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  1. new challenges in endgame are a joke, seriously, physically these challenges don't make the game difficult, just extremely stupid! if you want to win A: you are perfectly lucky to draw the frame you usually play, which works well against high-level enemies, is almost indestructible and ignores duration, and is a very good end game weapon B: 1-2 of you don't have a single perk that makes it difficult and carry out the entire mission so that you can do the same... there is no challenge here... the perk that prohibits the use of the operator and spearman also blocks the necromech, first of all, it is not written about it anywhere, so it is probably a mistake because someone lazy, instead of blocking these characters, simply blocked the key that activates them... but also activates mechs, secondly, mechs are the only stable part of the end game, if you want to have a perk that blocks them, it should replace 1 normal one, especially not with a perk that blocks the only sensible way to escape from damage and resurrect your companions... and ghosts energy draining... why do you think they work on immortal characters? for example nyx or valkyr on their 4? then the characters don't get any penalty statuses anywhere else in the game, etc. and here your skills are simply canceled like in the anti-skill field, but the game doesn't show it as an anti-skill field like in any other case. this mode is simply boring, you either get through this mode without any problems or you can't do anything. whoever designed these perks should get a kick in the ass and spend the next two weekends working on balance corrections. I want a challenge, planning, etc., not an unjustified death because a barely visible, merging enemy approached me, sucking all the statistics and destroying skills, let him also suck the platinum from the account to the set... and as for randomness, you want randomness, cool 4 options, 2 that you definitely have and 2 that are random, or 1 option that you definitely have but always chosen from things that have 4 forms if they are available. it won't make the mode suddenly easy, because you won't always get something for specific missions, but at least you will be able to do something.
  2. I think that in terms of positioning, it would be enough to add a 3D grid on which the player could create and move relatively quickly with the option of temporary slowdown, without the collision of debris in the orbit, and the player could fly through walls in this form
  3. i think the big fix will be delete half of collision on orbiter like why ? you can put things in walls so why not delete all of that crap ? on dojo is much more easy bcs of space and decorations can be put on decorations, on orbiter you work aroud consols ect i right now make my navy room look like mini rajlijack with a scientific position, who have few consols place to work on stuff you found ect but damm is so hard to put things on it, alos the chandeliers from the laboratory would be great poles... if DE wasn't lazy and gave them cone-shaped hitboxes instead of connecting 2 rectangular shapes, and thus using this decoration you walk on air :D
  4. "As Long tricksters ALWAYS WINS Dojo Contests, we, simple humans, are just Loolser" im not rly care abaut they win i jsut wan put stuff in my orbiter and not fight 10h on it. like now i think i not care much abuat make my oribiter a house and instend i start make it look like a ship, i use gold parts of new decorations to make place for consols and make screens from two gals, control in the style of controllers made of a decorative Orokin core and a keyboard made of decorative circuits... except that it took me 2 hours to make such a futuristic console for controlling the orbiter and there was an entire navigation room left, not to mention the rest of the orbiter, it would be nice to be able to do such things in less than 10 years...
  5. We are all impressed by what the orbiter decorators do. but unfortunately most of their work is not just designing the appearance of the orbiter, but struggling with positioning, often using tricks to place object x in a place where it is theoretically impossible... have they ever made updates to this system since the release of the orbiter decoration? and am I the only one who thinks that the designer of the Zarmian walls was blind? don't get me wrong, they are nice, but you can't put them next to each other because of the lack of synchronization in the patterns, so you have to stick the walls one on top of the other, wasting valuable space, and what's more, you can't do it with a system that places decorations at the right distances, 0.10 / 0.25 / 1 ... because the textures will show through ugly. it would be really nice if DE took care of the decorating menu. I really don't know if it's just me who thinks this system is strange and unnecessarily complicated and buggy, or if people are actually also annoyed by it.
  6. that is they job to fix and care sooo yes i can be wonder why they do like nothing... alos i not see even one mission type where he is a joke, he is good at evrything but just good nothing more. so in the end is DE problem they add that frame make some people like him and now they need do something abaut it and there is like 999 ways and i talk only abaut easy ways. one simple is to move him to railjack likee full on anomaly so you clear sentients ship and have some of his parts and to build you need only shards from anomaly and standard resrocrs, bcs i not see problem abaut shards or even this red stuff from fortuna i see here problem on how much difrends things it need at the same time, something from eidalon, a rare alloy ect ect.
