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Posts posted by (PSN)SlyFox5679

  1. so they think a cursor and extra clicks helps console vs just clicking one button for say upgrading i have to move the cursor over and click upgrade instead of just hitting triangle ? 

    i don't understand the logic at all here so you add more clicks to simple steps instead of sticking to the easy way ?


    I'm still on the fence on saryns rework but i just hate the UI changes and if we had an option to revert back then that would be a good option but from the sound of it they won't do that, its too easy instead lets force every console playing to adapt to our way much like they nerf/rework frames.

    we have to drag and drop mods now too which is kinda meh

  2. I'm guessing since a lot of PC users use mouse cursors and have to do extra clicking to get to things so do console users now ?

    I completely hate the new UI on PS4 and so do a lot of other people in my clan and this seems more like a idea that the minority of players would like vs the majority since most console players are used to the previous way to do everything without all the extra clicking and such could DE please add in an option for players to have the old UI for everything like accessing the warframes,weapons ect because this may drive off players that have difficulty with things in general. I run a clan  since 2014 and the last thing i wanna hear is people complaining about the new UI changes that are forced on players because PC players are used to things like mouse cursors and such on screen but console players are not.  I'm really not sure how many people use mouse and keyboard on PS4 but i doubt it's enough to make this new UI a thing that will need to be used by everyone.



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  3. I have a feeling Vlad will come to the game whenever and then everyone will have it and get played and then disappear because its abilities may not work at high lvl play like other frames and people will go back to what they know is reliable and works at high lvl's. 

    Remember the last time DE took an idea from a popular character and made it into a frame ? looking at you wukong and that didn't come out as expected and do people really see anyone playing wukong anymore ? not really. 

    I really think making a frame from a storybook character is a bad idea at this point and should try a different route when trying to think up a new frame. so lets see next logical step after a vampire is probably a werewolf frame and so help me god if that doesn't turn into an actual werewolf i may lose my faith in DE's creative powers that be.

    I find frames that don't have some form of AOE 4th ability to be lacking because in high level content being able to kill large groups of enemies or crowd control them in some way is usually the way i'd go and speaking of abilities vlad turning into mist sounds like wukongs cloudwalker ability and could be just as useless except for the affect it can do to enemies and the whole kid for vlad sounds like it should be used on Nyx instead but i could be the minority here.

  4. 4 minutes ago, kgabor said:

    As of now every frame is viable with a strong Maiming Strike melee but especially Sonar Banshee as you hit weakspots with your melee all the time, Equinox for nuking, Saryn for debuffing (can be changed for another dps for lower levels but the corrosive procs might come in handy later on), Harrow or Trinity for more energy. (you don't really need a lot with Banshee or Saryn if you got Zenurik so it's optional)

    I think my best strat is using the mag augment that jams weapons/robots for 4 seconds after polarizing and strips armor/shields but doesn't do squat to infested.

  5. I've tried both onslaughts with different frames and squad makeups with randoms and clan and i'm still not sure about how to get past wave 15 which my clan got to and that was it and the main factor was our trinity main used a bomb trin build and another in the clan used mesa.rhino prime.

    the frames i've done onslaught with are mag prime,nova prime(slow) saryn,nidus,excal,oberon prime

    i've done elite with mag prime,nova prime & excal. are there any other frames that do well in onslaught/elite in general that i could try for this ?

    the weapons i've used for both onslaughts 


    primary weapons

    tiberon prime w/Riven

    vaykor hek w/Riven

    ignis wraith 


    secondary weapons

    mara detron & hystrix


    \companions-carrier prime or kavat


    frames i have are as follows














    banshee prime

    mirage prime

    valkyr prime

    hydroid prime

    zephyr prime

    nova prirme

    mag prime

    rhino prime

    frost prime

    ember prime

    volt prime

    loki prime

    saryn prime

    vauban prime

    oberon prime

    ash prime

    nekros prime


  6. looking over the wiki and i really wanna know when is this stuff going to be worked on or released

