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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 1 minute ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    They gotta pad the length of a run somehow.

    solo hemocyst (all 4) takes me 2 to 3 times longer than any other part of the op....Ive managed to cut the travel time down a bit using  titania with razorwing blitz....but i STILL have to use an archwing to deliver the bloody toxin to the defense target..which can be up to 2 km away.

  2. 11 hours ago, durror said:

    im asking the same question.. coz there is no mention about the baro relay on steam. 

    anyway , this is the tennocon digital pack on steam :


    For a limited time, get the exclusive TennoCon 2018 Armor Set, Sigil and more! A portion of proceeds from this pack will go to support Canada Learning Code. This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time. All items will be added to your account immediately.

    370 Platinum to use towards new Warframes, Weapons, Equipment, and more
    TennoCon 2018 Armor Set to add some decorative flair to your Warframe
    TennoCon 2018 Sigil to customize your Warframe
    TennoCon 2018 Glyph to mark your favorite locations during missions
    TennoCon 2018 Display to decorate the walls of your Landing Craft


    16 hours ago, StevoSIG said:

    Quick question @[DE]Megan (sorry if this has already been asked):

    On the steam store page for the digital pack there's no mention of the relay and Baro Ki’Teer, is that supposed to not be there?

    its the exact same thing as on the website...the steam purchase is just another means to have more payment options...so yes, it still has everything

  3. sounds like an issue with your email service. In Particularly Hotmail and Live (Microsoft) domains have the issue with the 2FA. Getting your email changed to something else, like Gmail or other email (not sure really...gmail is one of the easiest to setup quickly) ensures that it works (speaking from experience).

    It WILL take time for Support to get back to you as they are swamped right now, though i had mine changed with a few days. Be sure to be able to provide some way of proving the account is your, such as a steam link or even billing info if you have bought plat.

    You theoretically COULD get 2FA taken off, but Support strongly encourages you to keep it active (especially with all the issues going on right now wither server attacks (i guess))

  4. 2 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

    Or, you could just type in [Riven Mod] [Riven Mod] [Riven Mod] [Riven Mod] [Riven Mod]....

    And then pick the 5 rivens one at a time. I suggest going in alphabetical order so you don't accidentally pick the same one twice..

    now that i didnt know. But in now knowing, that still brings up what you said in trying to keep it listed and remembered. It also points out that it will still automatically post the chat after hitting x number of riven mods added.

  5. I love that we can do [Riven Mod] in chat and it pulls up a list of our Rivens.

    However, as it currently stands, if i wanted to do an easy way to trade or show off multiple rivens in a single message, i would need to type them down in a txt or similar and then copy paste that into warframe chat (why we cant just do up arrow and get our most recent chats to repost (like trading) is beyond me).

    Is it possible that we can multi select Rivens, and instead of confirming them and the chat instantly sending like it doesnt now with one, modify the chat to our liking before sending it (like if we were trading)? The only current way is to type each riven (while sitting at the Riven selection in the Mod station for names) manually....quite a bit time consuming when trying to sell or show off multiple rivens

  6. So on the Octavia DX skin i have a Grey I use (from the stalker skin for the sword and whip...easy to figure out the colors) on her primary and secondary....

    Same color scheme used from the sword and whip...except BLACK, grey, red, duller prime yellow (tenno Prime is to bright, thus using one from the storm pack)

    it looks the same.......a pure black that LOOKS BLACK on Octavia DX...is NOT on Inaros DX......and everything is faded (like in a sandstorm...but i digress) This is not ok imo.....His Secondary can be the Pure black....so why is his Primary so toned up?

  7. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Angent_D-J said:

    There should be an arsenal in the clan and or Dojo for players to pvp eaiser instead of running all the way back to the ship to change your warframe

    PC just got the update to clans that adds the arsenal to the Observatory....among other things.

  8. In the bid to speed up mining, can the advanced Nosam Cutter (or even a new one at Kin ranking?) have its Mini map ore spots tweaked to show if its either a Gem or an Ore? There are times where i have a ton of mining spots around....and more often than not they are either nearly all ores or all gems.

    basically the color and possible sounds (for color blind people *one of my clan mates has this issue and relies on the sounds to find the locations* could be different depending on if its an ore or gem.

  9. i dont think they changed the actually SIZE of the wisps...the patch notes say


    More than doubled the size of the Cetus Wisp pickup radius. This will allow you to obtain the Cetus Wisp from further away instead of needing to be right on top of it.

    that is the pickup range....nothing else.

    that being said, they really should get a size increase graphically (both of them...if there IS this disparity you say there is *i really cant tell based on the screen shots*)

  10. how it should be....we really only had at least 2 major changes to the simulacrum since its release...A) The visual change to this current hole infested area and B) the recent change to it saving what we had selected between sessions in it.

    in addition to your proposed additions, i would also want an endless spawning mode so we can test survivalbility (NOT just this high level stuff) against a never ending stream of what we set up.

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