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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 43 minutes ago, BuddaOfLife said:

    3)  Why do Teralyst bounties give no standing?

    We do all that work and get rewards but surely we should get standing?

    as in cetus standing? maybe, .....but for quill standing....in a single night hunt (of up to 5 with a good pub...personally *and yes this is ONLY teralysts*) Ive capped at 23k and then some in quill rep.....more often than not JUST from intact cores gained during the fighting.

  2. to bounce off the bubble stacking....arctic nullifier NEEDS to go....having to fight down a nullifier bubble and then an ice bubble (during which the nullifier bubble has increased back to its normal size) is absolutely ridiculous.

    had a few of these in one of the recent corpus sorties...it was bad....

  3. 1 hour ago, Konachibi said:

    The effects of her 2 need to be drastically increased.  Dust should start at maybe around 30% and then go up from there to a maximum of 80%.  That sounds really high, but in missions like high level sorties, enemies will still easily hit you with an 80% evasions.  Thorns should start at 10% and increase in 10% increments up to 50% damage reflect.  Titania isn't exactlythe tankiest frame, so even 50% of a level 80 napalm's damage would likely kill her, but at least the napalm would take a bit of a hit too.  Entangle should also start at 10% and go up 10% each time to a maximum of 50%.  That's still not as slow as Nova can do, but it will be a lot more noticable than a measly 25% speed reduction.  Full Moon should probably be changed to something more practical.  Companion damage doesn't amount to a lot unless someone is using a kubrow or a kavat, and the majority of players use sentinels, so maybe change it to decreasing everyone's recoil, starting at 10% and going up to 50%.  Reduced recoil would be a god send for a lot of guns, and make the ability something Titania players would want to use.  Another usefull QoL addition would be to add a miniature tribute symbol next to the names of enemies the Titania player mouses over so they know what kind of Tribute effect they would receive from that enemy.  As for it having an AoE effect, that would likely be a good augment mod for the ability, each level increasing the amount of enemies hit by it by 1 to a maximum of 4 (base target + 3 augment targets).

    I like this....one thing i would add to her 2 though is the selection wheel that ivara and vauban have....having to play rng for a power is pathetic imo.

    1 hour ago, Konachibi said:

    Her 3 needs to tether the target in place instead of allowing it to float around.  It's too uncontrollable as it is and more often than not it'll get out of sight before it gets any use.  Also, enemies should be affected by it simply by being within it's radius, they shouldn't have to look directly at it for it to affect them.  This would make it a good and usable CC, instead of the useless waste of energy it currently is.  Also needs some bug fixing so enemies don't turn into 'ghosts' that do nothing, ospreys instantly exploding when it's cast on them making it a waste of energy and enemies rubberbanding all over the screen then vanishing when they're targetted by it.

    SO true...while it LOOKS ok as it stands...it functions VERY poorly....having a large range is useless if it doesnt affect new targets and if it floats to who the hek knows where.

  4. 2 minutes ago, lulialmir said:

    if abilities doesn't work on eidolons, why for example, titania's razorwing ability does? (i dont remember its name)

    because its not a power per se but actually projectiles from her pistols or her blade.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    You should have played the game long enough to realize that formaing the weapon with what you suggest would make levelling the weapon solo a lot harder. Simply because you can't boost damage by a huge amount from the start.

    what do you think we delt with for years before they changed it so we HAD mod slots  upon using a forma?

  6. On 3/2/2018 at 5:25 AM, DarcosRoyal said:

    Making such a feature behind The War Within + Daily Standing Grinding (Limited by mastery rank) will make players TO HUNT EIDOLONS out of necessity

    and farming them now for focus shards isnt?

    i would LOVE to have a way to use standing to get prebuilt forma....even if it took all my rep cap each day per....i KNOW there are many players now who have a MASSIVE baglog of cores to rep because there isnt anything to get anymore..at least prebuilt forma would give us a rep dump.

  7. 1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

    It would be atleast good if we get a new Simaris mod, he not goten anything new in ages, so making a Helios mod to continue scannign plants would be interessting, i mean Carrier has also his loot mod aswell, even if it could work better. Helios showing weaknesses is nice but more variety for sentinels would be nice to make use of there loadout options aswell.

    that could work...i forgot about simaris to be honest lol

  8. Can we get the mining style hud for the scanners so we dont have to always be in walking zoom mode? It would make it quite a bit easier to farm the plants needed for apothics (the grind is real :|).

    The plant grind wouldnt be so bad if helios could continue scanning the plants (not sure if he even did in the first place....but can always hope)

    Also, related to the plant grind....can dusklight Sarracenias be made larger? it is VERY hard to see, especially where they grow (though this wouldnt be too much of an issue if helios was made to scan the plants after they are done being scanned.)

  9. how i see it....get rid of the yellow orbs and buff focus gains to match the loss....we have a bloody cap regardless so it should matter....even if we ever get that soft cap they were saying they wanted to do.

    As for operators gaining the focus...that would ONLY make sense once the kids are tanky....which is only done after a ridiculous long grind on certain schools......as it stands....the is WARFRAME not Operators....DE hasnt added much incentive at all

    I like @Emulad0or's idea a lot for lens....and it was how i thought it would be until they brought lens into it :|

  10. 41 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

    They could add the AW Pursuit node there with you retrieving the Kuva (before the ship reaches the Fortress) instead of the Black Box. Kuva Fortress has AW icons on every mission, yet there's no Archwing mission outside the TWW to begin with.

    pass....very few people actually LIKE archwing.....the only time my archwings see use is on the plaisn to get around faster lol...

    42 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

    Hijack: make it a set amount of Kuva you need to retrieve in the made of glass-like tank, the Grineer will try to either shoot the tank, thus not letting you escape with Kuva, or the hydraulics to make it stop. Either way, the more damage it sustains, the less Kuva you retrieve, so you won't be chilling out sitting on the top of the tank powering it up to move.

    ehhh....as long as the kuva gained is good amounts (over 1k) because grineer do tons of damage even at kuva level......

    as for a way to get kuva....kuva guardians and jesters can spawn in the fortress...like the manics and bursa and juggy do....they should drop kuva in reasonable amounts...with normal kuva enemies having smaller amounts as a rare resoruces.....and then add kuva as rot awards.

  11. On 2/19/2018 at 12:12 AM, Vanillu said:

    I'd really like to know how Chroma's TANKYNESS was a problem and they decided to nerf it. 

    its simply the math involved for the single ability.....DE can't seem to separate it so we HAVE the tankyness back. why that is, is beyond me.....

    Armor = original formula
    Damage = Currently formula

    instead of armor and damage = current formula

    i personally think they should flip the damage and armor buff gain to shields and health compared to the current, armor = shield and dmg = health....shields are impossible to get back up if your not using a sentinel (and thus useless once its revives are all used up)....no matter if we can NOW recast his 3....thus it would be shield damage = higher damage and health damage = armor bonus.....shields right now do not have any way to regen at all when under constant fire..unlike health.

  12. Just now, Urabask said:

    Why on Earth would an item with two to four random stats take up a significant amount of server space?  Other MMOs seem to be able to handle this just fine so DE would've had to make a real mess to achieve that.

    its more due to HOW rivens are than anything...we have a rather large amount of weapons....that can have a giant number of combinations of the 3-4 slots....databases are not simple things to manage...particularly with all the data that warframe has to manage PER account.

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