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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Yum. Put this in so we can exploit those numbers. Can't wait for people to just make small guilds to farm mats and then put them back into a bigger guild.


    I don't get the whole fuss about small clans "not having benefits". They want small clans, and small clans lack human capital, a resource outside of Warframe. Less players in a guild obviously means a smaller material pool for dojo construction. If players don't want big clans that's their fault. You can't farm human capital, and you sure as hell can't complain about it if you don't even bother trying to increase it.

    Oh look, it's you again. Having fun with your "human capital" that nobody agrees with again?

    Yes, that system could be exploited...unless it's actually done correctly.

  2. Do you have a reading problem or something? Ok first off you missed two things.


    1.You can run a small guild and recruit people can MAKE friends.

    2.He was talking about laboring and how "human capital" is a common term in that world. I was drawing parallels with the term "farming" because that's included in laboring.

    Oh no, I read your point crystal clear. It's clear from your responses however, that you are far too narrow-minded to even discuss or listen to other's viewpoints/opinions. I've made my point on the matter, so carry on with your lack of consideration for a portion of the player base.

  3. I never said to quit and join a big clan. Did you fully read the OP? They have the same opportunities to create quality clans with tons of people they would consider friends, but fail to do so.

    Maybe we don't want to recruit total strangers? I myself run a small clan, consisting of my group of 10-or-so friends. I don't want some random pubbie in my clan, thank you very much



    Farming is labor and have been applied to games since forever. I fail to see your point.

    Because you didn't even read his point. "Farming" and "Human capital" are not the same thing
  4. Wow i never knew there was so much gameplay in a menu.


    Also, "fair chance"? A lot of these suggestions by small clans straight up gimp big clans.

    Does it? Or are you simply turning a blind eye to the fact that small clans are completely S.O.L?


    Telling them to "Stop Q_Qing and join a bigger clan" doesn't solve the underlying problem.


    Small clans are still screwed over. Instead of demanding these topics to stop, why not propose....gee I dunno....a solution?


    And no, telling them to join a larger clan is not a solution

  5. ....so what I've come to understand, is you're saying "Screw you, your playstyle, your refusal to join a clan of strangers, and all small clans, just because they want a fair chance at the same features as someone else without joining huge clans"


    Yeah, screw you too bud.

  6. From Alerts, from Daily Log-In (c'mon you got something else after the 50th day of gaming aside some ammo?) and in the Void (wich you have to purchase the Key).

    you earn the key to the Void by playing normally as well. So no, you're incorrect bud

  7. Odd they mention wanting to be fair when the current Alert system is anything but.

    ...did you just completely ignore what Rebecca said?


    I never said the Alert system was "fair" and neither did she, in-fact she just confirmed they are WORKING on it.


    *facepalms* why must you guys be so difficult sometimes?


    Personally, I hate the current system. But I rest easy, knowing they are going to improve it.

  8. Damage reduction wouldn't help that much considering I usually only used abilities like Crush when my shields got broken and I was already getting messed up by dudes. All it'd mean was it would take three shots for a guy to kill me rather than two, and its still a long-&#! animation so nothing would change.

    ...and why are you using abilities when you shields go down? Does the ability describe itself as "Protects you while lifting enemies into the air"? No. It's an offensive ability. You should use it when your shields are fine, not when you're near death. You're trying to tell me it's ok to have a "Saving grace" button for all ultimates. 

  9. So instead of fixing the alert system (which ONLY rewards 'being at your computer 24/7' instead of say, regular play or sheer playtime like most similar systems) you're using it's crappiness to force people to buy the frame with real money?  Hate to say it but I'd be happier if there was just NO way to get it via play and it was only for donators - the alert system is awful and the fact that warframe's devs are apparently okay with it is really upsetting from a game I had quite high hopes for.

    Before you start crying and getting angry, perhaps you should....read this.


    This is from a post two days ago, on the may 19th hot topic



    And I quote:





    4) Alert System for New content?


    Is this the way it will always be? No, not at all. Implementing a Warframe this way has been met with feedback from all sides. At the time of writing this, it has been about 40 hours since the Update featuring Vauban was released, with no parts yet dropped. The system is RNG and I am closely monitoring the feed to get the parts myself. We want to be fair, Steve said it best in the FAQ https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/5898-warframe-faq/.


    There has been suggestions of ways to improve the alerts (adding a token system, generating Alerts based on time logged in, etc), and these are being seen.



  10. ...or they could just up the DR a bit, and fix the fact that Iron Skin ONLY applies DR to to shields, NOT to health


    740 health with 150 armour and 80% damage reduction would absorb 9250 damage. With 315 armour that would be 11655.


    That could make it MUCH better, as well as fixing the CC (Making him immune to knock down, toxic)

  11. Prime versions are coming, but I must agree. Once you max your WF, the fun suddenly disappears. Maybe more customization options, like more alt helmets, maybe alt chasis, gauntlets? Accessories? I don't know, like jetpacks maybe (joke)?

    Or larger lvl cap, up to 50 maybe?

    Larger cap will further imbalance the game, however alternate parts and looks sounds fun

  12. Woah, woah. Do the devs even play their own game? 800 damage is absolutely nothing. Ironskin would last less than a second.


    What about the invuln on various ultimates (not just banshees) that got removed with that last update? I'd kinda like Mag to be useful again.

    I'd say a flat damage reduction could solve this issue, invincibility will just allow you to easily just "Press 4 to kill everything AND save your shields and health"


    And regarding Iron Skin, read my post above


    I still think Iron Skin should cost 75, or have a cool down between casts. One or the other.


    This would balance it more than messing with the effect of Iron Skin itself

  13. While I do not use Rhino, I have seen how quickly I can lose 750 shields with my Volt frame. 800 damage is far too low. It should have the same duration but it should be at LEAST 500 damage per level, with a max of 2500 or something.

  14. Warning: Theoryframe ..


    1110 shields with 80% damage reduction would absorb 5550 damage.

    740 health with 150 armour and 80% damage reduction would absorb 9250 damage. With 315 armour that would be 11655.

    1110 shields, 740 health, 315 armour and an 800 point buffer (assuming it functions like a shield) would absorb 4981 damage combined.


    If a maxy max rhino under the 80% iron skin took 2000 damage, he would still have 710 shields left, which could absorb another 3550 damage under iron skin.

    If a maxy max rhino with an 800 point shield-like buffer took 2000 damage, he would have no shield and have lost a little health. 3550 more damage would kill him with plenty to spare.

    Ironskin doesn't apply to health, only to shields. It really SHOULD apply to health

  15. I used to be scared to death of the Hyena and it's deadly attacks, but now my Twin Vipers are so absolutely broken that I literally kill it in 2-3 clips. Makes me sad, I almost want to take mods OFF to not kill it so quickly




    Hornet Strike: 180%

    Barrel Diffusion: 120%

    Convulsion: 90%

    Deep Freeze: 30%

    No return: 70% Armor Pierce

    Quickdraw: 48% reload speed

    Heated Charge: 90%


    But I digress, the OP is correct. The Lotus DOES state that the Corpus has many of these, so we are correct to assume they are mass-produced

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