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  1. I can agree with you about that. But that is a good way of letting your inner child come out. The bad way is rushing people who are already doing their best at work and complaining about everything that doesn't work. All that as a customer in which most cases does not even support the game
  2. That's the smart way to go through a complex feature without bugs. The other way is be the first and provide feedback so you solve the bugs and have a complete account before the others. Most of them are just grown-ass man that act like children because are impatient and if something happens keep complaining about the bugs. GO DEVELOP YOUR OWN GAME
  3. I'm pretty sure it's not always up to those who care. Plus it already happened to promise a thing and then have to go back on their word for not being able to fulfill it. Why would they have to keep promising stuff if nothing is certain. Just wait for the daily news and stop stressing. Go have a walk rather than harassing DE on forums they ain't even reading
  4. Why are you acting like a child, just stay in line and wait for your turn. If they could roll it out to everyone they would've done it already like any other update. It's more complex than it seems so stay shut in line and stop complaining. We are all waiting for the same thing you're not entitled to have it sooner anyway so don't complain about others being so
  5. Bro Fortnite came out in 2017 while Warframe in 2013. Do you really want to compare the coding level difference? From one year to another a new innovating programming language can come out and destroy the past ones so you can imagine the amount of improvements you get in 4.. Just look at the difference between UE and MOST non-UE games
  6. no u I know what's going to happen, but I'm not sure spamming in this topic is ban safe
  7. I would like to send a message to all those who are impatiently waiting for news that DE has been doing very well with the updates so far considering the game is so old. You clearly don't know the amount of bugs and failed programs you can get cause of the spaghetti coding. They are certainly doing things way smoother than you can imagine. The simple fact of merging different platforms into one is easier said than done and the amount of problems that can occur by doing it 'automatically and instantly' is enormous and can lead to disastrous outcomes so unless you want your account and years spent into the game to magically disappear, never rush delicate stuff like data transfering and altering🤫
  8. It's possible. The amount of prime packs is also higher compared to the amount of founders so they may just have not finished with the phase 2 merging.
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