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  1. none of the costs will go down, but technically yes.
  2. can't a man sculpt a boulder to be absolutely caked up without someone lookin' at the rock funny?
  3. I mean, that's the whole thing, you're spending currency, either real or virtual to get more server space to hold onto your unique items that are 'special', same with appearance configs and ETC. but there's going to be an upperlimit where you can't reasonably hold that much info for each and every player.
  4. I find that the whole thing is working around the metal-meatsuits as they are, and that's part of the charm, we control them, but they aren't our 'character', that would be us in the back of the ship going "Man, I wish that backpack was straight caked up bro" we customize that, change all sorts of things on, as that's meant to be us, rather than metal-meatsuit we control via brainwaves.
  5. you aint need no fairy flyin' to be moving at the speed of light, and no, I'm not talking 'bout gauss either, it's just the unfortunate thing of the game being very easy to move at mach 3000, not that I think slowing the player down is a good idea either, just y'kno, is a part of the fact we can move just as fast as those 'speedy' frames by mastering the movement alone. Not excusing players that act like jerks though, and make it so people can't extract with their relics popped, just that the 'solution' for these types of players is gonna annoy way more than just those players, again, especially if they target movespeed in general, as whilst titania and etc make it easy to access to those speeds, they aren't exclusive to those frames.
  6. Especially at the later parts where they go "oh yeaaaaahh wait a minute, we rated this game M we don't have to make up replacement expletives, we can just say them outright"
  7. man, listen, DE is trying to get you to do the opposite of that, that's why the new mode with RNG loadouts doesn't have a "here's a freebie!" they want you to have as many items as you can, with the best loadout you can, and they want you to keep everything, that's what they want you to do, not just go and sell every little thing, at most, sell the normal version if you get a variant or prime.
  8. These are considered "important items" so y'know, they want you to have it in your inventory, especially the login rewards, and the quest items. As for glyphs why you wanna get rid of them? they take up no space???
  9. Which is what I suggested, have it be a different option from the aux slot.
  10. Fashion statement, like anything else pertaining to character visuals in the game, some people rather practical fashion that hides when they're invis, others want their fashion to be shown off with a glow, and other people want ivara prime starfield invis effect.
  11. because it's visible to other players, and could be a part of people's fashion, I think it should be a separate slot from aux' but there's nothing wrong with it being something you equip
  12. drifter can't use all emotes in normal gameplay, only in 2 areas, being new war, and duviri, everywhere else he's just operator but taller. (also they let us back in the day, when the war within came out, they let us do all emotes with the operator, they got rid of that quick, just like how they got rid of drifter parazon finishers quick, or the equip pistols on drifter bug quick,) And also, for the "bones" thing, we can do every emote on kahl. Edit: turns out, I thought they patched it, but no, it's still in the game, I just did it now to confirm.
  13. Eh, pay to skip is a hard no, nuh-uh. I know technically you can get to the latest quests and etc. MR 0, but, well, I don't think they were exactly made in mind for someone who's stuck with a mk1 braton that only has an ammodrum, and the only other times they've allowed people to get higher level items than they're meant too, is when they spend real world cha-ching on bundles, like prime access.
  14. Currently all parazon looks are hidden, (and even then, they're quite buggy where the skin'll just not be there in a scene for some reason). and I don't mind that, really. As for 'arm mounted interface looks' I personally already use the dendra for that exact purpose, and if anything, I'd rather have something as large as the onos on my left arm than my right if we got 'forearm accessories', as in most cases, that's the arm facing the baddies.
  15. Hello, I'm of the group of people who use the drifter (and Kahl) camp (with a contest win involving the Drifter camp), and I am allied with steel meridian, and I'd like it, if we were able to have one or both of these two things I'd like, 1: I'd like to be able to put syandana's on Kahl, I don't think I need to go further into this, because I feel it's self explanatory, but I should also add, I like the tennocon 2024 backpack, and I'd like to shove it on Khal, give him all the storage! 2: I'd like to be able to wear the Grineer helmets you unlock with Kahl on the Drifter, since the drifter is (albeit only in 2 cases) shown to be in a more active combat role than the operator, I figured it'd be nice to wear a helmet, (and also rep for Kahl and SM if you're allied with them) I understand the same thing for armor probably would never come (since Grineer shoulder armor is so big, and their chest armor doesn't line up with our character's chests,) Included are poorly photoshopped examples of what I'd like regarding point 2.
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