? Not complaining about everything all the time? Also I'd be nice to see your dojo.

  5. They've talked about more powers to each warframe, and the idea of being able to take only 4 powers out of 8 or maybe 6 sounds incredibly fun, especially IF those legendary abilities would be very strictly locked, maybe few times a day or maybe you'd have to use some kind of item each time? They really should be something you'd not see everyday.

    Banshee making bullets lose their path, enemies launch into the air...

    Ember making fireballs rain from the sky...

    Volt charging his body with electricity nobody has ever saw before, instantly frying enemies that are close...

    Frost throwing a MOTHERF***ING TORNADO that sucks everyone and throws them in all directions in a frozen state...

  6. So you have no problems with the mods dropping all over the place with no apparent pattern? or how we got brokk hammers and dark swords/daggers pretty much all the time with no aura mods ever?


    And people pointing out flaws should quit? Do you hate this game so much you want it to fail? That's pretty low man.

    Since when you feel the lack of aura alerts? You want potato alerts shoved to your face 24/7 or what?

  7. Some of these are nice suggestions and I do think the melee system can use a few polish (I'm looking at you, useless "block" system...). However, it may introduce a few issues in the current run-&-gun style if it were a "toggle/switch" like you're suggesting.


    I think the main grip I have with this is how slower it will be to go from slashing/smashing to shooting. Right now, due to the Melee being a button instead of a weapon-switch, you can hit with your sword on an enemy and quickly dispatch another further away shooting at you by using your rifle right after.


    The current system also allows certain epic maneuveur that would otherwise be undermined with a toggle/switch system. for example, sometimes I run on a wall, shooting at enemies further away, following this by a wall jump towards them (still shooting), and when I get close, if there are surviving enemies, I land an AoE jump attack slam, knocking all of them off their feet.

    I think people would get used to it and wouldn't even feel how they repeatedly press x or whatever button it would be.

  8. It's been shown in Youtube.


    Once again, bullets can go through the air forever until it hits something, whether it be an enemy or an obstacle. With puncture, a bullet will not only travel that same infinite distance, but also go through 1.2 meters of solid matter.

    and can pass solid materials multiple times if their total is not 1.2 yet? :D

  9. Mmm, that's incorrect.


    Taking that same example, if the enemy is 0.3 meters thick and your puncture was instead 1.2 meters:


    After it passes the enemy, the projectile can still keep on going until it has pierced an additional 0.9 meters of obstacles and enemy matter. If there were only enough enemies/obstacles pierced that 0.1 meters of puncture remained and there was only empty space, then the projectile will continue on going through that space.

    so it will have a total of 1.2 meters of travel time in anything rather than air? And also can you really confirm this is 100% true, based on tests?

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