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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I could probably join up too if you need another person. My loadout is pretty bare, just a maxed Braton (with Boltor being built in 24 hrs), Supercharged Hate (lvl 25), Rank 15 Kunai, and an Excal Prime or Rank 15 Loki.


    I'm probably going to end up buying another frame with plat soon.... so sick of Loki.

    Do NOT waste your plat on warframes. On of the MOST exciting feelings in the game in my opinion is that christmasy feel of "opening your present" when your three day build of a warframe is done. I will HELP YOU farm a warframe if it helps at all.

  2. It all comes down to this - RNG.


    That's all there is. Kill Grineer boss, Doesn't matter how many.


    Then just go do missions until he appears.


    Stalker appeared in my Defense, Mobile Defense, and all sorts of regular missions. Including Void.


    PS. Make sure you're the one who's landing the killing blow on the Grineer boss. Your team/team mate killing it for you doesn't count as YOU killed it.

    I always solo bosses, so that was never an issue ;). But thank you.


    And it appears that many of you follow similiar strategies. Anything else lads?

  3. I have terrible luck with the stalker. Most people have killed him 6-or-so times and already gotten at LEAST one of his drops...


    I have killed him 32 times and gotten absolutely nothing. Now before you jump on the rape train of LOLUSCRUBRNGISNOTFORYOU. Keep in mind I have no problem farming him, and I'm not here to *@##$ about drop rates. I have no control over those. However, I DO possibly have control over my knowledge of the stalker and how to get him to appear. See, there is little official info about how the stalker works. I have been lurking for a while and I have yet to find a SOLID piece of info on getting him to appear more. Here's what I have gathered


    -Some claim he has a higher appearance rate if you kill 3 bosses since you last encounter with him

    -Others claim you only have to kill one boss, and killing anymore does NOT aid your chances of making him appear

    -More claim that he has an appearance rate in the void is this true?

    -Does he have an individual chance of appearing for each player? (meaning he appears more in groups of 4 instead of solo) or is this information false?


    Currently my strategy to farm him is to run J3-Golem once, and then run M Prime on Mercury until the black warframe of I-ain't-dropping-anything-for-cyrus appears. Is there a better method to get him to rear his ugly head? Or is my strategy a good one?


    If anybody can help clear up this data and clarify some of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it

  4. I know many of you have found drops from him after 6-or-so encounter.

    However, I have killed him 32 times with no luck whatsoever. I'm not here to whine about droprates, just looking for advice.

    Some players tell me that you can see him more if you kill 3 bosses. Some tell me you only gotta kill one and no extra boss kills help. Currently I kill J3-Golem once and then run M prime till stalker shows. Has anyone found a faster way? Does he actually appear more in the void. I have mixed

    information about stalker. Anybody care to clear things up for me? Thanks

  5. I would love to farm the stalker cuz that hate is my favorite i wanna get it im trying everyday killing 3 grineer bosses doing m prime but nothing i have also 6 maxed frames all potatoed and around 30 weapons all lvl30 and most of them potatoed.I Hek or Dread i switch i guess i will be using hek,kunai and orthos 

    Sounds fine with me lad, you're in. Add cyrus106. We'll run when we get 4 people together

  6. I am running the Void for the stalker, as well as mods. Why the stalker? You may ask....well..


    I have horrible god damn luck with him. I have killed him 32 times with no drops. He appears more in the void, and with 4 people he will have a quadruple chance to appear. You MUST have one boss kill since your last stalker encounter. And everytime we DO encounter him? We will run a boss mission, then go back to the void. I have 23 void keys (11 raid, 12 exterminate). If you desire to run with me, you have to accept the conditions above. Besides that? Let's BUST SOME GODDAMN HEADS.


    I have over 7 maxed frames, and roughly 40-so maxed weapons, so I have quite a crazy loadout.


    My favorite being a triple polarity Twin Vipers with 200% Hornet Strike *drools*


    IGN: cyrus106.


    Don't add me in-game until I accept your post here.