  7. her augument on 4 make her imortal machine of doom. like she now cna move and attakc whne ingore 100% damage and all status on her :D alos can cast other skill, you need say good by to all time rege energry focus on rege from other stuff and she kinda funny alos whne she finaly end 4 she endd up have insane % of dmg bonus on weapon bcs how long she collet enemy damage. just make sure you do 45% eff and make a lot of duration so it end up on lowest energry per s
  8. ok but rework even minor who change his 3 and 1... change his 2 and 4 and pasive will be like delete him and replace sooo no we not wana that even if it make him better. it still take a lot of time so make augument evne for skill who wrok arledy well will make us feel not like some forggoten dust. and im not evne a caliban mein mien, i like him i play him but he is not my top 1. do it realy that hard for them to make his 2 i dotn know make evry enemy hit by it share % of damage like kullervwo link but for eche enemy and only minor %, whne combo it to his 4 insane base damage it can work even for steal to lvl 400. alos is not like devs not know how it al lend give so many auguments and end up have 2 warframes who have 0 of thme... whne tow uf thme was new and one of thme are forggoten... what they except ? is they problem, they want make good game but alos make money, so meyby not make caliban fan angry whne they areldy sad. bcs how many time people tell me i play trash frame bcs is not popular i not even wana think abat it... whne that trash carry they ass, and most of this time it was trinity or oberon but caliban games and not very smart people happends too. we not wana much. ok we wana much like meyby caliban sentient weapon who boost his 3 and 1 so he join to tema archon mods strip armor on toxsic :D but just one agument make calibans happy fro like a two yeras
  9. Ace-Bounty-Hunter you not play him much do you ? he have 2 skill to change whne one need just buff and one replace so it minor rework alos is not like he is bad now he kinda good for end gaem he just not that good as monster imortal or killing evrythign evrywhere frames
  10. not not rly he is not meh, he have one tereble skill and one who work not like you think it 1 is self kill and his 3 is just strogn defense skill give enemy 3 hard to kill targets who make you rege shilds even to over shilds. like half of frames have 2 not good skills and his 2 is good his 4 is insane, very good as gameplay and isane whne come to feel of use it. and most broken pasive in game :D he just need some love and easy farm
  11. ShogunGunshow i hope they not do total rework. bcs of two skill not good XD and he is just hard to get if devs make total rework bcs of this im out this game, is like they not get problem of this warframe, they not get they lack of help is problem as well. im alos total stop trow money at game until they give him some love. and change his entire kit is oposite of give him love
  12. im not sure is posible be even more forgotten by devs... so on the last dev steam we got 10 new arguments... so apart from the 2 newest warframes, all warframes have some kind of argument, right?. AHAAHH No, 4 newer warframes from Caliban have augments and it's not even like we're talking about an unplayable warframe after level 80 like inaros, no, he has 1 useless skill (1) and one skill that is supposed to deal damage, distract enemies and regenerate shields, and the first part of this skill (3) doesn't work... so we have a warframe with epic 4 which is visually and gameplay-wise very strong, with lifting enemies and increased damage to 2, and from 3 which is still useful, and on top of that the most powerful passive in the game and everything is closed for a slightly too hard method of obtaining... that's why devs ignore this warframe... and even if dvs are planning a rework here, half a year usually passes between telling the players about it and releasing it and nothing has been said about it yet we know... it's not difficult to make a modifier for 1 or 2 skills, so get your lazy asses to work because those who like Caliban are furious and there are more and more of them (mainly thanks to a few YouTubers) I personally like to throw money at this game, but for now, until I get 2 players and a sin for this warframe, I have no intention of giving anything to the developer and I recommend doing the same to anyone who likes this character (of course, also inform about it somewhere) maybe it will encourage the devs to do something about it
  13. yee it not alywas work well but is a unique ability that they are changing to make it a bit easier to use, because Mirage is no longer easy, it doesn't blow up everything, it shoots a laser ball everywhere, etc... it's just some stupid idea taken from players who only want to grind afk and not play Rawbeard i think they do light and shadow anyway in maps and mirage have arledy desing skill so i think it not problem and problem is players who just cant pick other frame from 56!!!
  14. Darlf

    titania Spellbind bug

    after last patch or two patch my titania cant use spellbind after use Razorwing, but whey i stop use it my 1 back, alos whne i change keys to from 1 to other key or use select skill option and use selceted skill, it work normal is like only on key 1 and fly spellbind not work. Im not play many time her last time so this can be from last two patch meyby even 3. Alos i reset my keyborad option and it not help so it is a total random my acc and pc bug or is warframe bug. To be sure is be nice of somone test it on his warframe and tell here he have this problem to or not.
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