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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Yea, they need to totally revamp the parkour course. The new bullet jump makes it completable in under 3 seconds by jumping over the wall in the begining, and under 20 seconds doing the whole thing legit.

    they already patched the over the wall thing.

  2. because teh syndicate effect is OP.

    not really since its only 25% of the BASE (unranked) warframe stats (which i still think for any mod that is basing off unranked is utterly nuts, but that is a topic for another thread) the only one that COULD be considered OP is the Mire syndacite affect as it gives energy when it procs which =s to staying in EB mode even longer (not that is an issue imo, it DOES get boring always throwing off energy waves lol)

  3. no offense, but your about a month late to the party....that and they [DE] have already indirectly nerfed him with the change to blocking.....AND THEY SHOWCASED HIS ENERGY WAVES, NOT up close and personal melee....which only works against tougher enemies anyways as the energy waves start to go down in damage (thus MORE waves needed to kill the enemy) past level 40+ enemies.

  4. heey so i saw this note 

    • The above mechanic can be used with the Life Strike mod to regain health without energy drain. 

    from this site http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Glaive_Prime is it still possible to do it without energy drain? if yes how do i do that pls tell me :D

    • Activating channeling and performing a throw will deal channeling damage without using up energy.
    • The above mechanic can be used with the Life Strike mod to regain health without energy drain.

    As i (still) dont have life strike i cant really tell you if it works like that or not.

  5. Having the syn proc with EB is NICE...it adds some oomph (1k aoe elemental damage) and what ever syndicate proc gives (HP is NICE...armour, eh unless you have 3k+ its useless, have yet to try the parkour 2.0 changes for AoH, and the Energy regen is VERY nice when I'm using ALL of excals other powers combined with EB) if you guys REALLY insist on taking them off EB, at least make it so its longsword's only (aka skana (and its variants), mire...ummm, idk what else) dual cleavers....really....it uses a TWO SWORD STANCE, so unless you plan on making a stance elusive to the vleavers (why not :P) then make that part also........


    i still use other weapons apart from augmented weapons with Excal....it DOES get a bit stale using the same weapon all the time....so it wont hurt me, its just that the synd augments are a nice addition when i DO choose to use those weapons.

    I could careless about the change to CL as, imo, that was how I thought it would be from the start and how i played it.

  6. they work, thing is golden bits share the 4th coloring option with other feature; so for example you can't use the inmortal Ash skin on Ash Prime and keep his golden bits because it shares a colouring square with the inmortal skin. 

    oh, i see what you mean.

  7. easiest way I've encountered it was always doing invasions siding with the grineer when they pop up...though its a hit and miss as sometimes i could have it come at me back to back (had a mark going into an invasion st....got another mark after the 5 runs, then got it again on the 2nd run lol) but its a it and miss...as I havent had it for over a month now.

  8. Warframe Nexus app. Coming soon to a phone near you...


    No really...


    Literally that phone....


    The one you're holding now...


    Yes that one...


    No, not that one, that's a landline...


    The other one...


    Almost there...


    Yes, that's it...


    Coming soon to THAT phone.

    ccccrrraappp...you mean this?



    Epic post Drunk :P

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