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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. unfortunately, the only way right now is to buy them off the market. Never get rid of quest frames or weapons (dual ether daggers) as there is still no word on WHEN we will be able to repeat quests....so limbo, mirage, and chroma are the only frames you dont want to get rid of...all the others can be farmed out with ease (well non primes anyways lol)

  2. Yeah i got Hell`s Chamber pretty early on (only came back to the game recently) but RNG hated me with Split Chamber, and it still eludes me, but i have seen the light ! :)

    I may have an extra Split chamber. I wont be on WF for about 12-14 hours (school work sucks lol) BUt I think I can help you out there.

  3. Are there any plans to make the dendra armour.....umm actually seem like armour where it covers BOTH legs and BOTH Arms fully instead of just tiny patches on the left arm and leg?





    it just seems really odd looking to have the full right side protected, but not the left...especially since EVERY other armour (harkonar doesnt count lol) is symmetric.

  4. Even if they DONT bake them in, they should be ADDING TO THE RANK 30 Frame and NOT rank 0 (still one of the stupidest things I see so far)


    afaik Flow (and primed) is the ONLY one that makes true use of rank 30, and even then it only x2 the energy (which most frames are relatively low on, forcing the use of the Power Efficiency mods) (other thing with power is Why dont we start at full power from the start and why some frames start with over 100 power while most start with 50.

  5. hmm, i just take animal instinct (slapped on kubrow or sentinel) and I dont have an issue finding them. (its VERY rare for me to NOT see the marks, and I'm normally running Excal)


    that being said, lately Ive been running Steel missions and they are showing just fine, it seems to be suda/arbiters so far (at least from what I've seen personally)

  6. heh, many players would argue against your thread title.....many hate the fact that all they get are useless xp rewards, credits, and BPs (how many gorgon and glaive BPs, not to mention warframe BPs do we REALLY need, especially if we have the weapon done already) and would prefer they get the discounts.


    Especially 7 day+ logins where the plat discounts really should matter lol (its the only time i ever buy plat is if its 50% or the ultra rare (for me at least) 75%

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