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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Some brief backstory for this tale: I live just outside a major city, right where the woods start.


    I'm also a recreationist historical fencer (German Longsword), so I have a number of two-handed European swords laying about my house. Most of them are blunt or made of wood, but I have one sharp sword I use to practice cutting things. Cutting the air and cutting an object are, as you might expect, very different, and it's a critical part of recreating techniques from old fighting manuals. My sharp sword lays against a corner very close to my bed, mostly because I like the asthetics of keeping it there.


    Yesterday, I groggily entered back into the realm of the concious, hearing chirping and squarbling outside. Birds often take up residence in the tree outside my bedroom window, so birdsong isn't an unusual thing for me to wake up to. Yet something in the back of my brain told me, in this haze of sleep, that something was wrong.




    I blinked. The next thing I know, I'm up out of bed, my heart is slamming its way along inside my ribcage, and I'm lunging out of bed to grab for the handle of my sword.




    Wait, the Stalker doesn't sound like that. And this isn't Warframe. And I'm not a Tenno. And that is not a nikana I'm holding.


    Sure enough, some species of lark or finch had taken up residence in the tree outside my bedroom, and that morning, they decided to do their best Stalker impersonation. I glared at them a while once I had my clothes on. Bastards.


    I've been playing Warframe too much.

    you know your playing warframe so much....that nature is trolling you :P

  2. It's not that bad actually.

    Step 1: Bring Life Strike and Covert Lethality.

    Step 2: Blind

    Step 3: Activate Chanelling and hit


    Infinite Health


    tbh Covert Lethality is an indirect buff to excal

    good lord......now i want that mod lol


    • Covert Lethality affects Exalted Blade, increasing the lethality of both the blade and energy waves upon killing unaware enemies.
    • Hitting an enemy under the effects of Radial Blind and Rest will count as stealth kills, benefiting from this mod.
    • The "Extra Damage" bonus provided by this mod increases from the total damage of the weapon, including any elemental and physical damage mods installed.
      On topic
      Something REALLY needs to be done about the energy loss during channeling...either get rid of it or make it a 1 energy loss per second while channeling...that way we will still have energy for our abilities and not get our butts kicked while getting swarmed.
  3. But there seems to be a vertical lift regardless of the camera angle, making you hit the ceiling in many of the corridors.  Being able to go nearly straight horizontal would fix that. We basically have very little parkour freedom in those corridors.

    yeah, thats true.

  4. also, while your channeling in EB (Very nice damage boost) it WILL suck your energy away due to the 100% block and reflection from channeling (5 energy per bullet, say good bye to your energy)

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