  7. Let's not forget it keeps you snuggly warm, guys. Rhino has a little sweater, and he has to wear it because his mother told him too.

    Geeze, why do you guys all want to remove his little sweater?! Do you want him to have mommy issues?

  8. Since I can't seem to locate my old topic at all, I'll revive the hilarious video topic of my reaction to grineer rollers (primarily on Kiste).





    If you can't hear what they're saying:







  9. Well, when I started playing around with the Vulkar I noticed something about headshot damage.  It doesn't happen to the Corpus grunts.  At all.  I understand they are using a full, wrap-around metal box to protect their loverly features from radical shotgun rhinoplasty, but COME ON!  Wouldn't be as crippling, but for these Tech a5$h073s they have running around, spamming Ospreys like it's going outta style!


    Yes, I'm aware that there's a mod for rifle puncture.  No, I don't believe that a weapon like this MUST rely on such a mod for effect.


    The point to a sniper rifle is to do maximum damage to the target, in turn causing the most disruption of enemy strategy possible through the elimination of said target and psychological impact on the grunts running around.  The idea is to make them think "that could be me next, better keep under cover", as much as it is to destroy whatever you aimed at.


    Also, I'm a crappy shot.  I know this, because getting headshots ve Infested simply isn't feasable for me most of the time.  By my count, that makes this gun fully useful only against the faction who employ it.  I don't expect a gun to cope with my lack of skill (unless its a shotgun), but this is a bit wonkey even by fairly lax standards.

    Uhh, the headshot damage has nothing to do with puncture. Corpus grunts only take headshot damage from ARMOR PIERCE bud. If you had the snipetron, which has armor pierce, then you could headshot them. However, the Vulkar doesn't have this : (

  10. We ran a void level 3 mission (you know, with level 50-90 enemies) and TWICE in a row a single corrupted(corpus type) was stuck in the "basement" of the map. This caused us to abort twice in a row, it happened in the same room. 


    Here's the reference image:



    Notice the corpus under the glass, and for further proof the orange waypoint on him with the "down" arrow, indicating he's below us. There is literally no way to get down there, we scoured the ENTIRE map.


    We also found a second map-breaking bug. This one was caused by our exploring to try and find that bastard. We wall ran in this room(using the pillars) and eventually we PHASED through the glass at the top. However you cannot fall back down, the glass is then considered solid: (You can see my two buddies already stuck up there.)





    I had my buddy Link(the rhino) take screenshots up there, to prove that we were up there (notice the blocked walls, no doorways)




    Extra picture for laughs:


    Banshee stuck on a globe:



    These two bugs are game-breaking, as you CANNOT bypass them and finish the level. Can we uh....do something about this please?

  11. That enemy is a good floor level below them, it wouldn't be hit by a simple melee jump AoE. I've seen the same thing happen in a few Tower Raid missions.


    Also, you should probably move this to a bug forum, not General Discussion. It might be more likely to be seen and fixed there...

    Nobody ever replys to topics there from my experience. I post requests for fixes in both the bug topic and general discussion in most cases. The general discussion gets replys and the bug fix page gets ignored

  12. We ran a void level 3 mission (you know, with level 50-90 enemies) and TWICE in a row a single corrupted(corpus type) was stuck in the "basement" of the map. This caused us to abort twice in a row, it happened in the same room. 


    Here's the reference image:



    Notice the corpus under the glass, and for further proof the orange waypoint on him with the "down" arrow, indicating he's below us. There is literally no way to get down there, we scoured the ENTIRE map.


    We also found a second map-breaking bug. This one was caused by our exploring to try and find that bastard. We wall ran in this room(using the pillars) and eventually we PHASED through the glass at the top. However you cannot fall back down, the glass is then considered solid: (You can see my two buddies already stuck up there.)





    I had my buddy Link(the rhino) take screenshots up there, to prove that we were up there (notice the blocked walls, no doorways)




    Extra picture for laughs:


    Banshee stuck on a globe:



    These two bugs are game-breaking, as you CANNOT bypass them and finish the level. Can we uh....do something about this please?

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