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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. personally it should auto desecrate when an enemy is killed (or channel killed) by the Scepter....it is currently quite useless to use due to it reusing the capture mechanic and thus locking us in a vulnerable position....apart from that im fine with how it is currently, except that it should be based on what the user needs at the time of desecration instead of based on enemy type.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    If they were just equal period of times then there would be users who are stuck with only Day available on the plains in the timeslot that they can play warframe in, and players that are stuck with only Night available.  That's how it is for normal Earth missions.  If I want night time only plants to make Apothics to fight those silver grove specters then I need to wait until the weekend and it sucks not being able to do it when I want to.

    if there is any argument for shifting the NORMAL earth times to cetus times...this alone would be it.

    as to the OP...no support specifically for the same reason as Tsukinoki

  3. 30 minutes ago, Cyberhazard said:

    At this point, nullifier have unlocked a technology that even Orokins and Tenno are unaware off. The Nullifier shield

    -Prevent any kind of projectile or hit to go through, you need to enter the "Corpus Safe zone" to put it down or aim at the drone.
    -Cancel ANY power upon contact. "Oh, Your limbo was dancing on a total OTHER DIMENSION ? Feelsbadman, get forced back into the original dimension !"
    -Flashy, at a certain point, when nullifiers are swarming, it's like being back in the 80's with disco parties.  At least, some Tennos do it aswell, but nonetheless.


    As a High ranked crewman said one day "Yeeshepayoo  Yeshpopoyee !" 

    Join Corpus today,  They know how to have fun.

    dont forget....5-10 nullifiers all ganged up together will be impossible to get thru lol

  4. so far the main things i think should be changed/added.

    her 1 should not lock us in place while we charge it.

    Her 2 has a rather short range before it explodes...maybe if it only exploded on impact?

    I wish her 3 was helpful against melee units...like slash/impact procs to melee enemies that come in range so they dont just come up from behind and nail you across the head (ive had that happen quite a few times today on t5 bounties lol)

    Her 4....i like having the 4 tornadoes, i would prefer if her augment made it one large tornado with a large AoE that was stationary......and change the base damage type away from magnetic...its useless against literally anything but corpus....i would rather make it so maybe energy color determined the base damage type (yes im going chroma here.....but only for her 4)...OR a quiver style for damage tornado type (of the combination elements perhaps instead of just base elements?)

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