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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. in regards to solar map change.....I agree that that are far to many nodes, but what you should do is  like what fatpig suggested above, having each planet have each type of mission. this way there arent disasters like Eris or phobos......an insane amount of missions that are not needed and most likely never played.


    The planet should have a certain level to it, and each should have a dark sector defense, excavation (would LOVE to see some infestation excavation missions, especially low level infested missions in general for low gear/new players), and survivals.

  2. have you SEEN what nano spores do to you.....I'm still hearing the voices......at least the voices have good idesa...unlike the stalker who just likes to scare the heck out of you when your on Oxium :P

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