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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. If a buff is needed, then we buff it.


    If a nerf is needed, then we nerf it.


    It's all balance. If all we do is nerf everything in response to a few things, then that'd be a ton of unnecessary work. If we buff everything in response to a few things, then that'd be a ton of unnecessary work. It is easier to rebalance, rework, and retweak things on a case by case basis. 


    soooo I'm guessing you didn't bother looking at the buffs for the grataka, sniper rifles, torrid?


    This statements here conclude this thread. Weapons that need a buff get buffed, and weapons that need a nerf get nerfed.

  2. And I thought we were gonna be able to have a DS PvE variant what happened to that, kinda getting annoyed by spawn campers in DS PvP


    It's obvious that people with better gear will absolutely dominate you. This is a problem with many PvP games, not just Warframe.

  3. killing players or specters in DS pvp



    yes they still drop mods....but those mods are very very very very very very very very very very very very rare drops


    I have seen nobody get any mod drops from the DS PvP missions, and I haven't got any myself either.

  4. You're not really missing much. A lot of waframe fans have a far higher opinion of dark sector than it deserves. The game suffered from being shoehorned into a genre it didn't belong in and although DE did a better job than most would making it work, the game still reeks of wasted potential.


    I personally felt that Dark Sector was rushed. Playing through it felt pretty repetitive.

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