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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. that was me a couple days ago with the Detron, RNG finally gave me zanuka after nearly a month and 1/2 without it....and low and behold detron receiver...lucky i only had x3 barrels and 1x BP :P...too bad its outclassed by the mara detron lol

  2. I dont know why you guys keep thinking a duration build for slash dash helps it....

    OT: it would be nice if the combos for exalted blade actually did something (iirc once of the combos does do something at the end, but the wiki doesnt state it) It would also be nice if the sound of Exalted blade did not carry over to other team members.


    Also, dont forget that DE SHOWCASED the ability AS USE OF THE WAVES NOT the sword.

  3. whatever you guys did to survival....AMAZING...ran a one hour run at Jupiter DSD about 3 hours ago (first time ever for that length of time) and I had a TON of fun with the shear number of enemies....really made it give off that survival feel (apart from the LS, but that is another topic)

  4. it does that for any weapon, go back into the arsenal and it (normally) refreshes the polarities. I just form'd one of my weapons and it didnt show the change to polarities until i got out of arsenal and went back in.

  5. So basically survival without the need to drop Life support?


    Hmmmeh. Too much simpler than Survival. Look at it - they just made survival more difficult by changing the drops. Is it likely that they'll now release a version of survival that is actually enormously easier?

    they may have made the change...but have you seen the massive outcry to it?

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