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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I don't have that many i've got like 4-5 and i've been farming xini for 3 days. (Banshee helmet)

    I can tell you that my rifle has fire damage for dayz though. :O

    95% of my wave 5 rewards are rifle fire damage.

    RNG is RNG.  Probably has to do something with being in the same session as those other players.

    Yeah rifle and pistol fire and pretty common too.


    Still, I disagree. Being in the same session with other players is NEVER going to affect what drops, unless the developers intentionally made that function(and who in the world would do that?). If you have ever written say....a randomizer in a Java program. You know that it should be TRULY random. If I made a Java program generate 4 random variables(think: 4 different players), and then print them out in my command line, they are not going to be the same simply because they are all "running in the same Java program(Think: All in the same game session)". Do you see my point?

  2. Now, before you all grab your pitch forks and roll your eyes at another drop rate thread, realize that

    I'm not here to *@##$ about the typical “OH MER GURD, RARE MODS NEED TO DROP LIKE CANDY LIKE THEY DID BEFORE”. No, I personally am GLAD that rare mods are now....you know, RARE. However, the common/uncommon rate needs a serious re-evaluation. For example: I often farm Xini for mods, and I've noticed a disturbing trend of certain mods being dropped ALL. THE. TIME. And before you all try to tell me that the RNG god just needs more blood-sacrifices, I am going to tell you that you're incorrect in this notion. I had a four person group. And as you know, when you pick up a mod, it is different than the mod that your friend picks up when they pick up that SAME mod. Me and my friends tallied up the number of certain mods we found and here's what we found, looking at Nyx mind control and Ember fire ball mods. I swear to christ these things drop more than ANYTHING, at least from infested.


    Our mod results(Note: these aren't ONLY these mods, we found others, but these were found WAY TOO OFTEN)


    I found 17 mind control nyx mods in 3 runs, and 6 fire balls. The rest were some decent commons and uncommons.

    link4355: found 15 mind control nyx mods in 3 runs, and 7 fire balls.

    Azjhoolies: found 11 nyx mind control mods in 3 runs, 5 fireballs, and some decent commons

    kungPOWninja: found 14 nyx mind control mods in 3 runs, and 2 fire balls


    Do you see my point?


    In-fact, in the third run, I found EXCLUSIVELY nyx mind control mods and fireball mods, I'm not even kidding.


    If the drop rates for infested were intended to be for class power mods, I have no problem with that. But why the hell are they ONLY those two power mods? That's.....really odd. Am I the only one that has observed this?


    And I am still open to your input guys, I am not here to be confrontational, I just think drop rates are a bit #*($%%@ up. Thoughts?


  3. Some of your suggestions have grammar so poor I'm not sure what you're saying (Like the first and second one).


    I suggest you give more detailed suggestions and fix up your grammar.


    I agree with the hide option and spawn protection by the way





  4. While I understand that farming a boss over and over is frustrating, I am seriously getting a bit irked by the number of "Why aren't blueprints dropping" threads


    HOWEVER: I will agree that I have had the worst luck getting BPs to drop from Kril(A.K.A The Potato Meatshield)


    Still, I don't believe making a topic about it will increase drop rates. Just keep at it, you'll get them eventually!



  5. Ok, these topics are becoming more common than the PvP topics. I hate to seem rude or unfriendly, but I think I'm going to sum up 90% of the responses you shall recieve:



    Keep farming, you'll get the part eventually. 

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