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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. behind? they are both tied at 8-8 right now.

    i still think the end of event weapon should be player choice based on what they WANT and can choose who they want to support instead of the community (DE) choosing...then put the weapon that the player didnt choose into the vault for a later event. (or just give both of them to players since all it is is mastery fodder lol)

  2. I didnt have any issues with the event, though i did use Ash on a bladestorm build (max range, 175% eff, 25% dur, and i think about 120-150 str) and was able to do the alert just fine. I didn't do it solo (i could have though), but with a couple of my clan mates and we just used ash to do it with ease, though if the kubrows DID hit us it wasnt the end of the world.

  3. Personally, the one thing i hate about the event is the fact we cant choose what weapon we want at the end.

    if we were able to choose, i would support who i want to support and leave it at that......THEN in a later event the one who i didnt support I would have  to fight against.

    that being said, I love everything else about the event.....Tyl is freaking funny as hell :D

  4. Valkyr's corpus tech is still colorable on the immortal skin ... When are you guys planning to fix it? :o

    personally...that is one thing that made me BUY the immortal skin for her......I got tired of the crappy white parts sticking out of her all the time.......if they make it where its along the lines of Zephry's uncolorable gray, I'm going to be PO'ed.

    heh, if anything, make the corpus "additions" colorable in the attachments section, or add them to regalia (also colorable) for her alone.


  5.  Thanks for the answer, do you know if its potato and all?

    if its like the other weapons it will be.

    I for just wish we could choose what weapon and not rely on the community choice. *shrug*

    though the RP here on this topic is classic :D

  6. Question, I'm going to assume the Weapon reward for the event comes with a slot and potato pre-installed like most event weapons, but if i side with the loser is it like the Gradivus Dillema where you only get the BP or is the reward the same? Cause i really want some kind of weapon but i'm finding it really hard to justify siding with Salad V despite knowing he will win.

    you'll still get the reward.

  7. Reflection warframe mod does exactly what you want......though i still wish reflection was a melee mod instead of a warframe mod. (though it has a max of 96% damage reflected back....the higher the damage reflected the more stamina drain.)


    But i see what you mean with energy drain option when channeling.

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