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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Where can I find a lot of these suckers and how do you kill them easily?


    I think they start spawning in survival after around 10 minutes and after there will be a lot of them. But I guess any Grineer mission will do just fine. Best way to kill them is obviously shoot them. Try to dodge their rockets as well.

  2. Lato for damage, Aklato for speed and capacity. What's the problem here? I suppose a slight buff couldn't hurt though.


    The problem is this: see the fire rate of Aklato? Now try to click 19 times per second constantly. See the fire rate of single Lato? Clicking 15 times per second is still a challenge if you try to do it constantly. Aklato also has twice the reload speed, so the extra capacity isn't that much of an improvement. Aklato has lower damage per bullet, which is the root of this problem.

  3. Some tweaks to the Miter would be very, very welcome. I love using it, it's probably my favourite primary weapon, though I'm currently obligated to use both Shred and a max rank Speed Trigger to make that charge time bearable/usable. If it could be brought in line with the bows, heck even the Lanka, it'd be an improvement.


    Seeing as the snipers are having their damage tweaked it'd be cool to see that on the Miter too. How would 150 for "normal" shots and 300 for charged shots sound?


    It needs to be more. Even with 300 charged damage, Miter would get nowhere near the snipers, since Miter has 0 crit chance.

  4. 1. I completely agree with you.


    2. If you are playing Stealth correctly, the enemies shouldn't even be shooting at you. You are trying to make Silence a non-stealth skill.


    3. Sound quake would indeed use a buff to it's damage. I also wish we would be able to move during sound quake :/

  5. 5. Derelicts

    don't forget the derelicts


    ODD Rewards: T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, T2 key, Sicarus Prime Blueprint. Yay!

  6. Just go play in the Void. 


    Forma and Forma BP really, really drop like rain. 


    We do not need to have another way to obtain it (not to mention a 100% of obtaining it). We can already obtain Forma and Forma Blueprints in: 


    1. Invasions.

    2. Alerts.

    3. Login Rewards.

    4. Void Towers. 


    I think that is quite enough, considering its main use with Polarising items and such. 


    And that is completely irrelevant to the post I was quoting.

  7. It's a pretty common problem, but I believe it can't be fixed since it deals with the connection of the host and you when you're joining like the host can have like a random spike as soon as you joined, then the infinite "Please Wait..." happens.


    Never happened before U14, so it should be possible to fix it.

  8. Even if they are 3 million credits each.

    That is still too cheap.


    I have played this game for 1000 hours and my gross income is about 58 million credits. I have had total of 6 months of credits boosters from Rhino and Ember Prime access packs. Are you telling me that 19 Forma BPs in 1000 hours with BOOSTERS is fine?

  9. Well then it'd make void runs for it completely pointless if you can get it in the dojo, because "Dojo has 100% drop rate"


    Void will never become ''pointless''. People will do the missions for credits, Prime Parts, XP, resources, mods and for fun. I guess you have never had fun.

  10. 6f9554bfe4d1e5bb4d31878efbd6d6d2.png


    First missions I tried to join today, and I already got the infinite Please Wait screen. I have already waited few weeks for a fix. So DE, instead of asking us to ''Please Wait'', I ask you to ''Please Fix''. I guess I will be playing something else today.

  11. Go to you ship's ARSENAL.



    Click UPGRADE your Warframe



    Drag the ABILITY mods to those 4 slots I have marked with red rectangles. The ability mods for Nyx are Mind Control, Physic Bolts, Chaos and Absorb. Mag's ability mods are Pull, Shield Polarize, Bullet Attractor and Crush




    Moved to "Players helping Players", are you able to check if you have enough Mod Capacity to install the powers? All but the first require energy capacity to install. 


    Nice work on the new player experience.

  12. The hype for events is usually for the event/weapon not the token mods you get. 


    The guns will become bad or they will be released to everyone sooner or later. Look at Strun Wraith, it barely deals more damage than the normal Strun. Snipetron Vandal is far from being the top sniper too. Mods can be used on any weapon, and that is why I personally think that mods are more ''valuable''.

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