    • MOA companion 
    • More Kavat/Kubrow breeds 


    Damage 3.0 

    • Rework/removal of "mandatory mods"
    • Bringing balance to Status and Critical chance
    • Magnetic b Magnetic rework 
    • Removal of keys from Derelicts and dispersion of them through System
    • Option to choose Daily Tribute milestone rewards ahead of time


    not on the wiki and its just me wondering if vauban,nyx,titania,loki,wukong would be getting reworks anytime soon since they could all use some sort of rework/update 

  7. I've been clan leader for most of the time on PS4 and things were good for awhile then everyone got bored/tired of the game and most picked up different games and went off to play with different friends.

    they'd come back and do it again each time for longer periods of time and finally i didn't see them for months and finally decided to remove them from the clan and got new blood in the clan and those new players got friends in but then some of them would quit after a month or so and i'd have to remove them since they would never give notice about coming back and the rule is 30 days no notice and i remove people. 

    now since the holidays people have been falling off the radar and few login to play and its a pretty small clan as it is that most we had for awhile is 10 people and i decided to bump up the size to 30 and i have 15 in the clan currently. 

    I've been off playing a different game for most of the last month because i was on 24/7 from Oct to Jan and needed a break waiting for more interesting content to release and now because i haven't played much it feel like its my fault my clan is falling apart.

    some of my officers complain i'm never on the game to do whatever but what am i going to really do ?  i'm MR25 and i'm not sure what i'm going to do really to keep everyone happy besides put a lot more time in on the game but that is tough because i've spent nearly 2500hrs  on the game and thats with taking breaks to play other games and there is no guarantee my playing will improve morale and people just up and quit.

    What i do usually is login for a bit to get login reward,build formas ect, do sorties talk to whoever but don't really play like i was awhile ago.

    another issue is most of my clan mates play other games and a few at best play other games with me but most of them aren't interested in warframe anymore and trying to convince them to continue is a pain or to even play the few other games i play.

    honestly one of the reason i'm running a clan is to make new friends to play with and help along the way since for the longest time i've always enjoyed helping other players learn the ropes on games and have been either an officer or some sort or the leader in different online games. 

  8. Just an idea for a new sniper really an Infested sniper rifle that has viral or toxin built in much like lanka has electric this infested sniper could be something really good since we haven't had a new sniper rifle in a long time really. 

    so by what i've gathered from the wiki an infested sniper rifle could be doing slash or puncture and viral or toxin since we don't really have many options.

    the crit multiplier could be x3.0 to match the rubico and have 25-30% crit/status chance, base damage it could be equal to lanka,maybe charged shots like lanka

    this could also be very helpful when the venus update comes out.

    this might already have been suggested i dunno really but damnit i like this idea DE make it happen ! :-D


    vectis prime-orokin-impact







  9. I only use snipers in plains and mostly hunting eidolons for the most part i have a vectis prime with a pretty good riven that helps with chroma to take down eidolons and i've managed to kill 2-4 a night with my clan.

    on a side note i'm considering getting rivens for lanka & rubico to see which would do better vs eidolons

  10. I put in a ticket about this last year and DE gave me lead in my clan when the original GM quit the game for over 100 days and his friends did the same and i just wanted them gone since i was on constantly with some friends.

    just keep in mind you can't kick someone from a clan if they are the same rank as you so say if you and someone are both warlords you have to demote the other person down one rank then you can kick them from the clan.

  11. On 1/29/2018 at 9:50 PM, Ada_Wong_SG said:

    1) Mandatory mods remove, market for damage mod disappears.

    2) Players no longer need to buy those mods or farm them.

    3) Circulation of platinum cease on aspect of damage mod

    4) Less people top up to buy plat for the circulation.

    5) DE earn less in the long run, causing less profit or increased deficits. 


    I am not sure how much the market is shrinking, but taking a chunk out of a pie will make less remain.

    well i kinda figured the way so many players are with the supposed value of prime stuff could be why the economy has been tanking so badly on the game.

    and when you put it that way loss of damage mods would just make matters worse.

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